- 中文名:郭穎
- 職業:教師
- 畢業院校:東華大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 2011/09-現在,東華大學套用物理系,副教授
- 2009/04-2010/03,日本中部大學電氣工程系,訪問學者(主要在日本知名電漿專家菅井秀郎和中村圭二教授實驗室,從事寬禁帶半導體GaN材料的缺陷線上檢測)
- 2004/03-2011/08,東華大學套用物理系,助教、講師
- Xiaojiang Huang; Ying Guo*; Jing Zhang; Yoshitaka Nakano; Hideo Sugai; Keiji Nakamura, In situ monitoring of GaN substrate surface in ICP containing energetic electrons, Applied Surface Science 292 (2014) 387– 389
- Yanfeng Xie, Ying Guo* , The Effects of Contents of Oxygen in Argon-oxygen Mixed Gas on Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Films by CCP Discharge,2012 International Conference on Engineering Materials,Advanced Materials Research,[J].Advanced Materials Research, 651, 257-262.( 2013)
- Shutong Song, Ying Guo, Wonho Choe, Jie Zhang, Jing Zhang, and J. J. Shi, sub-microsecond pulsed atmospheric glow discharges with and without dielectric barrier, PHYSICS OF PLASMAS ,19, 123508 (2012) (SCI,EI)
- Ying Guo*, Jing Zhang et al ,Growth of Single-Crystalline Nanorods in Atmospheric Plasma, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 ,01AH04,2011
- Ying Guo*, Keiji Nakamura, Jing Zhang, Yoshitaka Nakano, and Hideo Sugai,Observation of Optical Fluorescence of GaN Thin Films in an Inductively-CoupledPlasma Containing High Energy Electrons, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50,01AA02 (SCI,EI),2011
- LI Sai, LIU Xiaohu, SUN Liqun, WANG Dong,SHI Jianjun,GUO Ying*, ZHANG Jing,Study on surface etching of UHMPE fibers with pulsed radio-frequency glow discharge plasma, Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Advanced Fibers and Polymer Materials, Aug. 15-17, Shanghai, China
- Ying Guo Jing Zhang Jinzhou Xu Jianyong Yu,Variable Morphology of PTFE-Like Polymer Nanocrystals Fabricated by Oriented Plasma Polymerization at Atmospheric Pressure, Applied Surface Science,Vol 254/11 (2008) 3408-3411
- Ying Guo, Jing Zhang, Feng Zhu, ZhongXue Yang, Jinzhou Xu, Jianyong Yu,Self-Assembly of β-Ga2O3 nanobelts,Applied Surface Science Vol 254 (2008) 5124–5128
- J. Zhang, Y. Guo, J. Z. Xu , X. S. Fang, H. K. Xie,D. L. Shi, P. He, and W. J. van Ooij,Single-Crystalline PTFE-like Nanotubes Prepared from Atmospheric Plasma Discharge, Applied Physics Letters, 86, 131501(2005)
- 張瀚文,郭穎*,等不同成分電漿對PET薄膜表面親水性改性的影響,東華大學學報,39,2, 255-258(2013)
- 解艷鳳,施芸城,黃曉江,郭穎*;直流脈衝偏壓協同射頻電漿對PET膜的表面改性,真空科學與技術學報, 33,9,893-897(2013)
- 郭穎;解艷鳳;黃曉江;張迪;石建軍;張菁, 一種脈衝偏壓輔助電漿高速處理有機薄膜的方法,公開號:Zl 2013 1 0123344.7
- 張菁,郭穎,楊沁玉,周榮銘,常壓介質阻擋放電聚合製備納米顆粒膜雙疏塗層方法,專利號:ZL 03115252.X (2006.1)
- 2005年獲得上海市科學技術進步二等獎,項目名稱:常壓電漿實時聚合納米塗層技術,排名第二,證書編號:2005142009-2-02
- 2013-2014年東華大學“三八”紅旗手