郭福濤,1982年生,福建農林大學林學院,博士,副教授,博士生導師,福建農林大學“金山學者”青年拔尖人才。主要研究方向為林火生態學,林火預測預報,林火與大氣污染等。近五年在國內外著名學術期刊上發表學術論文60餘篇,其中SCI 收錄20餘篇。擔任<International Journal of Wildland Fire>, <Science of the Total Environment>, <Journal of Environmental Management>, <New Forests>等眾多國際知名學術期刊審稿人。現主持國家自然科學基金,福建省自然科學基金及“福建農林大學—加拿大UBC大學”國際合作項目等8項。曾獲全國百篇優秀博士論文提名等多個國家級和省級科研獎勵。
- 中文名:郭福濤
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:黑龍江
- 出生日期:1982年
- 職業:教師
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:林火生態學,林火預測預報等
- 主要成就:獲全國百篇優秀博士論文提名等多個國家級和省級科研獎勵
郭福濤,1982年生,福建農林大學林學院,博士,副教授,博士生導師,福建農林大學“金山學者”青年拔尖人才。主要研究方向為林火生態學,林火預測預報,林火與大氣污染等。近五年在國內外著名學術期刊上發表學術論文60餘篇,其中SCI 收錄20餘篇。擔任<International Journal of Wildland Fire>, <Science of the Total Environment>, <Journal of Environmental Management>, <New Forests>等眾多國際知名學術期刊審稿人。現主持國家自然科學基金,福建省自然科學基金及“福建農林大學—加拿大UBC大學”國際合作項目等8項。曾獲全國百篇優秀博士論文提名等多個國家級和省級科研獎勵。。
2013.11-2017.11 福建農林大學林學院 教師
2010.11-2013.07 加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞大學(University of British Columbia) 博士後
2007.09-2010.07 東北林業大學 森林保護學專業(林火管理、森林防火方向) 農學博士
2008.08-2009.08 美國紐約州立大學林學與環境科學學院 (SUNY-ESF) 聯合培養博士 (國家教育部留學基金委公派聯合培養博士生項目)
2004.09-2007.07 東北林業大學 生態學專業 (林火生態方向) 理學碩士
2000.09-2004.07 東北林業大學 林學專業 農學學士
- 林火生態學(林火煙氣顆粒物對森林生態系統的影響)
- 林火預測預報與管理(數學模型方向)
- 林火與氣候變化
1. 亞熱帶典型森林生態系統對林火顆粒物的淨化機理及臨界負荷研究.國家自然科學基金 (2018-2021).
2. 煉山釋放細小顆粒物排放機理及潛在成霾性研究.國家自然科學基金 (2015-2017).
3. 福建煉山顆粒物排放特性研究.福建省教育廳重點項目 (2015-2017).
4. 中國不同森林生態系統林火發生機制和顆粒物循環特性研究.福建農林大學校傑出青年基金 (2016-2019)
5. 氣候變化背景下福建未來林火釋放顆粒物濃度的空間分布.福建省自然科學基金 (2015-2017).
2016年, 全國優秀林業專業學位案例 授予單位:全國林業專業學位委員會
2012年, 全國百篇優秀博士論文提名 授予單位:中國國家教育部學術論文
發表論文(部分)* 為通訊作者:
- Futao Guo, Yuanhua Ju, Guangyu Wang*, et al.Inorganic chemical composition of PM2.5 emissions from the combustion of six main tree species in subtropical China, Atmospheric Environment. 2018,189:107–115.
- Futao Guo, Zhangwen Su, Guangyu Wang*, et al.Understanding fire drivers and relative impacts in different Chinese forest ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment. 2017, 605-606, 411-425.
- Futao Guo, Zhangwen Su, Mulualem Tigabu, et al. Spatial Modelling of Fire Drivers in Urban-Forest Ecosystems in China. Forests. 2017, 8,180,1-18.
- Futao Guo, Guangyu Wang, Zhangwen Su, et al. What drives forest fire in Fujian, China? Evidence from logistic regression and Random Forests.International Journal of Wildland Fire.2016,25,505-519 .
- Futao Guo, Selvaraj Selvalakshmia, Fangfang Lin, et al.Geospatial information on geographical and human factors improved anthropogenic fire occurrence modeling in the Chinese boreal forest.Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 2016,46,582-594.
- Futao Guo, Zhangwen Su, Guangyu Wang*, et al. Wildfire ignition in the forests of southeast China: Identifying drivers and spatial distribution to predict wildfire likelihood.Applied Geography. 2016, 66: 12-21.
- Futao Guo,John L. Innes, Guangyu Wang*et al. Historic distribution and driving factors of human-caused fires in the Chinese boreal forest between 1972 and 2005.Journal of Plant Ecology. 2015,8:480-490.
- Futao Guo, Guangyu Wang*, Zhihai Ma et al.Comparison of Six Generalized Linear Models for Modeling the Occurrence of Lightning-Induced Fires in Northern Daxing’an Mountains, China.Journal of Forestry Research. 2016, 27:379-388.
- Futao Guo*, Lianjun Zhang, Sen Jin, et al. Modeling Anthropogenic Fire Occurrence in the Boreal Forest of China Using Logistic Regression and Random Forests. Forests.2016, 7, 250:1-14. doi:10.3390/f7110250
- Futao Guo, Guangyu Wang*, John L. Innes, et al. Gamma Generalized Linear Model to Investigate the Effects of Climate Variables on the Area Burned by Forest Fire in Northeast China.Journal of Forestry Research. 2015, 26:545-555.
- Qiang Wang,Futao Guo*, Haiqing Hu*,et al. Estimation of Gases Emitted by Forest Fires Based on Remote Sensing Data.Journal of Forestry Research. 2016, 27:369-378.
- Quanfeng Jin, Xiangqing Ma, Guangyu Wang, Xiajie Yang, Futao Guo*. Dynamics of major air pollutants from crop residue burning in mainland China 2000-2014. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2018, 70:190-205.
- Wenhui Wang, Xiangqing Ma, Syed Moazzam Nizami, Chao Tian, Futao Guo*. Anthropogenic and Biophysical Factors Associated with Vegetation Restoration in Changting, China.Forests.2018, 9, 306:1-17.doi:10.3390/f9060306
- Zhangwen Su, Haiqing Hu, Guangyu Wang, Yuanfan Ma, Xiajie Yang, Futao Guo*. Using GIS and Random Forests to identify fire drivers in a forest city, Yichun, China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2018.1505667
- Zhangwen Su, Haiqing Hu, Mulualem Tigabu, Guangyu Wang, Aicong Zeng,Futao Guo*.Geographically Weighted Negative BinomialRegression Model Predicts Wildfire Occurrence in theGreat Xing’an Mountains Better Than NegativeBinomial Model. Forests.2019.10, 377; doi:10.3390/f10050377.
- Huang ZJ, Selvaraj S, Duraisamy V, Liu QQ, Cheng H, Guo FT, Ma XQ. Identification of indicators for evaluating and monitoring the effects of Chinese fir monoculture plantations on soil quality. Ecological Indicators. 2018, 93,547-554.
- Tongxin Hu, Long Sun, Haiqing Hu, David R. Weise, Futao Guo. Soil Respiration of the Dahurian Larch (Larix gmelinii) Forest and the Response to Fire Disturbance in DaXing’an Mountains, China. Scientific Reports.2017, 7, 2967 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03325-4
- Selvalakshmi Selvaraj, Vasu Duraisamy, Zhijun Huang, Futao Guo, Xiangqing Ma. Influence of long-term successive rotations and stand age of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantations on soil properties. Geoderma.2017, 306: 127–134.
- Selvaraj Selvalakshmi, José M. delaRos, Huang Zhijun, Futao Guo, Xiangqing Ma.Effects of ageing and successive slash-and-burn practice on the chemical composition of charcoal and yields of stable carbon. Catena2018, 162:141–147.
- Wang GY, Wang TL, Kang HJ, Mang SR, Riehl B, Seely B, Liu SR,Guo FT, Li QL, Innes JL. Adaptation of Asia-Pacific forests to climate change.Journal of Forestry Research. 2016, 27(3) 469-488
- Long Sun, Tongxin Hu, Ji Hong Kim,Futao Guo, Hong Song, Xinshuang Lv, Haiqing Hu*.The effect of fire disturbance on short-term soil respiration in typical forest of Greater Xing’an Range, China,Journal of Forestry Research.2014, 25(3): 613.620.
- Zhang Y, Wei ZC, Li HT,Guo FT, Wu PF, Zhou LL, Ma XQ.Biochemical quality and accumulation of soil organic matter in an age sequence ofCunninghamia lanceolataplantations in southern China[J]. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 2016:1-12.
- HuT, SunL, HuH, GuoF. Effects of fire disturbance on soil respiration in the non-growing season in aLarix gmeliniiforest in the Daxing'an Mountains, China. PLOS ONE, 2017: 12(6): e0180214.
- 郭福濤,蘇漳文,馬祥慶,等.我國北方針葉林人為火發生的預測模型研究.套用生態學報.2015, 26(7):2099-2106.
- 郭福濤,蘇漳文,馬祥慶,等.大興安嶺塔河地區雷擊火發生驅動因子綜合分析.生態學報. 2015, 35(19): 6439-6448.
- 郭福濤,胡海清*,金森,等.基於負二項和零膨脹負二項回歸模型的大興安嶺地區林火發生與氣象因素的關係.植物生態學報. 2010, 34 (5):571-577.
- 郭福濤,胡海清*,彭徐劍. 1980-2005年間大興安嶺森林火災灌木、草本和地被物煙氣釋放量的估算.林業科學.2010,46(1):78-83.
- 郭福濤,胡海清*,馬志海等.不同模型對擬合大興安嶺林火發生與氣象因素關係的適用性.套用生態學報. 2010, 21(1):159-164.
- 靳全鋒,馬祥慶,王文輝,楊夏捷,郭福濤*.中國亞熱帶地區2000-2014年林火排放顆粒物時空動態變化.環境科學學報, 2017,37(6):2238-2247.
- 靳全鋒,馬祥慶,王文輝,楊淑妍,郭福濤*.華東地區2000-2014年間秸稈燃燒排放PM 2.5時空動態變化.環境科學學報, 2017,02:460-468.
- 靳全鋒,鞠園華,楊夏捷,王文輝,郭福濤*. 2005-2014年內蒙古草地火災排放污染物的時空格局.草業學報, 2017,02:21-29.
- 靳全鋒,王文輝,馬祥慶,楊淑妍,郭福濤*.福建省2000-2010年林火排放污染物時空動態變化.中國環境科學, 2017,02:476-485.
- 楊夏捷,鞠園華,靳全鋒,田 超,蔡奇均,郭福濤*. 中國亞熱帶地區 2005-2014年秸稈露天燃燒排放污染物. 中國環境科學, 2017,37(11): 4052-4061.
- 楊夏捷,蘇漳文,田超,靳全鋒,郭福濤*.基於ArcGIS的福建南部地區林火管理資源分布最佳化.生態學雜誌. 2017, 36(4):1142-1149.
- 梁慧玲,林玉蕊,楊光,蘇漳文,王文輝,郭福濤*.基於氣象因子的隨機森林算法在塔河地區林火預測中的套用.林業科學. 2016, 52(1):89-98.
- 秦凱倫,郭福濤*,邸雪穎,孫龍,宋禹輝,吳瑤,潘建峰.大興安嶺塔河地區林火發生的優勢預測模型選擇.套用生態學報. 2014, 25(3): 731-737.
- 鞠園華,楊夏捷,靳全鋒,蔡奇均, 郭福濤*.不同燃燒狀態下農作物秸稈PM2.5排放因子及主要成分分析.環境科學學報, 2018,38 (1): 92-100.
- 楊夏捷, 馬遠帆, 鞠園華, 郭福濤*. 華南農產品主產區2005—2014年秸稈露天燃燒污染物排放估算及時空分布. 農業環境科學學報. 2018,37(2):358-368.
- 鞠園華, 楊夏捷, 彭徐劍, 馬遠帆, 郭林飛, 蔡奇均,郭福濤*. 福建省4種主要喬木枝葉燃燒含碳物質排放特性分析. 環境科學研究. 2018, 31(7):1241-1249.