西漢著名銅燈,是一件馳名中外的藝術瑰寶.1968年在河北滿城西漢中山靖王劉勝妻竇綰墓出土.通高48厘米,重1585公斤,人高445厘米.器面通體鎏金,D其造型為一個雙手持燈的宮女跪持燈狀,其上有銘文“長信”二字,據考證,此燈曾為當時“長信宮”使用.燈的設計十分合理、精巧.燈座、燈盤、燈罩皆可拆卸,燈盤為雙重直壁,插置兩片弧形屏板作燈罩,燈罩可開合,以調節光照度的寬窄.燈盤可轉動,屏板可開合,燈光照度和照射方向可調節.宮女的頭部和右臂可拆卸,側舉右臂和下垂作燈蓋的右袖,視覺上增加了造型的美觀,同時使燈盤內空氣流通,幫助蠟燭燃燒,右臂為煙的通道,可將煙導入體腔,容納於宮女器身中,使室內保持清潔.燈各部位可拆卸,便於清除煙垢,設計十分科學.宮女姿態神情塑造得生動細膩.此燈是漢代燈具的代表作.&&&&漆工藝 Western Han, a famousbronzelamp, is a famous art treasures .1968 Mancheng in Hebei Zhongshan HanJingWang Sheng's wife Dou bind tomb. Pass 48 centimeters high and weighs 1585 kilograms, a man's height 445 centimeters. Quintana gilt device side, D the shape of a hand holding the lamp palace kneeling held up a lantern-shaped, its inscriptions on "long letter" words, according to research, the lights worked when the "long letter Palace" use. lamp design is very reasonable, and delicate. light Block, Medallions, shade are removable,Lightplate for a double straight walls, insert home two curved screen panels for shade, shade can be opened and closed to regulate the illumination of the width. Medallions can be rotation, screen plate can be opened and closed the direction of light illumination and exposure can be adjusted. odalisque removable head and right arm, lateral move the right arm, and drooping of the right sleeve for lamp cover, an increase of the shape of visual beauty, while the air flow Light plate to help the candle burning , right arm for the smoke channel, you can smoke into the body cavity, the body of the house at the maids of honor, so that room kept clean. light of various parts detachable, easy to remove soot and design is very scientific. odalisque gesture looked very lively and delicate shape. This Light is the representative of the Han Dynasty lamp .&&&& paint process