鄭曉明教授作為負責人,他不僅主持了4項國家自然科學基金項目及1項教育部人文社科項目,而且還在《Academy of Management Journal》、《Journal of Applied Psychology》、《Journal of organizational behavior》、《Journal of Business Ethics 》、《Harvard Business Review》、《心理學報》、《管理世界》、《南開管理評論》、《中國軟科學》等國內外頂尖及一流的中英文刊物上發表了60多篇高質量的學術論文,累計論文被引次數達1000多次。他的研究成果也產生了較大的社會影響力,有美國、英國、印度、中國等超過30多家媒體報刊報導並轉載過他的研究成果,其中包括哈佛商業評論 的中英文版、倫敦政經學院的期刊LSE Business Review、Science Daily, USA News, Business News Daily, Yahoo News, Washington DC News、清華管理評論、管理視野(MI)等。所以,他榮獲2017年美國管理學會年會Proceedings最佳論文獎;榮獲Emerald / IACMR中國管理研究基金獎;榮獲中國企業管理案例論壇最佳論文獎;榮獲北京市第八屆哲學社會科學優秀成果獎;榮獲2016年度“清華大學校級先進工作者”稱號;榮獲2016年清華大學經管學院科研先進獎等。
1. Lu, S., Bartol, K.M., Venkataramani, V., Zheng*, X. M., & Liu, X. (In press). Pitching ideas to the boss: The interactive effects of employees’ idea enactment and influence tactics on creativity recognition and implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 2018.
2. Zheng, X. M., Qin*, X., Liu, X., & Liao, H. (In press). Will creative employees always make trouble? Investigating the roles of moral identity and moral disengagement. Journal of Business Ethics, 2018.
3. Zhu*, W. C., Zheng*, X. M., He, H., Wang, G. & Zhang, X. (In press). Ethical leadership with ‘moral person’ and ‘moral manager’ aspects: Scale refinement and cross-cultural validation. Journal of Business Ethics, 2018.
4. Zheng, X. M., & Liu*, X. (In press). The Buffering Effect of Mindfulness on Abusive Supervision and Creative Performance: A Social Cognitive Framework.Frontiers in Psychology, 2018.
5. Yu*, H. B., Guan, X. Y., Zheng, X. M., & Hou, Z. J. (In press). Career adaptability with or without career identity: How career adaptability leads to organizational success and individual career success? Journal of Career Assessment, 2018.
6. Liu, X.Y., Kwan, H. K., Wu*, L. Z., & Zheng, X. M. (In press). Emotional labor and family quality: The role of work-family positive spillover.The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2018.
7. Ilies, R., Liu*, X., Liu, Y., &Zheng*, X. M. (2017). Why do employees have better family lives when they are highly engaged at work? Journal of Applied Psychology, 2017, 102(6): 956-970.
8. Leong, C., Pan, S. L., Zheng*, X. M., & Hackney, R. (2017). Managing user diversity in ES Pre-implementation through discursive framing: A spatiotemporal analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. 2017, 64 (3): 415-427.
9. Zheng*, X. M., & Ni, D. (2017). High engagement at work leads to a better family life. LSE Business Review(on-line), 2017, August 21. http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/businessreview/2017/08/21/high-engagement-at-work-leads-to-a-better-family-life/
10. Li, N., Zheng*, X. M., Harris, B., Liu, X., & Kirkman, B. L. (2016). Recognizing “me” benefits “we”: Investigating the positive spillover effects of formal individual recognition in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2016, 101(7): 925-939.
11. Yang, L. Q., Simon, L. S., Wang*, L., &Zheng*, X. M. (2016). To branch out or stay focused? Affective shifts differentially predict organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 2016, 101(6): 831-845.
12. Kirkman*, B. L., Li, N., Zheng, X. M., Harris, B., & Liu, X. (2016). Teamwork Works Best When Top Performers Are Rewarded. Harvard Business Review(on-line), 2016, March 14. https://hbr.org/2016/03/teamwork-works-best-when-top-performers-are-rewarded
13. Zheng, X. M., Yang*, J., Ngo, H.Y., Liu, X. Y., & Jiao, W. J. (2016). Workplace ostracism and its negative outcomes: Psychological capital as a moderator.Journal of Personnel Psychology. 2016, 15 (4): 143-151.
14. Zhu*, W. C., Treviño, L. K., &Zheng, X. M. (2016). Ethical Leaders and Their Followers: The Transmission of Moral Identity and Moral Attentiveness.Business Ethics Quarterly. 2016, 26(1): 95-115.
15. Zheng*, X. M., Zhu, W. C., Zhao, H. X., & Zhang, C. (2015). Employee well-being in organizations: Theoretical model, scale development, and cross-cultural validation.Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2015, 36(5): 621-644.
16. Zhu*, W. C., Zheng, X. M., Riggio, R. E., &Zhang, X., (2015). A critical review of theories and measures of ethics-related leadership. New Directions for Student Leadership, 2015(146): 81-96
17. Foley, S., Ngo*, H. Y., Loi, R., & Zheng, X. M. (2015). Gender, Gender Identification and Perceived Gender Discrimination: An Examination of Mediating Processes in China. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal,2015,34(8): 650-665.
18. He*, H., Zhu, W. C., &Zheng, X. M. (2014). Procedural justice and employee engagement: Roles of organizational identification and moral identity centrality. Journal of Business Ethics, 2014, 122(4): 681-695.
19. Zhu*, W. C., Wang, G.,Zheng, X. M., Liu, T. X., & Miao, Q. (2013). Examining the role of personal identification with the leader in leadership effectiveness: A partial nomological network. Group & Organization Management, 2013, 38(1): 36-67.
20. Ngo*, H. Y., Loi, R., Foley, S., Zheng, X. M., & Zhang, L. Q. (2013).Perceptions of organizational context and job attitudes: The mediating effect of organizational identification. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2013, 30(1): 149-168.