- 中文名:鄭相周
- 外文名:Xiangzhou Zheng
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:陝西機械學院
- 職稱:副教授
1980-1984: 陝西機械學院,機械製造工藝及設備專業,工學學士 1984-1987:華中工學院,機械製造及其自動化專業,工學碩士 1987-1992:湖北汽車工業學院,講師 1992-2001:東風汽車公司柴油發動機廠,工程師 2001-2004:華中科技大學機械學院,工學博士 2004-:華中農業大學工學院。
[1] 鄭相周, 賓鴻贊,羅友高. 基於並在線上構的大洋採礦平台構型設計分析[J], 中國機械工程 Vol.14, No.18, 2003.9。
[2] 鄭相周, 賓鴻贊,羅友高. 3-UPU純轉動並在線上構的位置正解分析[J], 華中科技大學學報,2003.4 (EI收錄)。
[3] Zheng XiangZhou, Bin HongZan, Luo YouGao. Kinematic Analysis of a Hybrid Serial-Parallel Manipulator[J], International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 23, No.11-12, Pp: 925-930, 2004.6. (SCI Indexed)
[4] Luo YouGao, Zheng XiangZhou, Bin HongZan. Study on Workspace of Translation 3-UPU Parallel Manipulators[J], Journal of Shanghai University, 2005.9(1), 62-67。
[5] Zheng XiangZhou, Bin HongZan, Luo YouGao, Simulation of Deep-Ocean Mining Compensating Platform Based on Serial-Parallel Mechanisms[C], Proceedings of the 6th young scientists conf. on Design and Manufacturing Science, June 21-23,2004, Xi’An, China.
[6] 羅友高,鄭相周, 賓鴻贊. 移動型3-UPU並在線上構的剛度分析[J]. 中國機械工程(增刊),2006,17。
[7] Zheng XiangZhou, Bin HongZan, Luo YouGao. Kinematics of 3-UPU Parallel Manipulator with Pure Spherical Motion Based on Quaternion Transformation[J]. Advances in Systems Science and Applications,2006,6(2), p:334-340.
[8] 鄭相周. 機械系統多維虛擬樣機技術淺析. 機械與電子,2006.12, p:72-74.
[9] Zheng Xiangzhou, Luo Yougao, Deng Zhiyong, Bin Hongzan. Inverse Dynamics of Translational 3-UPU Parallel Mechanism in Compensating Platform of Deep-Ocean Mining[C]. International Institute for General Systems Studies(IIGSS),The 5th IIGSS Workshop,2007,6。
[10] Zheng Xiangzhou, Luo Yougao, Bin Hongzan. Inverse Dynamics of 3-UPU Parallel Mechanism with Pure Rotation Based on D’Alembert Principle[C]. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 5-8, 2007, pp2842-2847. (EI)。
[12] 鄭相周,羅友高, 賓洪贊. 轉動型3-UPU並在線上構的剛度分析[J]. 機械設計與製造,2007,7,p:52-54。
[13] 鄭相周. 虛擬植物研究與思考[J]. 科學新聞,2007,19,p:12-13。
[14] Zheng Xiangzhou, Luo Yougao, Deng Zhiyong, Bin Hongzan. Statics of Rotational 3-UPU Parallel Mechanisms Based on Principle of Virtual Work[C]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomechanics, December 15-18, 2007. (EI)
[15] Zheng Xiangzhou, Luo Yougao, Deng Zhiyong, Bin Hongzan. Static Analysis of Translational 3-UPU Parallel Mechanism Based on Principle of Virtual Work[C]. International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture, 14-16 January 2008, Sanya, China. (EI)
[15] 羅友高,鄭相周, 賓鴻贊. 轉動型3-UPU並在線上構的奇異構型分析[J]. 華中科技大學學報,2007.3, pp74-76 (EI收錄)。
[16] Zheng Xiangzhou, . Static Analysis of Translational 3-UPU Parallel Mechanism Based on Principle of Virtual Work/[C]. International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacture, 14-16 January 2008, Sanya, China。
[17] 鄭相周等. 調整法中尺寸鏈的解算方法分析/[J]. 機械,2008,7。
[18] Tang Shunjie, Zheng Xiangzhou,Song Tianbin, Deng Zhiyong and Luo Yougao. Heat Transfer Process Analysis and Simulation of Eutectic Furnace for High-Power LED Encapsulation,International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation August 9-12, 2009,Changchun, Jilin, China。