


  • 中文名:鄧瑞雪
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校天津大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:功能天然資源研究;芍藥屬藥用植物研究 


2005-2008 博士 天津大學
2001-2004 碩士 鞍山科技大學
1996-2000 本科 鞍山鋼鐵學院
2007.3-今 河南科技大學 化工與製藥學院




河南省重點科技攻關項目(162102310202 , 202102110142),國家自然科學基金(U1404831)


22. 鄧瑞雪,黃玉陽,許藝凡,劉 普. 寬苞糙蘇根降三萜化學成分研究. 中草藥,2021,52(6):1555-1561.
21. Deng Ruixue, Zhou Shengnan, Yang Xiao, Zhao Shuang, Liu Pu. Two new furofuran lignan glycosides from Forsythia suspensa leaves. Phytochemistry Letters, 2021, 41: 34-37.
20.鄧瑞雪,黃玉陽,張玉秀,陸世鵬,孟文娟,張雨,劉 普. 掌葉大黃鞣質類化學成分研究. 中草藥,2020,51(4):908-911.
19. 鄧瑞雪,徐麗科,閆秘,屈春笑,宋楠,孟文娟,張雨,劉 普. 不同生產廠家赤芍配方顆粒中單萜苷類化合物含量比較. 中草藥,2019,50(10):2332-2338.
18.劉普,張麗娜,張江磊,王玉,劉夢夢,許世靖,喬明明,鄧瑞雪. 幾種天然抗氧化劑對牡丹籽油氧化穩定性的影響. 中國糧油學報,2019,34(7):54-61.
17. Yang Xiao(研究生), Deng Ruixue, Liu pu, Hu jiangxia, Niu Wentian, Gao Jiayu. Secondary metabolite mapping identifies Peony Episperm inhibitors of Human Hepatoma cells. Natural Product Communications, 2019, 1-7.
16. Lina Zhang, Pu Liu, Jiayu Gao, Xinsheng Wang, Jiamin An, Shijing Xu, Ruixue Deng*. Profiling and simultaneous quantitative determination of oligostilbenes in Paeonia ostii seed shell from different geographical areas in China and their comparative evaluation. Phytochemical Analysis. 2019, 30(4): 464-473.
15.Pu Liu, Li-na Zhang, Xin-sheng Wang, Jia-yu Gao, Jun-peng Yi, Rui-xue Deng. Characterization of Paeonia ostii seed and oil sourced from different cultivation areas in China. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 133: 63-71.
14.張麗娜,鄧瑞雪,王玉,劉夢夢,劉普. 寬苞糙蘇根化學成分研究. 中國藥學雜誌,2019,54(6):450-456.
13.鄧瑞雪,楊曉,屈春笑,龐葉,張江磊,劉 普. 三種芍藥屬植物種子不同部位成分分析. 食品科學,2019,40 (8): 141-148.
12.鄧瑞雪,楊曉,高嘉嶼,王玉,劉夢夢,劉 普. 白芍藥材和芍藥籽餅粕中15種單萜苷含量測定. 中國藥學雜誌,2019,54(1):22-26.
11.劉 普,張麗娜,孟文娟,張雨,王玉,劉夢夢,張凱,鄧瑞雪. 油用牡丹籽餅粕單萜苷的分離、純化及結構鑑定. 中國食品學報,2018,18(12):283-294.
10. Rui-xue Deng, Xiao Yang, Yi-xiang Wang, Ming-zhu Du, Xu-ting Hao, Pu Liu. Optimization of Ultrasound-Assisted Extraction of Monoterpene Glycoside from Oil Peony Seed Cake. Journal of Food Science, 2018, 83 (12): 2943-2953.
9. Yu Zhang, Pu Liu, Jia-yu Gao, Xin-sheng Wang, Mi Yan, Nan-chuan Xue, Chun-xiao Qu, Rui-xue Deng. Paeonia veitchii seeds as a promising high potential by-product: Proximate composition, phytochemical components, bioactivity evaluation and potential applications. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 125: 248-260.
8. 許藝凡,劉普,劉佩佩,邱賽西,高曉丹,許肖鋒,常盛,鄧瑞雪. HPLC-DAD法測定迷迭香莖和葉中11種抗氧化活性成分[J]. 中草藥,2018,49(9): 2153-2157.
7. Pu Liu, Yu Zhang, Jia-yu Gao, Ming-zhu Du, Kai Zhang, Jiang-lei Zhang, Nan-chuan Xue, Mi Yan, Chun-xiao Qu, Rui-xue Deng. HPLC-DAD analysis of 15 monoterpene glycosides in oil peony seed cakes sourced from different cultivation areas in China. Industrial Crops and Products, 2018, 118: 259-270.
6. Pu Liu, Yu Zhang, Yi-Fan Xu, Xin-Yue Zhu, Xiao-Feng Xu, Sheng Chang, Rui-Xue Deng. Three new monoterpene glycosides from oil peony seed cake. Industrial Crops & Products, 2018, 111: 371-378.
5. 劉普,許藝凡,劉佩佩,邱賽西,張惠芳,吳珂,鄧瑞雪. 紫斑牡丹籽餅粕單萜苷類成分的分離鑑定[J]. 食品科學, 2017, 38(18): 87-92.
4. Pu Liu, Yi-fan Xu, Xiao-dan Gao, Xin-yue Zhu, Ming-zhu Du, Yi-xiang Wang, Rui-xue Deng, Jia-yu Gao. Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of oil from the seed kernels and isolation of monoterpene glycosides from the oil residue of Paeonia lactiflora Pall. Industrial Crops & Products, 2017, 107: 260-270.
3. 劉 普,許藝凡,李小方,王孟可,張惠芳,吳珂,鄧瑞雪. 油用牡丹籽殼低聚茋類化合物富集及對牡丹籽油抗氧化作用研究,中國糧油學報,2017, 32(6):84-90
2. Hui-fang Zhang, Xiao-fang Li, Ke Wu, Meng-ke Wang, Pu Liu, Xin-sheng Wang, Rui-xue Deng. Antioxidant activities and chemical constituents from the flower of paeonia ostii. Molecules, 2017, 22: 5.
1. Pu Liu, Xiao-Fang Li, Jia-Yu Gao, Yi-qiong Liu, Xue-Wen Hou, Wei-Ping Yin, Rui-Xue Deng. Two New Resveratrol Trimers with Antibacterial Activities from Seed Cake of Paeonia rockii, Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2017, 53(1): 51-55.



