- 中文名:鄭國莘
- 國籍:中國
- 性別:男
- 職稱:教授
上海市電子學會常務理事,微波專業委員會副主任委員。IET 資深會員。
2000-2002 主持國家自然科學基金項目,工作面及順槽個人通信系統
2000-2001 主持山西省科委自然基金項目,礦用電器的電磁兼容性研究
2004-2006 主持上海市科委重點項目,城市軌道交通無線通信系統互聯互通的研究
2006-2007 參加上海市申通軌道交通研究諮詢有限公司項目, 5.8GHz無線頻段車-地視頻傳輸研究
2005-2006主持國家“863”計畫高速磁浮交通技術重大專項子課題, 毫米波在特殊空間傳播規律的研究
2012-2015主持國家自然科學基金面上項目(61171086) 隧道內微波毫米波信號無線傳輸的建模與實時仿真理論
2012-2016負責國家自然科學基金重點項目(61132003) 面向地下軌道交通的無線信道模型構建與套用
1. G. X. Zheng, J. H. Sheng, and Y. P. Zhang, Propagation of UHF Radio Waves in Trapezoidal Tunnels, Microwaves and Optical Letters, 1999, Vol., 20: 295-297.
2. GuoxinZheng, YanrongRuan, Kai Kai, The channel emulator for CBTC wireless communication system, 2010 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), UK, 2010. 9: 464-468.
3. GuoxinZheng, Ruisheng Zhao, YanrongRuan, Kai Kai, The radio channel emulator for CBTC wireless communication systems, IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing (CCWMC 2009), 2010.7: 257-260.
4. ZhengGuoxin, Recent Advances in Vehicular Communications and Networks in China -The development of Millimeter Radio for Shanghai Maglev System Communications, keynote speech, The First IEEE International Conference on Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE2008), Detroit, USA, Dec., 8-9, 2008.
5. ZhengGuoxin, Yang Weiying, The Orthogonal Very Minimum Chirp Keying (OVMCK) Modulations with Very High Bandwidth Efficiency, IEEE International Symposium on Antenna and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, San Diego, USA, July 7-13, 2008.
6. Y. P. Zhang, G. X. Zheng, and J. H. Sheng, Radio propagation at 900 MHz in underground coal mines,IEEE Transactions onAntennas and Propagation, 2001,Vol: 49, No5: 757-762
7. Li Zhang, GuoxinZheng, Adaptive QoS-aware Channel Access Scheme for Cognitive Radio Networks, International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing, 2010, 6(3): 172-182.
8. Y. P. Zhang, Y. Hwang, G. X. Zheng, A gain-enhanced probe-fed microstrip patch antenna of very high permittivity,Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Volume 15, Issue 2: 89 - 91
9. Mei Sun, Yueping Zhang, GuoXinZheng, Wen Yan Yin, Performance of Intra-chip Wireless Interconnect Using On-chip Antennas and UWB Radios. Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 57 , Issue: 9 , 2009: 2756 - 2762
10. Li Zhang, GuoxinZheng, DongliJia, Spectrum Pooling Vertical Handover for Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks with QoS Constrains, Journal of Convergence Information Technology, 2010, 5(5): 156-169
11. Li Zhang, GuoxinZheng, DongliJia, Reliable Information Transmission: A Chaotic Sequence-Based Authentication Scheme for Radio Environment Maps Enabled Cognitive Radio Networks, International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2010, 4(4): 48-57.
12. Li Changyi; Zheng Guoxin; Ai Qian Channel estimation for OFDM based UWB wireless communications, WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Vol., 4, No., 11, November, 2005: 1765-1769.
13. ZhengGuoxin, FengJinzhen, JiaMinghua, Very Minimum Chirp Keying as a Novel Ultra Narrow Band Communication Scheme, ICICS, Singapore, Dec.,11-13, (2007), invited paper.
14. ZhengGuoxin, Yang Weiying, He Hui, Zhao Xing, Jiang Junchao, Jiang Lu, Non DC Offset Very Minimum Chirp Keying Modulation as a Novel Ultra Narrow Band Communication Scheme, CCWMSN07 Proceeding, Shanghai,Dec.2007, 12-14: 755-758.
15. 賈東立,鄭國莘,基於混沌和高斯局部最佳化的混合差分進化算法,控制與決策,Vol.25,No.6 2010年6月:1-4
張立,鄭國莘,賈東立,朱亞洲,“認知無線電網路中基於控制信道預約的MAC協定”, 北京郵電大學學報,2010, Vol. 33, No. 4: 76-79 17. 馮金振,鄭國莘,Chirp-BOK-BPSK調製超寬頻無線傳輸技術,套用科學學報,2008,26,(2):123-126
18. 胡 文,鄭國莘,正交Hermite脈衝的超寬頻的多用戶通信,電子與信息學報,2006,28,(5):852-856
19. 李暢怡,蔣婷婷,鄭國莘 基於正交頻分復用的超寬頻無線通信中的信道估計技術,科學技術與工程,2006,6,(8):960-963
20. 賈東立,鄭國莘,張立,朱亞洲,甚小線性調頻鍵控調製波形的正弦基擬合最佳化,上海大學學報,Vol.16, No.4,2010年8月:331-335
21. 趙幸,鄭國莘,邱志易,過冰,曾凱倫,甚小線性調頻信號的正交性分析,上海大學學報,Vol.16, No.4,2010年8月:355-360
22. 蔣婷婷 , 鄭國莘鄭瑞傑, IR-UWB測距在多徑信道下的時延性能分析 套用科學學報 ,2007,03: 327-330
23. 鄭國莘,對上海軌道交通無線通信系統建設的若干考慮 ,電信快報, 2004年5期:11-13
24. 王慎林, 鄭國莘,電網參數快速測量法在礦用電網監測中的套用,太原理工大學學報, 1999 3:751-757
25. 高志英, 鄭國莘,超寬頻跳時擴頻通信系統性能分析, 上海大學學報: 自然科學版, 2004第10卷第3期2004年6月上海大學學報(自然科學版) Vol.10 NO.3 Jun.2004: 225-229
26. TIAN Jin-peng, ZHENG Guo-xin, Real-time localization estimator of mobile node in wireless sensor networks based on extended Kalman filter. J Shanghai Univ (Engl Ed), 2011, 15(2): 1–4
27. 王志麟,鄭國莘,開 凱,阮艷榮,軌道交通基於通信的列車控制,無線通信系統測試平台,城市軌道交通研究,2010,(3): 52-55,59。
28. 周祥為,蔡維浩,鄭國莘,賀輝,軌道交通中無線區域網路性能分析與最佳化,微計算機信息,2008(18):108-110.
29. 賈明華,鄭國莘,趙幸,張欣, 矩形隧道中電波傳播特性預測,上海大學學報,2011,17卷1期: 68-73
30. 張躍平,張文梅,鄭國莘,盛劍桓,預測隧道中傳播損耗的混合模型,電子學報,2001,29卷9期: 1283-1286
31. ZHAO Heng-kai,ZHENG Guo-xin,ZHANG Qing-fang,CHEN Zhi—qiang,Gaussian beamed millimeter wave propagation characteristics due to reflecting behavior in circle tunnel,J Shanghai Univ(Engl Ed),2010,14(1):24-28
32. JiaDongli, ZhengGuoxin, Zhu Yazhou, Zhangli, Optimizing Polynomial Window Functions by Enhanced Differential Evolution, 2nd International Symposium Computer Science and Computational Technology (ISCSCT 2009), 2009.12
33. Kaikai, GuoxinZheng, et. al., The Reliability of CBTC System Based on IEEE 802.11 Technology,2009 2 IEEE WAVE, Dec., 2009: 44-47.
34. JiaDongli, ZhengGuoxin, Optimizing cosine window functions by differential evolution, Second International Symposium on Information Science and Engineering, ISISE2009,2009.12:611-614
35. Tan Changqin,Zhang Xin,ZhengGuoxin,A Method to Improve Reliability of CBTC Wireless Link, 2009 IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec., 7-9, 2009:9-12.
36. Zhao Hengkai,ZhengGuoxin, Ray Tracing Analysis of Gaussian Beamed Millimeter Wave Propagation in Circle Tunnel, 2009 IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec., 7-9, 2009: 164-167
37. Tan Changqin,ZhengGuoxin, Propagation in Tunnel in Case of WLAN Applied to Communications-Based Train Control System, 2009 IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec., 7-9, 2009: 393-396.
38. ZhaiXuping,ZhengGuoxin,et al., One Integer Cycle Modulation Method and the Spectrum, 2009 IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing Proceeding, Shanghai, Dec., 7-9, 2009: 280-282.
39. XupingZhai; He Lin; Haigen He; GuoxinZheng; Typical UNB modulation methods and their spectrums, Wireless Mobile and Computing (CCWMC 2009), IET International Communication Conference on , 2009: 283 –286.
40. Li Zhang; GuoxinZheng, Adaptive Opportunistic Channel Access Strategy: A Tridimensional Traffic Model for Cognitive Radio Computer Science and Information Technology, 2008. ICCSIT '08. International Conference on Digital Object: 277 - 281
41. MinghuaJia, GuoxinZheng, Hui Wei, Fading Characteristics of Radio Propagation in One-way Semicircular Subway Tunnel at 38GHz,Proceeding of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference,Sep., 2008:237-240.
42. MinghuaJia, WenliJi, GuoxinZheng, A New Model for Predicting the Characteristics of RF Propagation in Rectangular Tunnel, Proceeding of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference,Sep., 2008: 268-270
43. HuiWei, GuoxinZheng, MinghuaJia, The measurements and simulations of millimeter wave propagation at 38GHz in circular subway tunnels, Proceeding of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, Sept., 2008: 51-54.
44. JiWenli, ZhengGuoxin, BaoMinqi.Ultra-Narrowband Wireless Communication Technology Based on QVMCK Modulation,Proceeding of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, Sept., 2008:185-187.
45. BaoMinqi,ZhengGuoxin, JiWenli. BER Performance Analysis of Ultra-Narrowband Wireless Communication Technology Based on VMCK Modulation,Proceeding of 2008 China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, Sep., 2008:193-196.
46. M. Sun, Y.P. Zhang, GuoxinZheng,. Modeling and measurement of the on-chip meander antenna pair,APMC 2005. Asia-Pacific Conference Proceedings Publication Date: 4-7 Dec. 2005
47. ChangyiLi,GuoxinZheng, Improved Channel Estimation Using Noise Reduction for MB-OFDM UWB Systems, The IET international conference on wireless, mobile &networks Proceedings,Hangzhou, Nov., 5-6, 2006: 513-516.
48. WenHu, GuoxinZheng, “Orthogonal Hermite Pulses Used for UWB M-ary Communication”, inProceedings of International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and Computing, 2005: 97-101.
49. Li Changyi, ZhengGuoxin, Performance Analysis of Constellation Mapping and Channel Estimation in MB-OFDM UWB Systems, IEEE WiCOM 2006, Wuhan, Sep., 22-24, 2006
50. JinpengTian, GuoxinZheng, Keqian Wang, Application of Wireless Sensor Network in Mine Monitoring System,Audio Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), 2010 International Conference on, 2010: 263-268
51. Xue-Xia Yang, Yi-Min Lu, Yu-JieXue, Guo-XinZheng, Analysis on the Monopole UWB Antenna of Double-Printed Circular Disc, Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 2006, IEEE , 2006: 1717-1720
1. 鄭國莘,楊衛英,甚小線性調頻鍵控調製的超窄帶通信方法,ZL200710047472.2
2. 鄭國莘,胡文,具有無源無線傳輸功能的電流互感器ZL200420114221.3
3. 賀輝,鄭國莘,一種用於軌道通信的無線區域網路越區快速切換方法,ZL200610029233
4. 鄭國莘,賈明華,移動通信系統模擬測試方法及小尺度模擬測試平台,ZL200710041148.X
5. 鄭國莘,楊衛英,每符號兩比特的甚小線性調頻鍵控的超窄帶通信方法,200810036376.2
6. 鄭國莘等,基於掃頻脈衝的超寬頻無線通信調製方法,200810033865.2
7. 張欣,鄭國莘,衛慧,高介質帶衰減小尺度矩形波導管20910052038.2
8. 衛慧,鄭國莘,張欣,高介質帶衰減小尺度圓形波導管200910052037.8
9. 張欣,鄭國莘,雙網冗餘軌道交通車地視頻傳輸系統,200910052053.7
10. 鄭國莘,阮艷榮,開凱,金屬封閉空間內裝轉動反射器構成的多徑信道仿真器,201010289590.6