鄭厚峰博士2010年畢業於安徽醫科大學皮膚病研究所。2010年至2014年,在加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University)從事人類遺傳學研究。2015年入選第十一批國家“千人計畫”青年專家。鄭厚峰博士現任杭州師範大學抗衰老研究所教授、研究生導師、杭州師範大學附屬醫院醫師,致力於複雜疾病易感基因的遺傳學研究。
國際著名期刊《Nature》線上發表了迄今為止最大規模的群體基因組測序成果(Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture)。該文第一作者為鄭厚峰博士。在Nature、Nature Genetics和American Journal of Human Genetics 等遺傳學領域頂級期刊發表論文40多篇。
- 中文名:鄭厚峰
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:江西
- 出生日期:1982年
- 畢業院校:安徽醫科大學博士,加拿大麥吉爾大學博士後
- 主要成就:國家中組部“千人計畫”青年專家
- 代表作品:Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture
2010至2014,在加拿大麥吉爾大學(McGill University)從事人類遺傳學Research Fellow。
利用生物信息學手段對遺傳學大數據進行分析。基因型推演(Genotype imputation)技術,和二代測序大數據分析包的建立。熟悉各種生物統計軟體的套用和編程。獲得國家執業醫師資格證書,熟練掌握常見皮膚病性病的診療。
一直致力於複雜疾病易感基因的遺傳學研究。首次套用全基因組關聯分析方法在中國漢族人群中發現系統性紅斑狼瘡多個易感基因;與新加坡國立基因組研究所合作發現中國從南到北各個省份漢族人遺傳結構;套用meta分析和全基因組關聯分析的方法,聯合美國哈佛醫學院,英國倫敦國王學院和布里斯托大學,澳大利亞布里斯班大學,首次發現高加索人群腕部骨質疏鬆,骨折和骨厚度的易感基因;參與目前國際上最大的全基因組測序項目(UK10K project),做為骨疾病項目的主要負責人,全面挖掘影響骨質密度的罕見變異。
發表論文40 多篇,其中第一作者和通訊作者17 篇,在Nature,Nat. Genet.和Am. J. Hum. Genet.等雜誌發表第一作者文章,在J. Med. Genet.和PLoS. One等雜誌上發表通訊作者文章。所有論文引用次數在Google Scholar資料庫中為1600 余次。已發表的論文總影響因子為450(其中第一作者和通訊作者125 分)。受邀編寫英文專著“皮膚遺傳疾病的研究策略”章節(獨立作者)。先後獲“中華醫學會皮膚性病學分會優秀論文一等獎(2007)”,“安徽省科學技術研究成果獎(2010)”,“中華醫學會皮膚性病學分會“年度SCI論文”一等獎(2010)”,“美國骨礦物質協會青年研究獎(2011)”,“歐洲鈣化組織協會青年科學家獎(2012)”,“獲麥吉爾大學青年研究獎(2013)”,“ASBMR 肌研究論壇青年研究獎項(2013)”,“麥吉爾大學青年研究獎(2014)”。課題“複雜疾病的罕見變異研究”獲得“加拿大國家衛生研究院研究基金”。受Nature 旗下雜誌BoneKEy 特邀寫評論文章。擔任SCI收錄雜誌Int. J. Epidemiol.,J. Med. Genet.,J. Invest. Dermotol.和PLoS. One等14 多個雜誌的審稿專家。
杭州市“僑界十大傑出人物” (2015)
Aperito Journal of Dermatology
International Journal of Epidemiology (IJE)Journal of Investigative Dermatology (JID)
Journal of Medical Genetics (JMG)
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (JBMR)
PLoS One
Clinical Genetics
Tumor Biology
Molecular Biology Reports
Journal of theEuropeanAcademyof Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV)
International Journal of immunogenetics (IJIG)
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology (CED)
American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting
Book Chapters:
1.Zheng HF. Research Strategies for Genetic Skin Disease In Liang Y(Ed.),Dermatology Research Advances(pp.317-348).NewYork,NY: Nova (2014).(Corresponding Author)
2.Xiao FL,Zheng HF. Hailey-Hailey Disease In Zhang XJ(Ed.), Clinical case consultation and review - Dermatology Volume(pp82-83).Beijing, Peoples Military Medical Press (2008) (In Chinese).
Journal Articles:
First and corresponding author papers (ordered by publish date):
*Equal contribution
1.HF Zheng*,V Forgetta*, YH Hsu*, K Estrada*, A Rosello-Diez*, PJ Leo*, CL Dahia*, KH Park-Min*, JH Tobias*, C Kooperberg*, A Kleinman, U Styrkarsdottir et al. Whole-genome sequencing identifies EN1 as a determinant of bone density and fracture.Nature2015 (Accepted)
2.Guo BR, Rong JJ, Wei YH, Zhong WY, Li CS, Liu M, Li W, Wang XB, Wang L,Zheng HF. Ethnicity-stratified analysis of the association between IL-18 polymorphisms and systemic lupus erythematosus in a European population: a meta-analysis.Arch Dermatol Res. 2015 May 31.(Corresponding Author)
3.Zheng HF,Rong JJ, Liu M, Han F, Zhang XW, Richards JB, Wang L. Performance of genotype imputation for low frequency and rare variants from the 1000 genomes. PLoS One. 2015 Jan 26;10(1):e0116487.(Corresponding Author)
4.Li CS, Guo BR, Guo Z, Yang J,Zheng HFWang AL. Association between C-reactive protein gene +1059 G/C polymorphism and the risk of coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis. Chin Med J. 2013 Dec;126(24):4780-5.(Corresponding Author)
5.Shen FF, Zhou FY, Xue QS, Pan Y, Zheng L, Zhang H, Wang LD,Zheng HF. Association between CYP1A1 polymorphisms and esophageal cancer: a meta-analysis. Mol Biol Rep. 2013 Oct;40(10):6035-42.(Corresponding Author)
6.Zheng HF. An example design of large-scale next generation sequencing study for bone mineral density. IBMS BoneKEy 10: 398 (2013)/doi:10.1038/bonekey.2013.132(Corresponding Author)
7.Zheng HF,Duncan EL,et al.Meta-analysis of genome-wide studies identifies MEF2CSNPs associated with bone mineral density at forearm.J Med Genet. 2013 Jul;50(7):473-8.(Corresponding Author)
8.Ladouceur M*,Zheng HF*,GreenwoodCM, Richards JB. Empirical power of very rare variants for common traits and disease: results from sanger sequencing 1998 individuals. Eur J Hum Genet. 2013, Jan 16. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2012.284.
9.Zheng HF,Ladouceur M,GreenwoodCM, Richards JB. Effect of genome-wide genotyping and reference panels on rare variants imputation. J Genet Genomics. 2012 Oct 20;39(10):545-50.(Corresponding Author)
10.Zheng HF*, Tobias JH*, Duncan E*, Evans DM, Eriksson J, et al. (2012) WNT16 Influences Bone Mineral Density, Cortical Bone Thickness, Bone Strength, and Osteoporotic Fracture Risk.PLoS Genet.2012 Jul;8(7): e1002745. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002745
11.Zheng HF, Spector TD, Richards JB. Insights into the genetics of osteoporosis from recent genome-wide association studies.Expert Rev Mol Med.2011 Aug 26;13:e28.
12.Zheng HF, Zuo XB, Lu WS, Li Y, Cheng H, Zhu KJ,et al.Variants in MHC, LCE and IL12B have epistatic effects on psoriasis risk in Chinese population. J Dermatol Sci. 2011 Feb;61(2):124-8.
13.Zhang C*, Zhu KJ*,Zheng HF*, Cui Y,et al.The Effect of Overweight and Obesity on Psoriasis Patients in Chinese Han Population: a hospital-based study.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2011 Jan;25(1):87-91.
14.Zheng HF, Zhang C, Sun LD, Ni C, Zuo XB, Zhang Z,et al.A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of MHC region is associated with Subphenotypes of Psoriasis in Chinese population. J Dermatol Sci. 2010 Jul;59(1):50-2.
15.Chen JM*,Zheng HF*,Bei JX,Sun LD,Jia WH,Li T,et al.Genetic Structure of the Han Chinese Population Revealed by Genome-wide SNP Variation,Am J Hum Genet.2009 Dec;85(6):775-85.
16.Han JW*,Zheng HF*,Cui Y*,Sun LD, Ye DQ, Hu Z, et al.Genome-wide association study in a Chinese Han population identifies nine new susceptibility loci for systemic lupus erythematosus.Nat Genet.2009 Nov;41(11):1234-7.
17.Zheng HF,Wang PG, Yang S, Zhang XJ. Molecular genetic advances of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. International Journal of Genetics, 2008; 31(3), 227-229. (In Chinese)