

金賽蒙,化學博士,重慶大學化學化工學院講師,碩士研究生導師。2006年-2010年期間本科就讀於四川大學,師從中國工程院石碧院士,2010年獲四川大學工學學士學位。2011年-2017年於英國約克大學(University of York)深造,師從在綠色化學界聲譽極高的James H. Clark教授,從事有機碳酸化學與理論有機化學的研究,於2013年獲得英國約克大學碩士學位,2017年獲得英國約克大學化學博士學位。2018年3月入職重慶大學化學化工學院,加入魏順安,申威峰課題組,從事綠色化學化工及其相關領域的科研與教學工作。在Green ChemistryAIChE Journal、Separation and Purification Technology、Journal of Cleaner Production、Catalysis Science & Technology、Energy、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research等一區及二區國際SCI學術期刊上發表論文24篇。曾指導學生獲得“第十二屆全國大學生化工設計競賽特等獎、“2018年西南賽區大學生化工設計競賽特等獎等。擔任國際學術期刊《Frontiers in Sustainable Production》編輯,長期擔任包括 《Chemistry of Materials》(影響因子>10)在內的多個頂級SCI期刊的審稿人。重慶一中外聘AP化學(大學化學)主講教師


  • 中文名:金賽蒙
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:重慶
  • 職業:大學老師
  • 畢業院校:英國約克大學/四川大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:有機碳酸化學,理論有機化學
  • 職務:重慶大學化學化工學院碩士研究生導師


2012.10-2017.01 博士 英國約克大學 化學 (導師 James H. Clark)
2011.10-2012.10 碩士英國約克大學 化學 (導師 James H. Clark)
2006.09-2010.06 學士 四川大學輕化工程 (導師 石碧院士)






24. Zihao Wang, Yang Su, Weifeng Shen,* Saimeng Jin,* JamesH. Clark, Jingzheng Ren, Xiangping Zhang, Predictive deep learning models for environmental properties: the direct calculation of octanol-water partition coefficients from molecular graphs,Green Chemistry, 2019, 21, 4555-4565(影響因子9.480, 化學一區,Top期刊).
23. Yang Su, Zihao Wang, Saimeng Jin, Weifeng Shen,* Jingzheng Ren, Mario Eden, An architecture of deep learning in QSPR modeling for the prediction of critical properties using molecular signatures, AIChE Journal, 2019, 65, e16678(影響因子3.519, 化工頂級期刊).
22. Ao Yang, Yang Su, Liumei Teng,* Saimeng Jin, Teng Zhou, Weifeng Shen,* Investigation of energy-efficient and sustainable reactive/pressure-swing distillation processes to recover tetrahydrofuran and ethanol from the industrial effluent, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020,250, 117210(影響因子5.774, 工程一區, Top期刊) .
21. Zihao Wang, Yang Su, Saimeng Jin, Weifeng Shen,* Jingzheng Ren, Xiangping Zhang and James H. Clark, A novel unambiguous strategy of molecular feature extraction in machine learning assisted predictive models for environmental properties, Green Chemistry, 2020, 22, 3867-3876(影響因子9.480, 化學一區,Top期刊).
20. Yanjie Hu, Fuhua Li, Shun'an Wei, Saimeng Jin,*Weifeng Shen,* Design and optimization of the efficient extractive distillation process for separating the binary azeotropic mixture methanol-acetone based on the quantum chemistry and conceptual design, Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 242, 116829(影響因子5.774, 工程一區, Top期刊).
19. Hong Wang, Yang Su, Dan Wang, Saimeng Jin, Shun'an Wei,*Weifeng Shen,* Optimal design and energy-saving investigation of the triple CO2 feeds for methanol production system by combining steam and dry methane reforming, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 4, 1596-1606(影響因子3.573, 工程二區,Top期刊).
18. Yichen Li, Renxing Wei, Ruiying Zhang, Weifeng Shen,* Saimeng Jin,* In silico modelling of a novel refrigeration process of the ammonia/water falling-film absorption,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020, 59, 3, 1362-1373(影響因子3.573, 工程二區,Top期刊).
17. Tao Shi, Wei Chun, Ao Yang, Saimeng Jin, Weifeng Shen,* Jingzheng Ren, Jinglian Gu, The process control of the triple-column pressure-swing extractive distillation with partial heat integration, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 116416(影響因子5.774, 工程一區,Top期刊).
16. Tao Shi, Wei Chun, Ao Yang, Yang Su, Saimeng Jin, Jingzheng Ren, Weifeng Shen,* Optimization and control of energy saving side-stream extractive distillation with heat integration for separating ethyl acetate-ethanol azeotrope, Chemical Engineering Science, 2019,115373 (影響因子3.871,工程二區,Top期刊).
15. Yang Su, Saimeng Jin, Xiangping Zhang, Weifeng Shen,* Mario R. Eden, Jingzheng Ren, Stakeholder-oriented multi-objective process optimization based on an improved genetic algorithm, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2020,132, 106618 (影響因子4.000,工程二區).
14. Ao Yang,Saimeng Jin, Weifeng Shen,* Peizhe Cui,* I-Lung Chien, Jingzheng Ren, Investigation of energy-saving azeotropic dividing wall column to achieve cleaner production via heat exchanger network and heat pump technique,Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 234, 410-422(影響因子7.246, 環境科學與生態學一區,Top期刊).
13. Ao Yang, Yang Su, I-Lung Chien, Saimeng Jin, Chenglei Yan, Shun'an Wei, Weifeng Shen,* Investigation of an energy-saving double-thermally coupled extractive distillation for separating ternary system benzene/toluene/cyclohexane,Energy, 2019, 186, 115756(影響因子6.082, 工程一區,Top期刊).
12. Mokhtaria Addouni, Hassiba Benyounes,* Saimeng Jin,* Boumediene Haddou, Weifeng Shen, Extraction process design for the separation of aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbon using organic solvent, ionic liquid or their mixture: a comparative study, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 1-16(影響因子1.027,工程四區).(DOI: 10.1007/s43153-019-00006-9)
11. Jingcheng Du, Cailong Zhou,* Li Chen, Jiang Cheng, Pihui Pi, Jihao Zuo, Weifeng Shen, Saimeng Jin, Luxi Tan, Lichun Dong, Gate-embedding strategy for pore size manipulation on stainless steel mesh: toward highly efficient water-in-oil nanoemulsions separation,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58, 15288-15296(影響因子3.573, 工程二區, Top期刊).
10. Kai Liang, Saimeng Jin, Hengzhi Chen, Weifeng Shen,* Jingzheng Ren, Shun'an Wei,* Parametric optimization of packed bed for activated coal fly ash waste heat recovery using CFD techniques, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 28, 518-525(影響因子2.627, 工程三區).
9. Tao Shi, Ao Yang, Saimeng Jin, Weifeng Shen,* Shun'an Wei, Jingzheng Ren, Comparative optimal design and control of two alternative approaches for separating heterogeneous mixtures isopropyl alcohol-isopropyl acetate-water with four azeotropes, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 225, 1-17(影響因子5.774, 工程一區,Top期刊).
8. Jingcheng Du, Changyuan Zhang, Hong Pu, Yufeng Li, Saimeng Jin, Luxi Tan, Cailong Zhou,* Lichun Dong,* HKUST-1 MOFs decorated 3D copper foam with superhydrophobicity/superoleophilicity for durable oil/water separation, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 573, 222-229(影響因子3.990, 化學二區).
7. Fuhua Li, Mengna Bai, Shun'an Wei, Saimeng Jin,* Weifeng Shen,* Multidimension insight involving experimental and in silico investigation into the corrosion inhibition of N,N-dibenzyl dithiocarbamate acid on copper in sulfuric acid solution, Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research, 2019, 58(17), 7166-7178(免費封面文章, 影響因子3.573, 工程二區,Top期刊).
6. Yanjie Hu, Yang Su, Saimeng Jin, I-Lung Chien, Weifeng Shen,* Systematic approach for screening organic and ionic liquid solvents in homogeneous extractivedistillation exemplified by the tert-butanol dehydration, Separation and Purification Technology, 2019, 211, 723-737(影響因子5.774, 工程一區,Top期刊,ESI 1%高被引論文).
5. Saimeng Jin, Andrew J. Hunt, James H. Clark, Con Robert McElroy,* Acid-catalysed carboxymethylation, methylation and dehydration of alcohols and phenols with dimethyl carbonate under mild conditions, Green Chemistry, 2016, 18, 5839-5844 (影響因子9.480, 化學一區,Top期刊).
4. Saimeng Jin, Yin Tian,* Con Robert McElroy, Dongqi Wang, James H. Clark, Andrew J. Hunt,* DFT and experimental analysis of aluminium chloride as a Lewis acid proton carrier catalyst for dimethyl carbonate carboxymethylation of alcohols, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7, 4859-4865(影響因子5.773, 化學二區).
3. Saimeng Jin, Fergal Byrne, Con Robert McElroy, James Sherwood, James H. Clark, Andrew J. Hunt,* Challenges in the development of biobased solvents: a case study on methyl(2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl)methyl carbonate as an alternative aprotic solvent, Faraday Discussions, 2017, 202, 157-173(影響因子3.797, 化學二區).
2. Fergal P. Byrne, Saimeng Jin, Giulia Paggiola, Tabitha H. M. Petchey, James H. Clark,* Thomas J. Farmer, Andrew J. Hunt, Con Robert McElroy, James Sherwood, Tools and techniques for solvent selection: green solvent selection guides, Sustainable Chemical Processes, 2016, 4(7)(被引用次數185次).
1. Fergal P. Byrne, Saimeng Jin, James Sherwood, Con Robert McElroy, Thomas J. Farmer, James H. Clark, Andrew J. Hunt, Bio-based solvents, Chapter: Solventsfrom waste, Wiley, Editors: François Jérôme, Rafael Luque, 2017(專著).


