When two materials, e.g., a semiconductor and a metal, make a contact, charge is redistributed between the two, which in general have different work-functions, to reach thermal equilibrium and equalize the Fermi level. That's the reason why you have band bending in the semiconductor and the formation of a barrier. The electron barrier from metal to semiconductor equals in this ideal case the metal's work-function minus the semiconductor's electron affinity, hence it varies with the specific metal used. When many surface traps are concentrated at some energy level in the semiconductor's band-gap, the amount of charge required to equalize the Fermi level can be provided by the traps (which are full or empty of electrons depending on whether they sit below or above the Fermi level) with very small displacement of the Fermi level (zero displacement in the limit of infinite trap density). Hence the Fermi level is stuck ("pinned") at the trap energy level, and the electron barrier from metal to semiconductor equals in this case the energy difference between the semiconductor's conduction band and the trap level, hence it is independent of the specific metal used.