- 中文名:金毅
- 外文名:Yi Jin
- 國籍:中華人民共和國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:湖北鄂州
- 出生日期:1979/01/15
- 職業:大學教師/博導
- 畢業院校:北京大學
- 信仰:科學
- 1998/9~2002/7,焦作工學院,本科
- 2002/9~2005/7,中國礦業大學(北京),理學碩士
- 2007/9~2011/7,北京大學,理學博士
- 現為河南理工大學資源環境學院副院長,教授,博士生導師
- 2016、2017年獲得河南省優秀碩士論文指導老師稱號
- 2014年獲河南理工大學“校級示範教師稱號”
- 主持國家自然科學青年基金項目:煤岩多孔介質中多相流體動態滲流機理與數值模擬
- 主持山西省煤層氣聯合基金項目:煤多尺度孔隙結構中煤層氣運移回響機制及生物繁衍模式
- 主持國家自然科學基金面上項目:煤裂-孔性雙重介質中煤層氣吸附/解吸運移機理的分形研究
- 主持山西省煤層氣聯合基金項目:西山礦區煤變質作用對儲層物性的影響及煤層氣開採潛能評估
- 主持河南省高校科技創新人才項目:煤儲層物性精細描述及煤層氣運移控制機理研究
- 金毅*、潘懋、姚凌青、馬翀:一種穩健變差函式計算方法. 北京大學學報(自然科學版),45(6):1033 – 1038,2009
- 金毅*、潘懋、 馬翀:地質變數變異函式統一套合方法的原理及驗證. 中國礦業大學學報,39(3):420 – 425,2010
- 金毅*、平瑞、潘懋、喬金海:區域土體膨脹率空間變異特徵分析與三維模擬. 岩石力學與工程學報,30(S2):3811 – 3819,2011
- 金毅*、鄭德順、潘懋、張璐:各向異性礦化特徵的分析與模擬及其在儲量估算中的套用. 地質學報,85(9):1519 – 1527,2011
- 金毅*、宋慧波、潘結南、鄭軍領、祝一搏:煤微觀結構三維表征及其孔-滲時空演化模式數值分析. 岩石力學與工程,32(S1):2632 – 2641,2013
- 金毅*、宋慧波、胡斌等:煤儲層分形孔隙結構中流體運移格子玻爾茲曼模擬.中國科學:地球科學,43(12): 1984-1995,2013
- 金毅*、祝一搏、吳影、鄭軍領、董佳斌、李翔:煤儲層粗糙割理中煤層氣運移機理數值分析. 煤炭學報,39(9):1826-1834,2014
- 金毅*、鄭君領、董佳斌、黃存捍等:自仿射粗糙割理中流體滲流的分形定律. 科學通報,60(21):2036 – 2047
- Jin Yi*、Song Huibo、Hu Bin、Zhu Yibo、Zheng Junling: Lattice Boltzmann simulation of fluid flow through coal reservoir's fractal pore structure. Science China Earth Sciences, 56 (9):1519-1530, 2013
- Yi Jin*、Jiabin Dong、Xiang Li, et.al. Kinematical measurement of hydraulic tortuosity of fluid flow in porous media. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 26 (2): 1550017, 2015
- Baoyu Wang、Yi Jin*、QING CHEN、et. al. Derivation of permeability-pore relationship for fractal porous reservoirs using series-parallel flow resistance model and lattice Boltzmann method. Fractals,22(3): 1440005, 2014
- Yi Jin*, Yibo Zhu, Xiang Li, Junling Zheng and Jiabin Dong: Scaling Invariant Effects on the Permeability of Fractal Porous Media. Transport in porous media, 109(2) : 433–453, 2015
- Yi Jin*, Jiabin Dong, Xiangyu Zhang, Xiang Li and Ying Wu: Scale and size effects on fluid flow through self-affine rough fractures. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 105: 443-451, 2017
- Yi Jin*, Jiabin Dong, Xiangyu Zhang, Xiang Li and Ying Wu: A mathematical model of fluid flow in tight porous media based on fractal assumptions.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108, Part A: 1078-1088, 2017
- Yi Jin*,Ying Wu,Hui Li,Xianhe Liu and Mengyu Zhao. Definition of fractal topography to essential understanding of scale-invariance. Scientific Reports (Nature), doi: 10.1038/ srep46672, 2017
- Yi Jin*, Xianhe Liu, Huibo Song, Junling Zheng, Jienan Pan. General Fractal Topography: an open mathematical framework to characterize and model mono-scale-invariances. Nonlinear Dynamics, 96: 2413-2436, 2017,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-019-04931-9
- Shi, X., J. Pan, Q. Hou, Y. Jin, Z. Wang, Q. Niu, M. Li , Micrometer-scale fractures in coal related to coal rank based on micro-CT scanning and fractal theory, Fuel, 212: 162-172, 2018,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2017.09.115
- Niu, Q., J. Pan, Y. Jin, H. Wang, M. Li, Z. Ji, K. Wang, Z. Wang, Fractal study of adsorption-pores in pulverized coals with various metamorphism degrees using N2 adsorption, X-ray scattering and image analysis methods, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 176, 584-593, 2019,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2019.01.107
- Pan, J., Y. Zhao, Q. Hou and Y. Jin: Nanoscale Pores in Coal Related to Coal Rank and Deformation Structures. Transport in porous media, 107(2) : 543 – 554, 2015