


  • 中文名:金釗
  • 外文名:JIN, Zhao
  • 國籍:中華人名共和國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:湖北
  • 職業:科研人員
  • 性 別::  男
  • 職 稱::  研究員
  • 通訊地址: :西安市雁塔區雁翔路97號


姓 名:  金釗


金 釗,男,1979年12月出生,湖北鹹寧人


1. Jin Zhao, Dong Yunshe, Wang Yunqiang, Wei Xiaorong, Wang Yafeng, Cui Buli, Zhou Weijian. Natural vegetation restoration is more beneficial to soil surface organic and inorganic carbon sequestration than tree plantation on the Loess Plateau of China. Science of the Total Environmen
2. Jin Zhao. The creation of farmland by gulling filling on the Loess Plateau: a double-edge sword. Environmental Science & Technology
3. Jin Zhao, Dong Yunshe, Qi Yuchun, Liu Weiguo, An Zhisheng. Characterizing variations in soil particle size distribution along grass-desert shrub transition in the Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia, China. Land Degradation & Development
4. Jin Zhao, Cui Buli, Song Yi, Shi Weiyu, Wang Kaibo, Wang Yi, and Liang Jing. Viewpoint: How Many Check Dams Do We Need To Build on the Loess Plateau? Environmental Science & Technology,
5. Jin Zhao, Dong Yunshe, Qi Yuchun, An Zhisheng. Soil respiration and net primary productivity in perennial grass and desert shrub ecosystems at the Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Environments
6. Jin Zhao, Dong Yunshe, Qi Yuchun, Manfred Domroes. Precipitation pulses and soil CO2 emission in desert shrub land of Artemisia ordosica on the Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia, China. Pedosphere
7. Jin Zhao, Qi Yuchun, Dong Yunshe, Manfred Domroes. Seasonal patterns of soil respiration in three types of communities along grass-desert shrub transition in Inner Mongolia, China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
8. Jin Zhao, Qi Yuchun, Dong Yunshe. Biomass allocation and net primary productivity in desert shrubland of Artemisia ordosica on Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Forestry Research
9. Jin Zhao, Qi Yuchun, Dong Yunshe. Diurnal and seasonal dynamics of soil respiration in desert shrubland of Artemisia Ordosica on Ordos Plateau of Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Forestry Research
10. Qi Yuchun, Dong Yunshe, Jin Zhao, Peng Qin, Xiao Shengsheng, He Yating. Spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients and respiration in the desertified grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Pedosphere
11. Yang Yusheng, Guo Jianfen, Chen Guangshui, Xie Jinsheng, Gao Ren, Li Zhen, Jin Zhao. Carbon and nitrogen pools in Chinese fir and evergreen broadleaved forests and changes associated with felling and burning in mid-subtropical China. Forest Ecology & Management
12. Yang Yusheng, Guo Jianfen, Chen Guangshui, Xie Jinsheng, Gao Ren, Li Zhen, Jin Zhao. Litter production, seasonal pattern and nutrient return in seven natural forests compared with a plantation in southern China. Forestry
13. 金釗,董雲社,齊玉春. 區分純根呼吸和根際微生物呼吸的爭議. 土壤
14. 金釗,董雲社,齊玉春. 綜論土壤呼吸各組分區分方法. 地理科學進展
15. 楊玉盛, 陳光水, 王小國, 謝錦升, 高人, 李震, 金釗.中國亞熱帶森林轉換對土壤呼吸動態及通量的影響. 生態學報




