釣魚口袋指南The Pocket Guide to Fishing

釣魚口袋指南The Pocket Guide to Fishing



  • 作者:Pierre Affre
  • ISBN:9783829043526
  • 頁數:255
  • 定價:20.00元
  • 出版社:Konemann UK Ltd (2002年1月1日)
  • 出版時間:2002-1
  • 裝幀:平裝
The Pocket Guide to Fishing is an international panorama which provides coverage of the various fish species (Salmonidae, Ciprinidae, carnivorous fish, etc) and the appropriate techniques for catching each. The ecology, biology and geographical distribution of each species are presented in detail, while the fishing methods are explained by means of illustrations and text. Written by a team of specialists, this guide is aimed not only at the passionate angler, but also at the casual fisherman looking for a good catch at home or abroad.
length: (cm)17.8       width:(cm)12.8


