錢鋒,男,1961年出生,江蘇揚中人,漢族,博士、教授、博士生導師。 國家傑出青年科學基金獲得者、新世紀百千萬人才工程國家級人選、全國發明創業獎獲得者、上海市勞動模範、上海市優秀學科帶頭人。享受國務院特殊津貼。 2006年榮獲國家科學技術進步獎二等獎。2015年當選中國工程院化工、冶金與材料工程學部院士。2017年任九三學社第十四屆中央委員會委員。
- 中文名:錢鋒
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:江蘇揚中
- 出生日期:1961年4月
- 職業:教授、副校長、博士生導師
- 畢業院校:南京化工學院
- 主要成就:全國發明創業獎獲得者
- Develop A Kinetic Model for Industrial Oxidation of P-xylene by RBF-PLS and CGA. AIChE J,2004,50⑹: 1169-1176.
- The Feature-Preserving Map of High-Dimensional Complex Chemical Objects Using Non-Linear Map Integrated with Correlative Component Analysis. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2005,75⑴: 13-22.
- 4-CBA Soft Sensor Based on Fuzzy CMAC Neural Networks. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2005,13⑶: 437-440.
- Optimization of PTA Crystallization Process Based on Fuzzy GMDH Networks and Differential Evolutionary Algorithm.,Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3611: 631-635 2005.
- A Dissimilation Particle Swarm Optimization-Based Elman Network and Applications for Identifying and Controlling Ultrasonic Motors. Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems Using Soft Computing Techniques,Advances in Soft Computing 41,2007,397-407.
- Online Wavelet De-Nosing via a Moving Window,Acta Automatica Sinica,2007,33⑼: 897-901.
- Fuzzy Fault Diagnosis System of MCFC. High Technology Letters,2005,11⑴:72-74.
- Robust tuning method for modified smith predictor. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics,2007,18⑴:89-94.
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- Adaptive Immune Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Immune Network Regulatory Mechanism. Journal of Dong Hua University (English Edition),2007,l24⑴:142-146.
- The Applications of Prior-knowledge-based Differential Evolutionary Algorithm in PTA Crystallization Process. Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,Hangzhou,2004,vol⑷:3466-3470.
- Fuzzy Internal Model Controller of Mcfc. 2005 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,ICMLC 2005,Guangzhou,1493-1497.
- An Expert System for Real-time Fault Diagnosis and Its Application in PTA Process,Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,Dalian,2006,vol⑺: 5623-5627.
- Chaos-Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Optimization,Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,Dalian,2006. vol⑵: 1563-1566.
- Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm with a constrained-domination principle for constrained multi-objective optimization. Soft computation. 2012.
- Development of a free radical kinetic model for industrial oxidation of p-Xylene based on ANN and AIGA. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012.
- Novel hybrid evolutionary algorithm for dynamic optimization problems and its application in an ethylene oxide hydration reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2012
- Dynamic optimization of chemical engineering problems using a control vector parameterization method with an iterative genetic algorithm. Engineering Optimization, 2013.
- Development of a Kinetic Model for Industrial Entrained Flow Coal Gasifier. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013.
- Synchronization in complex networks and its application – A survey of recent advances and challenges. Annual Reviews in Control 2014.
- Modeling and Optimization of a Steam System in a Chemical Plant Containing Multiple Direct Drive Steam Turbines. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014.
- Frequency analysis and compensation of valve stiction in cascade control loops. Journal of Process Control. 2014.
- Multi-input−Multi-output (MIMO) Control System PerformanceMonitoring Based on Dissimilarity Analysis.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2014.
- Impact of Flue Gas Radiative Properties and Burner Geometry in Furnace Simulations. AIChE Journal. 2015.
- Quasi-Synchronization of Heterogeneous Dynamic Networks via Distributed Impulsive Control: Error Estimation, Optimization and Design. Automatica 2015.
- Impact of radiation models in coupled simulations of steam cracking furnaces and reactors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015.