- 中文名:金立印
- 外文名:Liyin Jin
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:韓國培材大學
- 主要成就:2019年度中國管理學青年獎獲得者
- 職務:復旦大學決策與行為科學研究中心執行主任
- Liyin Jin and Yunhui Huang. 2019. How power states influence the persuasiveness of top-dog versus underdog appeals.Journal of Consumer Psychology29(2).243-261.
- Qian Xu,Liyin Jin, and Ying Zhang. 2019. The shifting preference for contingent rewards in goal pursuit.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology116(1).33-45.
- Liyin Jin and Yanqun He. 2018. How the frequency and amount of corporate donations affect consumer perception and behavioral responses.Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science46(6).1072-1088.
- Szu-chi Huang, Liyin Jin, and Ying Zhang. 2017. Step by step: Sub-goals as a source of motivation.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes141.1-15.
- Szu-chi Huang, Jordan Etkin, and Liyin Jin. 2017. How winning changes motivation in multiphase competitions.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology112(6).813-837.
- Echo Wen Wan, Rocky Peng Chen, and Liyin Jin. 2017. Judging a book by its cover? The effect of anthropomorphism on product attribute processing and consumer preference.Journal of Consumer Research43(6).1008-1030.
- Liyin Jin, Yunhui Huang, and Yanqun He. 2016. When does a service guarantee work? The roles of the popularity of service guarantees and firm reputation.Tourism Management57.272-285.
- Liyin Jin, Qian Xu, and Ying Zhang. 2015. Climbing the wrong ladder: The mismatch between consumers’ preference for subgoal sequences and actual goal performance.Journal of Marketing Research52(5).616-628.
- Liyin Jin, Bingyan Hu, and Yanqun He. 2014. The recent versus the out-dated: An experimental examination of the time-variant effects of online consumer reviews.Journal of Retailing90(4).552-566.
- Liyin Jin and Yunhui Huang . 2014. When giving money does not work: The differential effects of monetary versus in-kind rewards in referral reward programs.International Journal of Research in Marketing31(1).107-116.
- Liyin Jin, Yanqun He, and Ying Zhang. 2014. How power states influence consumers' perceptions of price unfairness.Journal of Consumer Research40(5).818-833.
- Liyin Jin, Szu-chi Huang, and Ying Zhang. 2013. The unexpected positive impact of fixed structures on goal completion.Journal of Consumer Research40(4).711-725.
- Liyin Jin and Yanqun He. 2013. Designing service guarantees with construal fit: Effects of temporal distance on consumer responses to service guarantees.Journal of Service Research16(2).202-215.
金立印,鄒德強,裘理瑾 服務定製的框架效應對消費者選擇的影響——服務選項類型的調節作用 2008年JMS中國行銷科學學術年會暨博士生論壇論文集 西安: 2008 501-512
金立印,鄒德強,王如意 網站品牌延伸的消費者評價——拓展模式、延伸相似度與母品牌類型的影響
金立印,王如意 消費者對網路評論信息的可信性評價——網站主導者、專業性及產品類別的影響
金立印,2006.10, 服務失敗-如何補救?,韓國學術信息出版社
2018.01 - 2021.12,項目負責人,助推策略對消費者行為的影響研究:觀察者視角,國家自然科學基金面上項目.
2015.07 - 2016.05,共同負責人,中國東方航空股份有限公司集團客戶及常旅客行銷研究,中國東方航空股份有限公司.
2015.04 - 2017.03,項目負責人,顧客忠誠計畫的設計與最佳化研究:目標結構的視角,2014年度“曙光計畫”.
2015.01 - 2017.12,項目負責人,消費者行為,國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金項目.
2015.01 - 2019.12,重大、重點項目子課題負責人,以福利增進為導向的消費者決策研究,國家自然科學基金重點項目.
2013.01 - 2016.12,項目負責人,新媒體環境下行銷信息的社會化傳播與消費者融入:群體動力機制、社會互動過程與市場反應,國家自然科學基金面上項目.
2012.09 - 2014.10,項目負責人,顧客推薦獎勵計畫的設計模式及其有效性研究,上海市哲學社會科學規劃一般課題.
2010.03—2011.02,課題參加人員,A Study on Consumers' Choice Behaviors of Mobile Internet Service: Theoretical and Practical Approaches of Cultural Dimensions and Perceptions,POSCO TJ Park Foundation.
2008.11— ,評審專家, 心理學報
2008.10— ,評審專家, 管理世界
2008.10— ,評審專家, 行銷科學學報
2008.01— , Member of Editorial Review Board,Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship