叢書名: 金點思維繫列
平裝: 258頁
讀者對象: 11-14歲
正文語種: 英語, 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787508831510
條形碼: 9787508831510
尺寸: 22.8 x 16.6 x 1.4 cm
重量: 322 g
Module 1 中考完形題型點津
Module 2 School Life
Module 3 Holiday Life
Module 4 Fanoily Love and Friendship
Module 5 Interest and Hobbies
Module 6 Reading and Learning
Module 7 Work and Communication
Module 8 Internet and Life
Module 9 Fashions
Module 10 Famous People
Module 11 Background and Culture
Module 12 Modem Technology
Module 13 Poptl|ar Science
Module 14 Sports
Module 15 Health and Diet
Module 16 Cities and CoulltrieS
Module 17 EnvironmenI and Economy
Module 18 WeatheF and DisasterS
Module 19 Animals and PlanIS
Module 20 TraveI a,id Transporlation
Module 21 The Story of Growing up
Module 22 Lmldscape in Foreign Country
Module 23 HIIlIlOFOUS StoriCS
Module 24 Society Life
Module 25 Topical Issues