


  • 中文名:鐘兆真
  • 學位/學歷:碩士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:公共政策、科技政策、創新體系理論
  • 任職院校:武漢大學




Domestic and International Students who are interested in renewable energy policy research and pharmaceutical/health technology innovation management are welcome to apply for postdoctoral research, degree recruitments or research assistants 公共政策、科技政策、創新體系理論、政治經濟學、公共治理與經濟發展、再生能源政策與可持續發展、醫藥產業政策


一、 科研項目
1. 「能源創新政策與產業發展:以台灣生質能源創新政策為例」,「國家科學委員會」(台灣地區)新進人員研究計畫(MOST 102-2410-H-006 -044),2013.8-2015.1單一主持人
2. 「能源創新政策與產業發展:以丹麥生質能源創新政策為例」,「科技部」(台灣地區)一般型研究計畫(MOST 103-2410-H-006 -108 -MY2) , 2014.8-2016.9單一主持人
1. CHUNG, C.-C. (2018). Technological innovation systems in multi-level governance frameworks: The case of Taiwan’s biodiesel innovation system (1997–2016). Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 130-142. (SCI收錄, IF:5.715) (JCR: 一區, Engineering Environmental:6/49)
2. CHUNG, C.-C. & HU, H. (2018). Divergent trajectories of sectoral evolution: The case of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China (1949–2015). Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 128, 252-261. (SSCI收錄, IF:2.678) (JCR: 一區, Planning and Development: 4/55)
3. CHUNG, C.-C.* & YANG, S.-C. 2016. The emergence and challenging growth of the bio-ethanol innovation system in Taiwan (1949-2015) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 1-15. (SCI收錄, IF:2.035) (JCR: 二區, Environmental Sciences: 101/225)
4. HU, H. & CHUNG, C.-C.* (2015). The innovation and modernisation of herbal piece in China: system evolution and policy transitions (1950s-–2010s). European journal of integrative medicine7, 645-649. (SCI收錄, IF:0.769) (JCR:四區, Integrative and Complementary Medicine: 21/24)
5. HU, H. & CHUNG, C.-C.* (2015). Biopharmaceutical Innovation System in China: System Evolution and Policy Transitions (Pre-1990s-2010s). International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 4, 1-7. (ESCI收錄)
6. CHUNG, C.-C. (2013). Government, policy-making and the development of innovation system: The cases of Taiwanese pharmaceutical biotechnology policies (2000–2008). Research Policy, 42, 1053-1071. (SSCI收錄, IF:3.47) (JCR: 一區, Planning and Development: 2/55)
7. CHUNG, C.-C. (2013). Biopharmaceutical Innovation System and the Influence of Policies: The Case of Taiwan (2000-2008). International Journal of Health Policy and Management 1, 135-140. (ESCI收錄)
8. CHUNG, C.-C. (2012). National, sectoral and technological innovation systems: The case of Taiwanese pharmaceutical biotechnology and agricultural biotechnology innovation systems (1945–2000). Science and public policy, 39, 271-281. (SSCI收錄, IF:1.538) (JCR: 二區, Public Administration: 18/47)
9. 鐘兆真、蕭全政 (2007) 美國的網際霸權.台灣社會研究季刊, 68, 297-344. (TSSCI收錄)
1. 鐘兆真. (2007) .透視IT巨塔: 信息、權力與美國霸權. 台北市, 黎明文化. 2007.
1. CHUNG, C.-C. & HU, H. 2017. Entrepreneurships, international knowledge spill over and the evolution of the innovation system: The case of pharmaceutical innovation system in China. 7-9 June, 2017. EU-SPRI Conference, 2017 Vienna, Austria.
2. CHUNG, C.-C. & HU, H. Divergent trajectories of sectoral evolution: The case of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China (1949-2015). 7-10 June, 2016. EU-SPRI Lund Conference, 2016 Lund University, Sweden.
3. CHUNG, C.-C. 2016. National technological innovation systems: Taiwan’s biodiesel innovation system (1997–2015). June 13-15, 2016. The DRUID16 20th Anniversary Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
4. CHUNG, C.-C. 2015. The emergence and troubled growth of bio-diesel innovation system in Taiwan. 10-12 June, 2015. The 2015 Annual Conference of the EU-SPRI Forum. Helsinki, Finland
5. CHUNG, C.-C. 2014. Governance, policy-making and the innovation of agricultural biotechnology: The case of the Taiwanese biotechnology and agricultural policies (2000-2008). 16-18 June, 2014. DRUID 2014. Copenhagen, Denmark.
6. CHUNG, C.-C. 2013. Governance, policy-making and the innovation of agricultural biotechnology: The case of the Taiwanese biotechnology and agricultural policies (2000-2008). The Asian Conference on Politics, Economy ad Law. Osaka, Japan.
7. KO, C.-E., CHEN, C.-J., DAI, Y.-F. & CHUNG, C.-C. (2011). A Comparative Study of Governance Structure for Policy Foresight. In: UNIVERSITY, Y. (ed.) Yeditepe International Research Conference on Foresight. Istanbul, Turkey: Yeditepe University.
8. CHUNG, C.-C. (2008) Government, governance and innovation policies in small states ~taking Ireland’s and Taiwan’s biotechnology policies for examples ~. IN PRIME_NETWORK_OF_EXCELLENCE (Ed.) EU-US Early Career Researcher Conference on Research and Innovation Studies. University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
9. CHUNG, C.-C. (2009) Government, Governance and Biotechnology Policies in Taiwan (2000-2008) IN PRIME_NETWORK_OF_EXCELLENCE (Ed.) Challenges in Research and Innovation Policy Studies. The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
10.CHUNG, C.-C. (2009) Policy-making processes and policy-mixed effects of Taiwan’s biotechnology policies (2000-2008). IN LUND_UNIVERSITY (Ed.) “FOCUS ASIA: Contemporary Issues in Taiwanese Innovation and Industrial. Lund University, Sweden.


1. 邁向頂尖大學計畫,「邁向頂尖大學計畫研究獎勵」,「教育部」(台灣地區),2016,排序:單一
2. 邁向頂尖大學計畫,「邁向頂尖大學計畫 高排名期刊獎」,「教育部」(台灣地區),2013,排序:單一


