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  • 中文名:鄒定輝
  • 國籍:中國
  • 畢業院校南京農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士












1. 揭示了我國南方海域重要海藻養殖種類光合無機碳獲得的機制及其調控,解析近岸海域生態系統大型海藻驅動的藍碳功能;
2. 闡明了汕頭南澳島羊棲菜種群有性繁殖季節模式與繁殖分配。
3. 闡釋了氣候變化背景下海藻光合功能的回響與適應生理生態學機制。以第一或通訊作者發表國內外核心期刊論文80餘篇,其中SCI期刊論文40餘篇,參著國內外專著4部。2015年獲得國家海洋局海洋科學技術獎二等獎。


1. Chen BB, Zou DH, Zhu MJ. 2017. Growth and photosynthetic responses of Ulva lactuca(Ulvales, Chlorophyta) germlings to different pH levels.Marine Biology Research. 13(3): 351-357. 【SCI】
2. Chen BB, Zou DH, Yang YF. 2017. Increased iron availability resulting from increased CO2enhances carbon and nitrogen metabolism in the economical marine red macroalga Pyropia haitanensis (Rhodophyta). Chemosphere. 173: 444-451. 【SCI】
3. Liu CX, Zou DH, Yang YF, Chen BB, Jiang H. 2017. Temperature responses of pigment contents, chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics, and antioxidant defenses in Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis(Gracilariales, Rhodophyta) under different CO2levels. Journal of Applied Phycology.29: 983-991. 【SCI】
4. Chen BB, Zou DH, Ma JH. 2016. Interactive effects of elevated CO2and nitrogen–phosphorus supply on the physiological properties of Pyropia haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 28(2): 1235-1243. 【SCI】
5. Jiang H, Zou DH, Chen BB. 2016. Effects of lowered carbon supplies on two farmed red seaweeds, Pyropia haitanensis(Bangiales) and Gracilaria lemaneiformis(Gracilariales), grown under different sunlight conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology. 28(6): 3469–3477. 【SCI】
6. Jiang H, Zou DH, Li XH. 2016. Growth, photosynthesis and nutrient uptake by Grateloupia livida(Halymeniales, Rhodophyta) in response to different carbon levels. Phycologia. 55(4): 462-468. 【SCI】
7. Chen BB, Zou DH, Jiang H. 2015. Elevated CO2exacerbates competition for growth and photosynthesis between Gracilaria lemaneiformisand Ulva lactuca. Aquaculture. 443: 49-55. 【SCI】
8. Chen BB, Zou DH. 2015. Altered seawater salinity levels affected growth and photosynthesis of Ulva fasciata(Ulvales, Chlorophyta) germlings. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 34(8): 108-113.【SCI】
9. Liu CX, Zou DH. 2015. Responses of elevated CO2on photosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism in Ulva lactuca(Chlorophyta) at different temperature levels. Marine Biology Research. 11(10): 1043-1052.【SCI】
10. Liu CX, Zou DH. 2015. Effects of elevated CO2on the photosynthesis and nitrate reductase activity of Pyropia haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) grown at different nutrient levels. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. 33: 419-429. 【SCI】
11. Liu CX, Zou DH. 2015. Do increased temperature and CO2levels affect the growth, photosynthesis, and respiration of the marine macroalga Pyropia haitanensis(Rhodophyta)? An experimental study. Hydrobiologia. 745: 285–296. 【SCI】
12. Chen BB, Zou DH. 2014. Growth and photosynthetic activity of Sargassum henslowianum(Fucales, Phaeophyta) seedlings in responses to different light intensities, temperatures and CO2levels under laboratory conditions. Marine Biology Research. 10(10):1019-1026. 【SCI】
13. Zou DH and Gao KS. 2014. Temperature response of the photosynthetic light- and carbon- use characteristics in the red seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis(Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Phycology. 50:366-375.【SCI】
14. Zou DH. 2014. The effects of severe carbon limitation on the green seaweed, Ulva conglobata(Chorophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 26: 2417-2424. 【SCI】
15. Zou DH and Gao KS. 2014. The photosynthetic and respiratory responses totemperature and nitrogen supply in the marine green macroalga, Ulva conglobata(Chlorophyta). Phycologia. 53: 86-94【SCI】
16. Zou DH and Gao KS. 2013. Thermal acclimation of respiration and photosynthesis in the marine macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis(Gigartinales, Rhodophyta).Journal of Phycology. 49: 61-68【SCI】
17. Zou DH, Liu SX, Du H and Xu JT. 2012. Growth and photosynthesis in seedlings of Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) cultured at two different temperatures. Journal of Applied Phycology. 24:1321-1327. 【SCI】
18. Zou DH, Gao KS and Luo HJ. 2011. Short- and long-term effects of elevated CO2on photosynthesis and respiration in the marine macroalga Hizikia fusiformis (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) grown at low and high N supplies. Journal of Phycology. 47: 87-97.【SCI】
19. Zou DH, Gao KS and Chen WZ. 2011. Photosynthetic carbon acquisition in Sargassum henslowianum(Fucales, Phaeophyta), with special reference to the comparison between the vegetative and reproductive tissues. Photosynthesis Research.107: 159-168. 【SCI】
20. Zou DH, Gao KS, Xia JR. 2011. Dark respiration in the light and in darkness of three marine macroalgal species grown under ambient and elevated CO2concentrations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 30(1): 106-112. 【SCI】
21. Zhu XF, Zou DH, Du H. 2011.Physiological responses of Hizikia fusiformis to copper and cadmium exposure. Botanica Marina.54(5): 431-439. 【SCI】
22. Zou DH and Gao KS. 2010. Physiological responses of seaweeds to elevated atmospheric CO2concentrations. In: Seaweeds and their role in globally changing environment, edited by A. Israel, R. Einav and J. Seckbach, Springer, pp 115-126.【Book Chapters
23. Zou DH and Gao KS. 2010. Acquisition of inorganic carbon by Endarachne binghamiae(Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyta). European Journal of Phycology. 45: 119-128【SCI】
24. Zou DH and Gao KS. 2010. Photosynthetic acclimation to different light levels in the brown marine macroalga, Hizikia fusiformis(Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 22:395-404.【SCI】
25. Xu ZG, Zou DH and Gao KS. 2010. Effects of elevated CO2and phosphorus supply on growth, photosynthesis and nutrient uptake in the marine macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis(Rhodophyta). Botanica Marina. 53: 123-129. 【SCI】
26. Zou DH and Gao KS. 2009. Effects of elevated CO2on the red seaweed Gracilaria lemaneiformis (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) grown at different irradiance levels. Phycologia. 48: 510-517. 【SCI】
27. Wu HY, Zou DH and Gao K. 2009. Marine photosynthetic response to increased atmospheric CO2concentration and oceanic acidification. In: New Plant Physiology Research. Editor Robert T. Devane, pp. 217-227. Nova Science Publishers. 【Book Chapters
28. 劉樹霞,徐軍田,鄒定輝. 2015. 大氣CO2升高和紫外輻射相互作用對羊棲菜生理特性的影響. 生態學報. 35(21): 7089-7096.
29. 丁柳麗,鄒定輝,劉露,鄧亞運.2015. 氣候變化對海藻龍鬚菜生長與光合作用耐熱特性的影響.生態學報. 35( 10): 3267-3277.
30. 鄧亞運,鄒定輝. 2014. 大氣CO2濃度升高對不同氮生長條件下的兩種大型海藻光合作用的影響.生態學雜誌. 33(6): 1520-1527
31. 劉露,丁柳麗,陳偉洲,鄒定輝. 2013. 不同溫度與CO2濃度增高對壇紫菜生長與葉綠素螢光特性的影響. 生態學報. 33(13): 3916-3924.
32. 鄒定輝,夏建榮. 2011. 大型海藻營養鹽代謝與近岸海域富營養化的關係研究進展與展望. 生態學雜誌. 30(3): 589-595.
33. 簡建波, 鄒定輝, 劉文華, 杜虹, 朱喜鋒, 劉慧慧. 2011. 兩種抗生素對龍鬚菜的光合生理效應. 生態學報. 31(2): 326-334.
34. 徐智廣,鄒定輝,高坤山,李美真. 2011. 不同溫度光照強度和硝氮濃度下龍鬚菜對無機磷吸收的影響. 水產學報. 35: 1023-1029.
35. 鄒定輝,高坤山. 2010. 羊棲菜離體生殖托低溫超低溫的保存. 水產學報. 34(6): 755-761.
36. 劉樹霞,鄒定輝,徐軍田. 2010. 羊棲菜幼孢子體對不同N水平生長條件和陽光紫外輻射的回響. 生態學報. 30(20): 5562-5568.


