鄒宇鋒,男,漢族,1981年1月出生,陝西洛川人,研究生學歷,博士學位,副教授,西北農林科技大學國際合作與交流處副處長(港澳台辦副主任),絲綢之路農業教育科技創新聯盟秘書處辦公室副主任,上合組織農業技術交流培訓示範基地建設項目辦公室副主任,中國旱區節水農業研究院兼職研究員,亞利桑那大學客座教授、西澳大學客座副教授,加拿大阿爾伯塔大學訪問學者,國家111計畫“旱區節水農業技術創新引智基地”秘書長,教育部中外合作辦學評審專家,陝西省中外合作辦學評審專家。多年來主要從事農業節水與水資源高效利用相關研究,先後在Agricultural Water Management,Field Crops Research等中科院一區TOP期刊發表學術論文40篇,ESI高被引1篇,參與世界土壤大百科全書ESS中《Crop Evapotranspiration》和《Root Monitoring System》等章節的編寫;科技部政府間國際合作項目中美旗艦項目,聯合國中非水行動,中烏政府間國際科技合作等項目參與人,Water期刊客座主編,Plant and Soil,Agronomy,Arid Land Research and Management等期刊審稿人。2021年優秀導師團隊“農業生境系統過程模擬與管理團隊”成員。
- 中文名:鄒宇鋒
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢
- 出生日期:1981年1月
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:語料庫與翻譯、節水農業理論與技術
- 任職院校: 西北農林科技大學
- 籍貫:陝西洛川
2018-2019 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學,訪問學者
2016-2020 西北農林科技大學,獲農業工程博士學位
2009-2010 香港理工大學,獲翻譯與傳譯碩士學位
1999-2003 西安外國語學院,獲文學學士學位
2003-至今 西北農林科技大學外語系
2011-至今 西北農林科技大學中國旱區節水農業研究院
2019-至今 西北農林科技大學國際交流與合作處
(1) 語料驅動下的創新型大學英語寫作教學模式研究,2011年,校級教改項目(JY1102),主持;戀虹悼
(2) 基於數據驅動的旱區節水農業科技英語套用研究,2013年,校人文社科項目(2013RWYB20),主持;宙趨淋愉
(3) 網路英語學習行為研究及評價體系的構建, 2013-2016,校人文社科項目,參加人;
(4) 數據驅動(DDL)下英語演講文體語義韻研究,2015-2017,校人文社科項目(2015RWYB29),參加人;
(5) 基於概念隱喻的中國農業諺語研究(4),2015-2017,校人文社科項目(2015RWYB29),參加人;
(6) 旱區現代節水農業技術創新引智基地,2012-2021,教育部\科技部111引智計畫項目,參加人;
(7) 國家重點研發計畫:“西北典型農區高效節水灌溉技術與集成套用”,2016.07 -2020.12,參加人;
(8) 國家863計畫:“作物生境過程耦合與調控技術”,2013.01-2017.12,參加人;
(9) 提高旱區作物燥您協水鍵淋舉分利用相關技術及套用,2014-2017,科技部(2014DFG72150),參加人;
(10) 以多學科創新團隊建設提高研墓察雄究生科研水平和培養質量,2020-2021,陝西省研究生教育綜拔記背兆合改革研究與實踐項目,參加人。
(11) "雙晚覆膜"栽培模式下作物生產力提升機制研究,2021-2023,校博士科研基金,主持人。
1. Zhang, B., Su, S., Duan, C., Feng, H., Chau, H. W., He, J., ... & Zou, Y(通訊作者).(2022). Effects of partial organic fertilizer replacement combined with rainwater collection system on soil water, nitrate-nitrogen and apple yield of rainfed apple orchard in the Loess Plateau of China: A 3-year field experiment. Agricultural Water Management, 260, 107295.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
2. Wang, Y., Zou, Y.(共同一作), Cai, H., Zeng, Y., He, J., Yu, L., ... & Su, Z. (2022). Seasonal variation and controlling factors of evapotranspiration over dry semi-humid cropland in Guanzhong Plain, China. Agricultural Water Management, 259, 107242.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
3. Duan, C., Chen, J., Li, J., Su, S., Lei, Q., Feng, H., ... & Zou, Y. (2022). Biomaterial amendments combined with ridge–furrow mulching improve soil hydrothermal characteristics and wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) growth in the Qaidam Basin of China. Agricultural Water Management, 259, 107213.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
4. Liao, Z., Zhang, K., Fan, J., Li, Z., Zhang, F., Wang, X., ... & Zou, Y. (2022). Ridge-furrow plastic mulching and dense planting with reduced nitrogen improve soil hydrothermal conditions, rainfed soybean yield and economic return in a semi-humid drought-prone region of China. Soil and Tillage Research, 217, 105291.(中科院1區,If=5.374)
5. Chu, X., Flerchinger, G. N., Ma, L., Fang, Q., Malone, R. W., Yu, Q., ... & Zou, Y. (2022). Development of RZ-SHAW for simulating plastic mulch effects on soil water, soil temperature, and surface energy balance in a maize field. Agricultural Water Management, 269, 107666.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
6. Zou, Y., Saddique, Q., Ali, A., Xu, J., Khan, M. I., Qing, M., ... & Siddique, K. H.(2021). Deficit irrigation improves maize yield and water use efficiency in a semi-arid environment. Agricultural Water Management, 243, 106483.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
7. Zou, Y., Saddique, Q., Dong, W., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, J., ... & Siddique, K. H. (2021). Quantifying the compensatory effect of increased soil temperature under plastic film mulching on crop growing degree days in a wheat–maize rotation system. Field Crops Research, 260, 107993.(中科院1區,If=4.308)
8. Zhang, T., Zou, Y. (共同一作), Kisekka, I., Biswas, A., & Cai, H.(2021). Comparison of different irrigation methods to synergistically improve maize’s yield, water productivity and economic benefits in an arid irrigation area. Agricultural Water Management, 243, 106497.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
9. Zheng, J., Fan, J., Zhang, F., Wu, L., Zou, Y., & Zhuang, Q. (2021). Estimation of rain-fed maize transpiration under various mulching methods using modified Jarvis-Stewart model and hybrid support vector machine model with whale optimization algorithm. Agricultural Water Management, 249, 106799.(中科院1區,If=4.308)
10. Bai, J., Zhou, Z., Zou, Y., Pulatov, B., & Siddique, K. H. (2021). Watershed Drought and Ecosystem Services: Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Gray Relational Analysis. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(2), 43.
11. Zheng, T., Zhou, Z., Zou, Y., Pulatov, B., & Biswas, A. (2021). Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics and Spatial Flow Process of Soil Conservation Service in Jinghe Basin of China. Sustainability, 13(4), 1794.
12. Zhang, M., Zhao, G., Li, Y., Wang, Q., Dang, P., Qin, X., Zou, Y. & Siddique, K. H. (2021). Straw incorporation with ridge–furrow plastic film mulch alters soil fungal community and increases maize yield in a semiarid region of China. Applied Soil Ecology, 167, 104038.
13. Ding, D., Wang, N., Zhang, X., Zou, Y., Zhao, Y., Xu, Z., ... & Wendroth, O. (2021). Quantifying the interaction of water and radiation use efficiency under plastic film mulch in winter wheat. Science of The Total Environment, 148704.(中科院1區,If=6.551)
14. Zhang, T., Ji, X., Zhan, X., Ding, Y., Zou, Y., Kisekka, I., ... & Feng, H. (2021). Maize is stressed by salt rather than water under drip irrigation with soil matric potential higher than− 50 kPa in an arid saline area. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.
15. Gao, X., Zhao, X., Wu, P., Yang, M., Ye, M., Tian, L., Zou, Y., & Siddique, K. H. (2021). The economic–environmental trade-off of growing apple trees in the drylands of China: A conceptual framework for sustainable intensification. Journal of Cleaner Production, 296, 126497.(中科院1區,If=9.297)
16. Ji, Y., Li, Y., Yao, N., Biswas, A., Zou, Y., Meng, Q., & Liu, F. (2021). The lagged effect and impact of soil moisture drought on terrestrial ecosystem water use efficiency. Ecological Indicators, 133, 108349.
17. Chen, S., He, L., Cao, Y., Wang, R., Wu, L., Wang, Z., Zou, Y.,... & He, J. (2021). Comparisons among four different upscaling strategies for cultivar genetic parameters in rainfed spring wheat phenology simulations with the DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model. Agricultural Water Management, 258, 107181.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
18. Cheng, M., Wang, H., Fan, J., Xiang, Y., Tang, Z., Pei, S., Zou, Y.,... & Zhang, F. (2021). Effects of nitrogen supply on tomato yield, water use efficiency and fruit quality: A global meta-analysis. Scientia Horticulturae, 290, 110553.
19. Zou, Y., Feng, H., Wu, S., Dong, Q. G., & Siddique, K. H. (2020). An Ammoniated Straw Incorporation Increased Biomass Production and Water Use Efficiency in an Annual Wheat-Maize Rotation System in Semi-Arid China. Agronomy, 10(2), 243.
20. Saddique, Q., Zou, Y.(共同一作), Ajaz, A., Ji, J., Xu, J., Azmat, M., ... & Cai, H. (2020). Analyzing the performance and application of CERES-Wheat and APSIM in Guanzhong Plain, China. Transactions of the ASABE(EI本領域TOP)
21. Li, L., Zou, Y.,(共同一作) Li, Y., Lin, H., Liu, D. L., Wang, B., ... & Song, S. (2020). Trends, change points and spatial variability in extreme precipitation events from 1961 to 2017 in China. Hydrology Research, 51(3), 484-504.
22. Ding, D. Y., Feng, H., Zhao, Y., He, J. Q., Zou, Y. F., & Jin, J. M. (2016). Modifying winter wheat sowing date as an adaptation to climate change on the Loess Plateau. Agronomy Journal, 108(1), 53-63.
23. Zhou, Z., & Zou, Y.(通訊作者), (2017). Carbon payments in the Guanzhong–Tianshui region to control land degradation. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 4(2), 246-253.
24. Yang, Y., Zhang, T., Zhou, L., He, J., Chau, H. W., Zou, Y., & Feng, H. (2018). Impacts of ridge with plastic mulch-furrow irrigation on soil salinity, spring maize yield and water use efficiency in an arid saline area. Agricultural Water Management, 201, 268-277.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
25. Wang, H., Wu, L., Cheng, M., Fan, J., Zhang, F., Zou, Y., ... & Wang, X. (2018). Coupling effects of water and fertilizer on yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency of drip-fertigated cotton in northern Xinjiang, China. Field crops research, 219, 169-179.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
26. Zhou, L., He, J., Qi, Z., Dyck, M., Zou, Y., Zhang, T., & Feng, H. (2018). Effects of lateral spacing for drip irrigation and mulching on the distributions of soil water and nitrate, maize yield, and water use efficiency. Agricultural Water Management, 199, 190-200.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
27. Saddique, Q., Ji, J., Ajaz, A., Jiatun, X., Yufeng, Z., He, J., & Cai, H. (2019). Performance Comparison of the APSIM and CERES-Wheat models in Guanzhong Plain, China. In 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p.1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
28. Zheng, J., Fan, J., Zou, Y., Chau, H. W., & Zhang, F. (2020). Ridge-furrow plastic mulching with a suitable planting density enhances rainwater productivity, grain yield and economic benefit of rainfed maize. Journal of Arid Land, 12, 181-198.
29. Li, Y., Chen, H., Feng, H., Wu, W., Zou, Y., Chau, H. W., & Siddique, K. H. (2020). Influence of straw incorporation on soil water utilization and summer maize productivity: A five-year field study on the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management, 233, 106106.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
30. Chen, X., Li, Y., Chau, H. W., Zhao, H., Li, M., Lei, T., & Zou, Y. (2020). The spatiotemporal variations of soil water content and soil temperature and the influences of precipitation and air temperature at the daily, monthly, and annual timescales in China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-23.
31. Song, X., Gao, X., Wu, P., Zhao, X., Zhang, W., Zou, Y., & Siddique, K. H. (2020). Drought responses of profile plant-available water and fine-root distributions in apple (Malus pumila Mill.) orchards in a loessial, semi-arid, hilly area of China. Science of The Total Environment, 137739. 6.551(中科院1區,If=6.551)
32. Song, X., Gao, X., Zou, Y., Chau, H., Wu, P., Zhao, X., & Siddique, K. H. (2020).Vertical variation in shallow and deep soil moisture in an apple orchard in the loess hilly‐gully area of north China. Soil Use and Management.
33. Song, X., Gao, X., Weckler, P. R., Zhang, W., Yao, J., Zou, Y., .. & Siddique, K. H. (2020). In-situ rainwater collection and infiltration system to improve plant-available water and fine root growth for drought resistance. Applied Engineering in Agriculture
34. Hu, Y., Ma, P., Duan, C., Wu, S., Feng, H., & Zou, Y. (2020). Black plastic film combined with straw mulching delays senescence and increases summer maize yield in northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 231, 106031. (中科院1區,If=4.021)
35. Ma, Q., Li, Y., Feng, H., Yu, Q., Zou, Y., Liu, F., & Pulatov, B. (2021). Performance evaluation and correction of precipitation data using the 20-year IMERG and TMPA precipitation products in diverse subregions of China. Atmospheric Research, 105304.
36. Song, X., Wu, P., Gao, X., Yao, J., Zou, Y., Zhao, X., ... & Hu, W. (2020). Rainwater collection and infiltration (RWCI) systems promote deep soil water and organic carbon restoration in water-limited sloping orchards. Agricultural Water Management, 242, 106400.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
37. Ye, M., Zhao, X., Biswas, A., Huo, G., Yang, B., Zou, Y., ...& Gao, X. (2021). Measurements and modeling of hydrological responses to summer pruning in dryland apple orchards. Journal of Hydrology, 594, 125651.
38. 鄒宇鋒,蔡煥傑,張體彬,王雲霏,徐家屯.河套灌區不同灌溉方式春玉米耗水特性與經濟效益分析[J].農業機械學報,2020,51(9):237-248 (本領域EI)
39. 鄒宇鋒, & 山立. (2014). 有限水資源條件下西北旱區農業發展途徑. 乾旱地區農業研究, 32(2), 257-263.(北大核心)
40. 山立, & 鄒宇鋒(通訊作者). (2013). 我國旱區農業的地位和發展潛力及政策建議. 農業現代化研究, 34(4), 425-430.(北大核心)
41. Cai, H., Wu, P., Li, Z., Hu, X., & Zou, Y. (2017). Crop Evapotranspiration: Measurement System. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science (pp. 488-491). CRC Press.
42. Jia, Z., Wu, P., Han, Q., Nie, J., Ding, R., & Zou, Y. (2017). Root Monitoring System. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science (pp. 1960-1964). CRC Press.
(1)51Learning大學英語自主學習系統V1.0, 軟體著作權(2015SR261534), 2015年12月15日;
(2)51Learning醫學英語視聽說互動系統V2.0,軟體著作權(2015SR261533), 2015年12月15日;
(3)節水農業SCI語料庫檢索平台V1.0,軟體著作權(2015SR245451), 2015年12月5日;
(4)國際節水農業信息庫V1.0 軟體著作權 (2016SR099034), 2016年5月10日;
獎勵名稱 | 授獎部門 | 等級 | 獲獎年月 | 排名 |
西北農林科技大學講課比賽 | 西北農林科技大學 | 二等獎 | 2011.11 | 2 |
2011外教社杯全國大學英語教學大賽(陝西賽區) | 陝西省教育廳 | 三等獎 | 2011 | 6 |
2011年校級優秀教師 | 西北農林科技大學 | 2011.12 | 1 | |
校級教學成果獎(大學英語課堂教學模式研究) | 西北農林科技大學 | 二等獎 | 2012 | 4/4 |
第十九屆中國楊凌農高會先進個人 | 楊凌示範區 | 2012.11 | 1 |
(8) 國家863計畫:“作物生境過程耦合與調控技術”,2013.01-2017.12,參加人;
(9) 提高旱區作物水分利用相關技術及套用,2014-2017,科技部(2014DFG72150),參加人;
(10) 以多學科創新團隊建設提高研究生科研水平和培養質量,2020-2021,陝西省研究生教育綜合改革研究與實踐項目,參加人。
(11) "雙晚覆膜"栽培模式下作物生產力提升機制研究,2021-2023,校博士科研基金,主持人。
1. Zhang, B., Su, S., Duan, C., Feng, H., Chau, H. W., He, J., ... & Zou, Y(通訊作者).(2022). Effects of partial organic fertilizer replacement combined with rainwater collection system on soil water, nitrate-nitrogen and apple yield of rainfed apple orchard in the Loess Plateau of China: A 3-year field experiment. Agricultural Water Management, 260, 107295.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
2. Wang, Y., Zou, Y.(共同一作), Cai, H., Zeng, Y., He, J., Yu, L., ... & Su, Z. (2022). Seasonal variation and controlling factors of evapotranspiration over dry semi-humid cropland in Guanzhong Plain, China. Agricultural Water Management, 259, 107242.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
3. Duan, C., Chen, J., Li, J., Su, S., Lei, Q., Feng, H., ... & Zou, Y. (2022). Biomaterial amendments combined with ridge–furrow mulching improve soil hydrothermal characteristics and wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) growth in the Qaidam Basin of China. Agricultural Water Management, 259, 107213.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
4. Liao, Z., Zhang, K., Fan, J., Li, Z., Zhang, F., Wang, X., ... & Zou, Y. (2022). Ridge-furrow plastic mulching and dense planting with reduced nitrogen improve soil hydrothermal conditions, rainfed soybean yield and economic return in a semi-humid drought-prone region of China. Soil and Tillage Research, 217, 105291.(中科院1區,If=5.374)
5. Chu, X., Flerchinger, G. N., Ma, L., Fang, Q., Malone, R. W., Yu, Q., ... & Zou, Y. (2022). Development of RZ-SHAW for simulating plastic mulch effects on soil water, soil temperature, and surface energy balance in a maize field. Agricultural Water Management, 269, 107666.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
6. Zou, Y., Saddique, Q., Ali, A., Xu, J., Khan, M. I., Qing, M., ... & Siddique, K. H.(2021). Deficit irrigation improves maize yield and water use efficiency in a semi-arid environment. Agricultural Water Management, 243, 106483.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
7. Zou, Y., Saddique, Q., Dong, W., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, J., ... & Siddique, K. H. (2021). Quantifying the compensatory effect of increased soil temperature under plastic film mulching on crop growing degree days in a wheat–maize rotation system. Field Crops Research, 260, 107993.(中科院1區,If=4.308)
8. Zhang, T., Zou, Y. (共同一作), Kisekka, I., Biswas, A., & Cai, H.(2021). Comparison of different irrigation methods to synergistically improve maize’s yield, water productivity and economic benefits in an arid irrigation area. Agricultural Water Management, 243, 106497.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
9. Zheng, J., Fan, J., Zhang, F., Wu, L., Zou, Y., & Zhuang, Q. (2021). Estimation of rain-fed maize transpiration under various mulching methods using modified Jarvis-Stewart model and hybrid support vector machine model with whale optimization algorithm. Agricultural Water Management, 249, 106799.(中科院1區,If=4.308)
10. Bai, J., Zhou, Z., Zou, Y., Pulatov, B., & Siddique, K. H. (2021). Watershed Drought and Ecosystem Services: Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Gray Relational Analysis. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(2), 43.
11. Zheng, T., Zhou, Z., Zou, Y., Pulatov, B., & Biswas, A. (2021). Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics and Spatial Flow Process of Soil Conservation Service in Jinghe Basin of China. Sustainability, 13(4), 1794.
12. Zhang, M., Zhao, G., Li, Y., Wang, Q., Dang, P., Qin, X., Zou, Y. & Siddique, K. H. (2021). Straw incorporation with ridge–furrow plastic film mulch alters soil fungal community and increases maize yield in a semiarid region of China. Applied Soil Ecology, 167, 104038.
13. Ding, D., Wang, N., Zhang, X., Zou, Y., Zhao, Y., Xu, Z., ... & Wendroth, O. (2021). Quantifying the interaction of water and radiation use efficiency under plastic film mulch in winter wheat. Science of The Total Environment, 148704.(中科院1區,If=6.551)
14. Zhang, T., Ji, X., Zhan, X., Ding, Y., Zou, Y., Kisekka, I., ... & Feng, H. (2021). Maize is stressed by salt rather than water under drip irrigation with soil matric potential higher than− 50 kPa in an arid saline area. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.
15. Gao, X., Zhao, X., Wu, P., Yang, M., Ye, M., Tian, L., Zou, Y., & Siddique, K. H. (2021). The economic–environmental trade-off of growing apple trees in the drylands of China: A conceptual framework for sustainable intensification. Journal of Cleaner Production, 296, 126497.(中科院1區,If=9.297)
16. Ji, Y., Li, Y., Yao, N., Biswas, A., Zou, Y., Meng, Q., & Liu, F. (2021). The lagged effect and impact of soil moisture drought on terrestrial ecosystem water use efficiency. Ecological Indicators, 133, 108349.
17. Chen, S., He, L., Cao, Y., Wang, R., Wu, L., Wang, Z., Zou, Y.,... & He, J. (2021). Comparisons among four different upscaling strategies for cultivar genetic parameters in rainfed spring wheat phenology simulations with the DSSAT-CERES-Wheat model. Agricultural Water Management, 258, 107181.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
18. Cheng, M., Wang, H., Fan, J., Xiang, Y., Tang, Z., Pei, S., Zou, Y.,... & Zhang, F. (2021). Effects of nitrogen supply on tomato yield, water use efficiency and fruit quality: A global meta-analysis. Scientia Horticulturae, 290, 110553.
19. Zou, Y., Feng, H., Wu, S., Dong, Q. G., & Siddique, K. H. (2020). An Ammoniated Straw Incorporation Increased Biomass Production and Water Use Efficiency in an Annual Wheat-Maize Rotation System in Semi-Arid China. Agronomy, 10(2), 243.
20. Saddique, Q., Zou, Y.(共同一作), Ajaz, A., Ji, J., Xu, J., Azmat, M., ... & Cai, H. (2020). Analyzing the performance and application of CERES-Wheat and APSIM in Guanzhong Plain, China. Transactions of the ASABE(EI本領域TOP)
21. Li, L., Zou, Y.,(共同一作) Li, Y., Lin, H., Liu, D. L., Wang, B., ... & Song, S. (2020). Trends, change points and spatial variability in extreme precipitation events from 1961 to 2017 in China. Hydrology Research, 51(3), 484-504.
22. Ding, D. Y., Feng, H., Zhao, Y., He, J. Q., Zou, Y. F., & Jin, J. M. (2016). Modifying winter wheat sowing date as an adaptation to climate change on the Loess Plateau. Agronomy Journal, 108(1), 53-63.
23. Zhou, Z., & Zou, Y.(通訊作者), (2017). Carbon payments in the Guanzhong–Tianshui region to control land degradation. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 4(2), 246-253.
24. Yang, Y., Zhang, T., Zhou, L., He, J., Chau, H. W., Zou, Y., & Feng, H. (2018). Impacts of ridge with plastic mulch-furrow irrigation on soil salinity, spring maize yield and water use efficiency in an arid saline area. Agricultural Water Management, 201, 268-277.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
25. Wang, H., Wu, L., Cheng, M., Fan, J., Zhang, F., Zou, Y., ... & Wang, X. (2018). Coupling effects of water and fertilizer on yield, water and fertilizer use efficiency of drip-fertigated cotton in northern Xinjiang, China. Field crops research, 219, 169-179.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
26. Zhou, L., He, J., Qi, Z., Dyck, M., Zou, Y., Zhang, T., & Feng, H. (2018). Effects of lateral spacing for drip irrigation and mulching on the distributions of soil water and nitrate, maize yield, and water use efficiency. Agricultural Water Management, 199, 190-200.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
27. Saddique, Q., Ji, J., Ajaz, A., Jiatun, X., Yufeng, Z., He, J., & Cai, H. (2019). Performance Comparison of the APSIM and CERES-Wheat models in Guanzhong Plain, China. In 2019 ASABE Annual International Meeting (p.1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
28. Zheng, J., Fan, J., Zou, Y., Chau, H. W., & Zhang, F. (2020). Ridge-furrow plastic mulching with a suitable planting density enhances rainwater productivity, grain yield and economic benefit of rainfed maize. Journal of Arid Land, 12, 181-198.
29. Li, Y., Chen, H., Feng, H., Wu, W., Zou, Y., Chau, H. W., & Siddique, K. H. (2020). Influence of straw incorporation on soil water utilization and summer maize productivity: A five-year field study on the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural Water Management, 233, 106106.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
30. Chen, X., Li, Y., Chau, H. W., Zhao, H., Li, M., Lei, T., & Zou, Y. (2020). The spatiotemporal variations of soil water content and soil temperature and the influences of precipitation and air temperature at the daily, monthly, and annual timescales in China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 1-23.
31. Song, X., Gao, X., Wu, P., Zhao, X., Zhang, W., Zou, Y., & Siddique, K. H. (2020). Drought responses of profile plant-available water and fine-root distributions in apple (Malus pumila Mill.) orchards in a loessial, semi-arid, hilly area of China. Science of The Total Environment, 137739. 6.551(中科院1區,If=6.551)
32. Song, X., Gao, X., Zou, Y., Chau, H., Wu, P., Zhao, X., & Siddique, K. H. (2020).Vertical variation in shallow and deep soil moisture in an apple orchard in the loess hilly‐gully area of north China. Soil Use and Management.
33. Song, X., Gao, X., Weckler, P. R., Zhang, W., Yao, J., Zou, Y., .. & Siddique, K. H. (2020). In-situ rainwater collection and infiltration system to improve plant-available water and fine root growth for drought resistance. Applied Engineering in Agriculture
34. Hu, Y., Ma, P., Duan, C., Wu, S., Feng, H., & Zou, Y. (2020). Black plastic film combined with straw mulching delays senescence and increases summer maize yield in northwest China. Agricultural Water Management, 231, 106031. (中科院1區,If=4.021)
35. Ma, Q., Li, Y., Feng, H., Yu, Q., Zou, Y., Liu, F., & Pulatov, B. (2021). Performance evaluation and correction of precipitation data using the 20-year IMERG and TMPA precipitation products in diverse subregions of China. Atmospheric Research, 105304.
36. Song, X., Wu, P., Gao, X., Yao, J., Zou, Y., Zhao, X., ... & Hu, W. (2020). Rainwater collection and infiltration (RWCI) systems promote deep soil water and organic carbon restoration in water-limited sloping orchards. Agricultural Water Management, 242, 106400.(中科院1區,If=4.021)
37. Ye, M., Zhao, X., Biswas, A., Huo, G., Yang, B., Zou, Y., ...& Gao, X. (2021). Measurements and modeling of hydrological responses to summer pruning in dryland apple orchards. Journal of Hydrology, 594, 125651.
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41. Cai, H., Wu, P., Li, Z., Hu, X., & Zou, Y. (2017). Crop Evapotranspiration: Measurement System. In Encyclopedia of Soil Science (pp. 488-491). CRC Press.
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(1)51Learning大學英語自主學習系統V1.0, 軟體著作權(2015SR261534), 2015年12月15日;
(2)51Learning醫學英語視聽說互動系統V2.0,軟體著作權(2015SR261533), 2015年12月15日;
(3)節水農業SCI語料庫檢索平台V1.0,軟體著作權(2015SR245451), 2015年12月5日;
(4)國際節水農業信息庫V1.0 軟體著作權 (2016SR099034), 2016年5月10日;
獎勵名稱 | 授獎部門 | 等級 | 獲獎年月 | 排名 |
西北農林科技大學講課比賽 | 西北農林科技大學 | 二等獎 | 2011.11 | 2 |
2011外教社杯全國大學英語教學大賽(陝西賽區) | 陝西省教育廳 | 三等獎 | 2011 | 6 |
2011年校級優秀教師 | 西北農林科技大學 | 2011.12 | 1 | |
校級教學成果獎(大學英語課堂教學模式研究) | 西北農林科技大學 | 二等獎 | 2012 | 4/4 |
第十九屆中國楊凌農高會先進個人 | 楊凌示範區 | 2012.11 | 1 |