金科玉律(golden laws and precious rules)原形容法令條文的盡善盡美。現比喻必須遵守,不能變更的守則,信條。律:規章,法則;科:舊指法律條文。
- 中文名:金科玉律
- 外文名:golden laws and precious rules
- 出處:《劇秦美新》
- 拼音:jīn kē yù lǜ
- 金科玉律多指不可變更的條規,字面上是肯定的;清規戒律多指不合理的條條框框,是應該否定的。
- 金科玉律是中性詞語,只是用在特定的語句中,語句為貶義,而金科玉律本身仍是褒義,如“你說的就是金科玉律呀?”,此句並非貶義,而是置疑,但語句中的“金科玉律”仍是褒義。
Prevention is better that cure" is always the best motto when it come to health care.
In some creative forms, like lyric poetry, the importance of precocity has hardened into an iron law.
The oxford english dictionary, considered by manywordsmithsas the gold standard for the english language, is one ofthose that will be targeted.
This new edition is an essential tool for anyone who wants to know exactly what working in the marketing, advertising andpublic relations industry entails.
The golden rule is not to send any email unless you would be happy to see it made public.
The golden rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology and politics and sane living.
Make it a point to do something every day that you don't want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doingyour duty without pain.
This golden rule may prevent the loss of important data stored in your computer and help you avoid unnecessary stress.
When we work, there is one golden rule we should always remember: something well begun is half done.