
鄒建新,1978年3月出生。2007年畢業於法國梅斯大學和大連理工大學,獲雙博士學位。2007年至2009年先後在法國梅斯大學和加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學擔任博士後研究員、助教、客座研究員。現為上海交通大學特別研究員,法國梅斯大學客座教授,法國里爾大學訪問教授,入選2011年上海市浦江人才計畫,目前主要在輕合金精密成型國家工程中心和上海市鎂材料及套用工程中心從事先進能源材料的研究。 作為主要作者在材料領域國內外著名專業雜誌上發表80多篇論文,其中包括APL, ACTA Mater, IJHE,Scripta Mater, MSEA,JVST,SCT,金屬學報等,SCI總引用次數超過600次(h影響因子=17),擔任多個國際期刊審稿人,Journal of Nanomaterials(SCI/EI收錄,IF=1.375)特刊Light Metal Based Nanostructures for Energy and Biomedical Applications主編。已申請發明專利12項,獲授權專利2項。 主要研究方向包括: 鎂基複雜氫化物儲氫材料,金屬氣相反應機理,納米功能材料製備與表征,以及納米材料在能源方面的套用研究。目前主持國家自然科學基金面上項目,教育部博士點新教師基金,上海市自然科學基金,上海市浦江人才計畫,上海市教委創新重點項目,中法徐光啟合作計畫項目,參與上海市基礎研究重點項目(執行負責人),上海市重大專項研究計畫,國家科技支撐計畫,國家自然科學基金,上海交大理工交叉基金(執行負責人)及航天科技基金等項目。


  • 中文名:鄒建新
  • 出生日期:1978年3月
  • 職業:上海交通大學特別研究員
  • 畢業院校:法國梅斯大學和大連理工大學






1.Zou JX, Zeng XQ, Ying YJ, Stephane P, Ding WJ. Preparation and hydrogen sorption properties of a nano-structured Mg Based Mg-La-O composite. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37 pp13067, 2012. (SCI,IF=4.05)
2.Zou JX, Zeng XQ, Ying YJ, Chen X, Guo H, Zhou S, Ding WJ. Study on the hydrogen storage properties of core-shell structured Mg-RE (RE=Nd,Gd,Er) nano-composites synthesized through arc plasma method. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, pp2337, 2013. (SCI,IF=4.05)
3.Zou JX, Li LJ, Zeng XQ, Ding WJ. Reversible hydrogen storage in a 3NaBH 4/YF 3 composite. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 37, pp17118, 2012. (SCI,IF=4.05)
4.Chong LN, Zou JX, Zeng XQ, Ding WJ. Mechanisms of reversible hydrogen storage in NaBH4 through NdF3 addition, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, DOI: 10.1039/c3ta01105d, 2013. (SCI,IF=5.97)
5.Liu YN, Zou JX, Zeng XQ, Wu XM, Tian HY, Ding WJ, Wang J, Walter A. Study on Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg Nanoparticles Confined in Carbon Aerogels. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, In press, 2013. (SCI,IF=4.05)
6.Wang K, Du JL, Kong XC, Zeng XQ, Zou JX, Li ZL, Wu Z. Ab initio and thermodynamic investigation on the Ca-H system. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, pp13632, 2011. (SCI,IF=4.05)
7.Long S, Zou JX, Liu YN, Zeng XQ, Ding WJ. Hydrogen storage properties of a Mg-Ce oxide nano-composite prepared through arc plasma method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, In press, 2013. (SCI,IF=2.289)
8.Zeng XQ, Cheng LF, Zou JX, Ding WJ, Tian HY, Buckley C. Influence of 3d transition metals on the stability and electronic structure of MgH2. Journal of Applied Physics, 2012; 111: 093720-1-10. (SCI,IF=2.168)
9. J. Jain, J. X. Zou, C. W. Sinclair, W. J. Poole. Double tensile twinning in Mg-8Al-0.5Zn alloy. Journal of Microscopy. 242(2011)26-36
10. Jianxin Zou, Kemin Zhang, Chuang Dong, Ying Qin, Shengzhi Hao, Thierry Grosdidier. Selective surface purification via crater eruption under pulsed electron beam irradiation. Applied Physics Letters, 2006; 89: 041913
11. X. D. Zhang, J. X. Zou, S. Weber, S. Z. Hao, C. Dong, T. Grosdidier, Microstructure and property modifications in a near a-Ti alloy induced by pulsed electron beam surface treatment. Surface and Coatings Technology. 206 (2011) 295-304
12. Jianxin Zou, Thierry Grosdidier, Kemin Zhang, Chuang Dong, Mechanisms of nanostructures and metastable phase transformations in the surface melted layer of a HCPEB treated D2 steel. Acta Materialia, 2006; 54: 5409-5419


