鄧子新,1957年出生,湖北房縣人,著名微生物學家,教授、博士生導師、中國科學院院士。1982年畢業於華中農業大學微生物專業,1987年獲英國East Anglia大學分子微生物學博士學位。
- 中文名:鄧子新
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生地:湖北房縣
- 出生日期:1957年
- 性別:男



2. Shao Y, He X, Harrison EM, Tai C, Ou HY, Rajakumar K, Deng Z (2010). mGenomeSubtractor: a web-based tool for parallel in silico subtractive hybridization analysis of multiple bacterial genomes. Nucleic Acids Research. Sup:W194-200.
3. Zhao C, Coughlin JM, Ju J, Zhu D, Wendt-Pienkowski E, Zhou X, Wang Z, Shen B, Deng Z (2010). Oxazolomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces albus JA3453 featuring an "acyltransferase-less" type I polyketide synthase that incorporates two distinct extender units. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 25;285(26):20097-108.
4. Chen W, Huang T, He X, Meng Q, You D, Bai L, Li J, Wu M, Li R, Xie Z, Zhou H, Zhou X, Tan H, Deng Z. (2009) Characterization of the polyoxin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces cacaoi and engineered production of polyoxin H. Journal of Biological Chemistry.17;284(16):10627-38.

6. Xu H, Zhang Y, Yang J, Mahmud T, Bai L, Deng Z. (2009) Alternative Epimerization in C(7)N-Aminocyclitol Biosynthesis Is Catalyzed by ValD, A Large Protein of the Vicinal Oxygen Chelate Superfamily. Chemistry & Biology, 16(5):567-76.
7. Zhou Y, Li J, Zhu J, Chen S, Bai L, Zhou X, Wu H, Deng Z. (2008) Incomplete beta-Ketone Processing as a Mechanism for Polyene Structural Variation in the FR-008/Candicidin Complex. Chemistry & Biology,15(6):629-38.
8. Liu T, Lin X, Zhou X, Deng Z, Cane DE. (2008) Mechanism of thioesterase-catalyzed chain release in the biosynthesis of the polyether antibiotic nanchangmycin. Chemistry & Biology, 15(5):449-58.
9. Zhao P, Bai L, Ma J, Zeng Y, Li L, Zhang Y, Lu C, Dai H, Wu Z, Li Y, Wu X, Chen G, Hao X, Shen Y, Deng Z, Floss HG. (2008) Amide N-glycosylation by Asm25, an N-glycosyltransferase of ansamitocins. Chemistry & Biology. 15(8):863-74
10. L. Wang, S. Chen, T. Xu, K. Taghizadeh, J. S. Wishnok, X. Zhou, D. You, Z. Deng*, Peter C. Dedon* (2007), Phosphorothioation of DNA in bacteria by dnd gene clusters, Nature Chemical Biology, 3(11):709-710. (Featured by “News & Views” written by Fritz Eckstein, Nature Chem. Biol. 3(11): 689-690, and by ACS “C&E News” Written by Carmen Drahl).
11. X. He, H. Ou, Q. Yu, X. Zhou, J. Wu, J. Liang, W. Zhang, K. Rajakumar, and Z. Deng (2007). Analysis of a genomic island housing genes for DNA S-modification system in Streptomyces lividans 66 and its counterparts in other distantly related bacteria, Molecular Microbiology, 65(4):1034-48.
12. H. Ou, X. He, E. Harrison, B. Kulasekara, A. Thani, A. Kadioglu, S. Lory, J. Hinton, M. Barer, Z. Deng (2007): MobilomeFINDER: web-based tools for in silico and experimental discovery of bacterial genomic islands, Nucleic Acids Research. 5: W97-W104..
13. J. Liang, Z. Wang, X. He, J. Li, X. Zhou, and Z. Deng (2007). DNA modification by sulphur: analysis of the sequence recognition specificity surrounding the modification sites. Nucleic Acids Research. 35(9):2944-54.
14. T Liu, D You, C Valenzano, Y Sun, J Li, Q Yu, X Zhou, D. Cane, Z Deng (2006): Identification of NanE as the Thioesterase for Polyether Chain Release in Nanchangmycin Biosynthesis, Chemistry & Biology, 13(9):945-55.
15. L Bai, L Li, H Xu, K Minagawa, Y Yu, Y Zhang, X Zhou, H G. Floss, T Mahmud, and Z Deng (2006): Functional Analysis of the Validamycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster and Engineered Production of Validoxylamine A, Chemistry & Biology, 13, 387-397. (Highlighted in Nature Biotechnology 24 (6): 665, 2006)。
16. T Liu, D You, C Valenzano, Y Sun, J Li, Q Yu, X Zhou, D. Cane, Z Deng (2006): Identification of NanE as the Thioesterase for Polyether Chain Release in Nanchangmycin Biosynthesis, Chemistry & Biology, 13(9):945-55.
17. L Bai, L Li, H Xu, K Minagawa, Y Yu, Y Zhang, X Zhou, H G. Floss, T Mahmud, and Z Deng (2006): Functional Analysis of the Validamycin Biosynthetic Gene Cluster and Engineered Production of Validoxylamine A, Chemistry & Biology, 13, 387-397. (Highlighted in Nature Biotechnology 24 (6): 665, 2006)。
18. Z. Deng and L. Bai (2006), Antibiotic biosynthetic pathways and pathway engineering--A growing research field in China, Natural Product Reports,23, 811 - 827.
19. X. Zhou, X. He, J. Liang., T. Xu, A. Li, T. Kieser, J. D. Helmann and Z. Deng (2005): A novel DNA modification by sulphur, Molecular Microbiology, 57(5): 1428-1438.
20. D. Zhu, X. He, X. Zhou, and Z. Deng (2005): Expression of the melC operon in several Streptomyces strains is positively regulated by AdpA, an AraC family transcriptional regulator involved in morphological development in Streptomyces coelicolor, Journal of Bacteriology, 187(9): 3180-3187.