



  • 書名:鐵路軌道技術
  • 作者:任娟娟
  • 出版日期:2014年6月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787564320263
  • 外文名:Railway Track Technology
  • 出版社:西南交通大學出版社
  • 頁數:294頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:西南交通大學出版社




1 The Track Structure
1.1 General information
1.2 Rail
 船嘗葛 1.3 Sleepers
1.4 Joining of Rails
1.5 RaiIFastenings
1.6 Ballast and Ballastbed
2 Track Geometry
2.1 Generallnformation
戰習喇2.2 Running Gear of Rolling Stocks
2.3 Track Geometry Elements
2.4 Gauge Widening on Curved Tracks
2.5 Superelevation on Curved Tracks
2.6 EasementCurve orTransition Spiral
3 MechanicaIAnalysis of Track
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Force Acting on the Track
3.3 Static Calculations of Track Under Virtual Loads—theory of Beams
on Continuous Elastic Foundations
4 Wheel—raillnterface
4.1 Wheel—railguidance
4.2 Wheelset and Track Dimensions
4.3 Conicity
4.4 Lateral Movement of a Wheelset on Straight Track
4.5 EquivalentConicity
4.6 Worn Wheel Profiles
 催和禁市 4.7 Wheel rail Contact Stresses
4.8 Train Resistances
5 The Slab Track
5.1 Requirements of Slab Track
5.2 Inserted Design Types on Support Points with Sleeper
5.3 Laid—on Design
5.4 Monolithic Designs on Supporting Points without Sleeper
5.5 Pre—fabricated Designs on Supporting Points without Sleeper
5.6 Sleepers or Blocks Embedded in Concrete
想良局5.7 Structures with Asphalt—concrete Roadbed
5.8 The Rail Fastening
5.9 The Calculation Method
6 The Switches
6.1 Summary
6.2 The Standard Turnout
6.3 Geometry of the Turnout
6.4 Types ofTurnouts and Crossings
6.5 Elements of Switches
6.6 Speed Through Tumout and Means of Increasing it
6.7 Laying and MaintananceofTumout
7 Continuously Welded Rail Track(CWR Track)
7.1 General Information
7.2 Fundamental Principles
7.3 Stability of CWR Track
7.4 Design of CWR Tracks
7.5 CWR track on Bridges
8 Track Maintenance and Repair
8.1 Inspection of Track Geometry
8.2 Fundamental Principles for Maintenance Work
8.3 Regular Maintenance of Track
8.4 Arrangements of Curtailed Rails on Curved Tracks
8.5 String Lining of Curves
8.6 Capital Repair of Tracks


