- 中文名:鄭作環
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:海南省海口市
- 出生日期:1964年8月
- 畢業院校:海南師範學院數學系
- 職稱:研究員
86年8月──88年8月於中國科學院數學研究所進修, 獲碩士學位
1. 國家天元基金青年合作項目:孤立塊理論及其在連線軌線問題中的套用 (T9110)。經費:7千元,從93年1月到94年7月,該項目已按計畫完成。2. 國家博士後科學基金項目:Conley理論及其在常微分方程定性理論中的套用。經費:1萬元,從98年7月到99年7月,本人為該項目的負責人。該項目已按計畫完成。
3. 雲南省套用基礎基金項目:生命科學中的高維動力系統分析及套用 (94A015M)。經費:2萬元,94年7月到97年7月,該項目已按計畫完成。
4. 海南省教育基金項目:系統的拓撲等價與結構穩定性。經譽重費: 0.4萬元,95年7月到98年7月,該項目已按計畫完成。 5. 國家自然科學青年基金資助項目:Conley指標及其套用(19901034)。經費:5萬元,從2000年1月到2003年1月,本人為該項目負責人。該項目已按計畫完成。
6. 中國科學院院長特別支持項目:Conley理論及其套用。經費:5萬元,從2001年7月到2004年7月,本人為該項目負責人。該項目正按計畫進行中。
7. 國家自然科學堡灑永基金資助項目:Conley理論及其在微分方程中的套用(10371123)。經費:17萬元,時間從2004年1月到2006年12月,本人為該項目負責人。該項目正按計畫進行中。
1. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Periodic solutions of generalized Lienard equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 148(1990)1-10. (SCI)
2. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Periodic solutions of the Josephson equation, Systems Science and Math. Sciences, 3(1990)143-150.
3. Zheng Zuo-Huan, On the nonexistence of periodic solutions for Lienard equations, Nonlinear Analysis, 16(1991)101-110.(SCI)
4. 鄭作環, 關於Lienard方程閉軌線的不存在性, 海南師院學報, 4(1991)27-32.
5. 鄭作環, 平面上全局半穩定系統, 系統科學與數學, 14A(1994)21-28.
6. 鄭作環, 中立型方程的振動性, 海南師院學報, 7(1994)21-24.
7. Zheng Zuo-Huan, On the limit cycles for a class of planar systems, Nonlinear Analysis, 24(1995)605-614. (SCI)
8. Zheng Zuohuan and Chen Huandong, Some properties of ergodic averages, Natural Science J. Hainan Teachers College, 10,2(1997)11-18.
9. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Chain transitivity and Lipschitz ergodicity, Nonlinear Analysis, 34(1998)733-744. (SCI)
10. Chen Mingwei and Zheng Zuohuan, Globally topological equivalence of nonautomous systems, Systems Science and Math. Sciences, 11(1998) 299-304.
11. 鄭作環, 強似梯度流的存在性, 數學學報, 42A(1999)623-626.
12. 周天壽, 張子范, 鄭作環和張鎖春, 俄勒岡振子極限環的唯一性, 數學學報, 42A(1999)961-964.
13. 張子范, 周天壽, 鄭作環和張鎖春, 耦合俄勒岡振子的正定態、特徵值及相內解,非線性動力學學報,6(1999)139-145.
14. Zheng Zuohuan, Attractor, chain recurrent set and limit set of flow, Science in China, 43(2000)244-251.(SCI)
15. Zhang Suochun and Zheng Zuohuan, Global structure for a class of dynamical systems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,11(2000)735-741. (SCI)
16. Zheng Zuohuan, Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Zifan and Zhang Suochun, Periodic solution and global structure of Oregonator, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11(2000)1191-1195. (SCI)
17. Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Suochun and Zheng Zuohuan, Analytic representation of traveling wave solution and dispersive relation in Tyson's model, Commun. Theor. Phys., 33(2000)147-150.(SCI)
18. Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Suochun and Zheng Zuohuan, The moving law of the scroll wave filament, Commun . Theor. Phys. , 34(2000)185-188.(SCI)
19. 鄭作環, 趙呈東和喬京成, 一類生態系統中孤立不變集的指標和聯絡, 數學學報, 43A(2000)937-946.
20. Zuohuan Zheng, Tianshou Zhou, Suochun Zhang, Dynamical behavior in the modeling of cell division cycle, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals ,11(2000)2371-2378.(SCI)
21. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Periodic solutions of differential equations in R^n, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals ,12(2001)125-129.(SCI)
22. Zheng Zuo-Huan, The isolated invariant sets of a flow, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 12(2001)453-461.(SCI)
23. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Some properties for the attractors, Science in China, 44(2001)823-828.(SCI)
24. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Generalized ergodicity, science in China 44(2001)1098-1106.(SCI)
25. Zheng Zuohuan, Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Zifan and Zhang Suochun, Existence of echo wave in the coupled-Oregonator System, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 14(2002)425-432.(SCI)
26. Zheng Zuo-Huan and Huang Tusen, Chain transitivity and uniform persistence, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 14(2002)1071-1076.(SCI)
27. Bei-Ye Feng and Zuo-Huan Zheng, Periodic solutions of a model of mitosis in frog eggs, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 18(2002)625-628.
28. Hu Fan-Nu and Zheng Zuo-Huan, Some properties of the isolated invariant set of a flow, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 16(2003)685-689.(SCI)
29. Jimmy Yam, Yuguo Li and Zuohuan Zheng, Nonlinear coupling between thermal mass and natural ventilation in buildings, International J. Heat & Mass Transfer 46(2003) 1251-1264.(SCI)
30. Zheng Zuo-Huan and Hu Fan-Nu, The existence of attractors and strongly gradient-like flows, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 18(2003)681-685.(SCI)
2. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Periodic solutions of the Josephson equation, Systems Science and Math. Sciences, 3(1990)143-150.
3. Zheng Zuo-Huan, On the nonexistence of periodic solutions for Lienard equations, Nonlinear Analysis, 16(1991)101-110.(SCI)
4. 鄭作環, 關於Lienard方程閉軌線的不存在性, 海南師院學報, 4(1991)27-32.
5. 鄭作環, 平面上全局半穩定系統, 系統科學與數學, 14A(1994)21-28.
6. 鄭作環, 中立型方程的振動性, 海南師院學報, 7(1994)21-24.
7. Zheng Zuo-Huan, On the limit cycles for a class of planar systems, Nonlinear Analysis, 24(1995)605-614. (SCI)
8. Zheng Zuohuan and Chen Huandong, Some properties of ergodic averages, Natural Science J. Hainan Teachers College, 10,2(1997)11-18.
9. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Chain transitivity and Lipschitz ergodicity, Nonlinear Analysis, 34(1998)733-744. (SCI)
10. Chen Mingwei and Zheng Zuohuan, Globally topological equivalence of nonautomous systems, Systems Science and Math. Sciences, 11(1998) 299-304.
11. 鄭作環, 強似梯度流的存在性, 數學學報, 42A(1999)623-626.
12. 周天壽, 張子范, 鄭作環和張鎖春, 俄勒岡振子極限環的唯一性, 數學學報, 42A(1999)961-964.
13. 張子范, 周天壽, 鄭作環和張鎖春, 耦合俄勒岡振子的正定態、特徵值及相內解,非線性動力學學報,6(1999)139-145.
14. Zheng Zuohuan, Attractor, chain recurrent set and limit set of flow, Science in China, 43(2000)244-251.(SCI)
15. Zhang Suochun and Zheng Zuohuan, Global structure for a class of dynamical systems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals,11(2000)735-741. (SCI)
16. Zheng Zuohuan, Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Zifan and Zhang Suochun, Periodic solution and global structure of Oregonator, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 11(2000)1191-1195. (SCI)
17. Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Suochun and Zheng Zuohuan, Analytic representation of traveling wave solution and dispersive relation in Tyson's model, Commun. Theor. Phys., 33(2000)147-150.(SCI)
18. Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Suochun and Zheng Zuohuan, The moving law of the scroll wave filament, Commun . Theor. Phys. , 34(2000)185-188.(SCI)
19. 鄭作環, 趙呈東和喬京成, 一類生態系統中孤立不變集的指標和聯絡, 數學學報, 43A(2000)937-946.
20. Zuohuan Zheng, Tianshou Zhou, Suochun Zhang, Dynamical behavior in the modeling of cell division cycle, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals ,11(2000)2371-2378.(SCI)
21. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Periodic solutions of differential equations in R^n, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals ,12(2001)125-129.(SCI)
22. Zheng Zuo-Huan, The isolated invariant sets of a flow, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 12(2001)453-461.(SCI)
23. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Some properties for the attractors, Science in China, 44(2001)823-828.(SCI)
24. Zheng Zuo-Huan, Generalized ergodicity, science in China 44(2001)1098-1106.(SCI)
25. Zheng Zuohuan, Zhou Tianshou, Zhang Zifan and Zhang Suochun, Existence of echo wave in the coupled-Oregonator System, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 14(2002)425-432.(SCI)
26. Zheng Zuo-Huan and Huang Tusen, Chain transitivity and uniform persistence, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 14(2002)1071-1076.(SCI)
27. Bei-Ye Feng and Zuo-Huan Zheng, Periodic solutions of a model of mitosis in frog eggs, Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 18(2002)625-628.
28. Hu Fan-Nu and Zheng Zuo-Huan, Some properties of the isolated invariant set of a flow, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 16(2003)685-689.(SCI)
29. Jimmy Yam, Yuguo Li and Zuohuan Zheng, Nonlinear coupling between thermal mass and natural ventilation in buildings, International J. Heat & Mass Transfer 46(2003) 1251-1264.(SCI)
30. Zheng Zuo-Huan and Hu Fan-Nu, The existence of attractors and strongly gradient-like flows, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 18(2003)681-685.(SCI)