郭玉國,男,1978年1月生於山東。現任中國科學院化學研究所研究員,博士生導師,課題組長,中國矽酸鹽學會固態離子學分會理事。 2001年師從於中科院化學所白春禮院士和萬立駿研究員,於2004年獲物理化學專業博士學位。2004-2006年在德國馬普固體研究所Joachim Maier教授實驗室從事博士後研究工作。2006-2007年加入德國馬普協會納米能源化學重大項目任項目研究員,從事納米能源材料與納米固態離子學方面的研究工作。2006年12月入選化學所“引進傑出青年人才計畫”,加入中科院分子納米結構與納米技術院重點實驗室。
- 中文名:郭玉國
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:山東
- 出生日期:1978年1月
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:青島大學
- 主要成就:中國化學會青年化學獎
獲2008年度 “中國化學會青年化學獎”;2009年SCOPUS尋找未來科學之星納米科學領域金獎
1994-1998 青島大學,獲學士學位
1998-2001 青島大學,獲碩士學位(期間的研究工作在北京大學化學與分子工程學院物理化學研究所完成)
2001-2004 中國科學院化學研究所,獲博士學位
學位-- 理學博士學位
出國學習工作2004-2006 Postdoc., Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany
2006-2007 Staff Scientist, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany
1. 納米能源材料與新能源器件(鋰離子電池、鋰硫電池、太陽能電池、燃料電池、超級電容器等)
2. 納米體系離子、電子存儲與輸運(納米離子學、納米電化學)
3. 功能納米材料與納米器件
在Nature Mater.、Adv. Mater.、J. Am. Chem. Soc.等期刊上發表SCI論文60余篇,其中影響因子大於8.0的論文18篇,包括:Nature Mater.1篇(通訊作者文章)、Adv. Mater.12篇(8篇為第一/通訊作者論文)、JACS3篇(2篇為通訊作者論文);影響因子大於5.0的論文30篇(22篇為第一/通訊作者論文);影響因子大於3.0的論文51篇(38篇為第一/通訊作者論文)。這些論文2005年後被他人SCI引用1500多次,還有論文被ISI評為引用的Top1%。目前SCI上的H因子為21(即,有21篇發表的論文至少被引用21次)。申請國際和歐洲發明專利3項,中國發明專利10項,獲授權2項。研究結果多次被美國材料研究學會、美國化學會、德國馬普學會、英國皇家化學會Chemistry World、Nature China、Nanowerk、New Materials Asia、Green Car Congress、Frost & Sullivan、《科學通報》、《Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences》、《中國鋰電材料信息導報》等機構、網站和雜誌評述和報導。在國際/國內學術會議上作邀請報告10餘次,得到了國內外同行較高的評價。由於在上述領域的研究影響,Advanced Materials雜誌兩次邀請撰寫納米能源材料相關綜述文章和研究論文。其中發表在2008年第20卷第15期的研究進展文章被選為當期卷內插畫,成為2008年8月份和2008全年度Most-Accessed文章之一,2009年還被評為The Best ofAdvanced Materials論文之一。
1. F.-F. Cao, S. Xin, Y.-G. Guo* and L.-J. Wan*
Better lithium-ion batteries with nanocable-like electrode materials
Energy. Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 1634-1642. (invited Perspective)
2. F.-F. Cao, S. Xin, Y.-G. Guo* and L.-J. Wan*
Wet chemical synthesis of Cu/TiO2 nanocomposites with integrated nano-current-collectors as high-rate anode materials in lithium-ion batteries
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13, 2014-2020
3. Y.-X. Yin, L.-Y. Jiang, L.-J. Wan, C.-J. Li,* Y.-G. Guo*
Polyethylene glyol-directed SnO2 nanowires for enhanced gas-sensing properties
Nanoscale, 2011, 3 (4), 1802 - 1806
4. X.-L. Wu, S. Xin, H.-H. Seo, J. Kim, Y.-G. Guo*, J.-S. Lee,*
Enhanced Li+ conductivity in PEO-LiBOB polymer electrolytes by using succinonitrile as a plasticizer
Solid State Ionics, 2011, 186, 1-6
5. X.-L. Wu, W. Wang, Y.-G. Guo* and L.-J. Wan
Template-Free Synthesis and Supercapacitance Performance of a Hierachically Porous Oxygen-Enriched Carbon Material
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 2011, 11, 1897-1904
6. R.-R. Bi, Y.-X. Yin, Y.-G. Guo* and L.-J. Wan*
Synthesis of Flake-Like MnO2/CNT Composite Nanotubes and Their Applications in Electrochemical Capacitors
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 2011, 11, 1996-2002
7. W. Guo, S. Xin, M.B. Ji, Y.-G. Guo*, L.J. Wan
Supercapacitor-battery hybrid energy storage devices from an aqueous nitroxide radical active material
Chin. Sci. Bull., 2011, in press.
8. 王建軍, 郭玉國,萬立駿*
高等學校化學學報, 2011, 32(3), 726-730
9. Jian-Jun Wang, Yong-Qing Wang, Fei-Fei Cao, Yu-Guo Guo* and Li-Jun Wan*
Synthesis of Monodispersed Wurtzite Structure CuInSe2 Nanocrystals and Their Application in High Performance Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Photodetectors
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2010, 132, 12218-12221
10. H.-X. Ji, X.-L. Wu, L.-Z. Fan, C. Krien, I. Fiering, Y.-G. Guo*, Y.F. Mei,* and O. G. Schmidt
Self-wound Composite Nanomembranes as Electrode Materials for Lithium Ion Batteries
Adv. Mater., 2010, 22, 4591-4595
11. Ling-Yan Jiang, Sen Xin, Xing-Long Wu, Hong Li, Yu-Guo Guo* and L.J. Wan
Non-sacrificial template synthesis of Cr2O3-C hierarchical core/shell nanospheres and their application as anode materials in lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 7565-7569
12. F.F. Cao, X.L. Wu, S. Xin, Y.G. Guo* and L.J. Wan*
Facile Synthesis of Mesoporous TiO2-C Nanosphere as an Improved Anode Material for Superior High Rate 1.5V Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries Containing LiFePO4-C Cathode
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 10308–10313
13. F. F. Cao, Y. G. Guo*, S. F. Zheng, X. L. Wu, L. Y. Jiang, R. R. Bi, L. J. Wan* and J. Maier*
Symbiotic Coaxial Nanocables: Facile Synthesis and an Efficient and Elegant Morphological Solution to the Lithium Storage Problem
Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 1908-1914(英國皇家化學會Chemistry World評述)
14. L. S. Zhang, L. Y. Jiang, C. Q. Chen, W. Li, W. G. Song*, Y. G. Guo*
Programmed Fabrication of Metal Oxides Nanostructures Using Dual Templates to Spatially Disperse Metal Oxide Nanocrystals
Chem. Mater., 2010, 22, 414-419
15. R. R. Bi, X. L. Wu, F. F. Cao, L. Y. Jiang, Y. G. Guo*, L. J. Wan*
Highly Dispersed RuO2 Nanoparticles on Carbon Nanotubes: Facile Synthesis and Enhanced Supercapacitance Performance
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114, 2448-2451
16. X.L. Wu, L.L. Chen, S. Xin, Y.X. Yin, Y.G. Guo*, Q.S. Kong and Y.Z. Xia
Preparation and Li Storage Properties of Hierarchical Porous Carbon Fibers Derived from Alginic Acid
ChemSusChem, 2010, 3(6), 703 – 707
17. Bao Wang, Xing-Long Wu, Chun-Ying Shu, Yu-Guo Guo* and Chun-Ru Wang*
Synthesis of CuO/graphene nanocomposite as a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 10661-10664
18. L.S. Zhang, L.Y. Jiang, H.J. Yan, W.D. Wang, W.G. Song*, Y.G. Guo* and L.J. Wan
Mono dispersed SnO2 nanoparticles on both sides of single layer graphene sheets as anode materials in Li-ion batteries
J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 5462–5467
19. X. Wang, X.-L. Wu, Y.-G. Guo, Y. Zhong, X. Cao, Y. Ma and J. Yao*
Synthesis and Lithium Storage Properties of Co3O4 Nanosheet-Assembled Multishelled Hollow Spheres
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2010, 20, 1680-1686
20. L.-L. Chen, X.-L. Wu, Y.-G. Guo*, Q.-S. Kong, Y.-Z. Xia*
Synthesis of Nanostructured Fibers Consisting of Carbon Coated Mn3O4 Nanoparticles and Their Application in Electrochemical Capacitors
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 2010, 10(12) , 8158-8163
21. Hongwei Tang, Lili Chen, Chengfen Xing, Yu-Guo Guo*, Shu Wang*
DNA-templated synthesis of cationic poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) derivative for supercapacitor electrodes
Macromol. Rapid Commun. 2010, 31, 1892-1896
22. J.-S. Lee*, J.-W. Lee, J. Y. Lee, S. Adams, Y.-G. Guo, J. Maier
Microscopic Evidence of a New 9R-AgI Polytype Heterostructure
J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 2010, 10(5), 3341-3345
23. 郭玉國*,王忠麗,吳興隆,張偉明,萬立駿*
電化學, 2010, 16(2), 119-124 (中國電化學研究工作系列介紹,特約稿)
24. 樊博,郭玉國,萬立駿*
化學進展, 2010, 22(5), 852-860
18. X. L. Wu, L. Y. Jiang, F. F. Cao,Y.-G. Guo,*L. J. Wan*
LiFePO4 Nanoparticles Embedded in a Nanoporous Carbon Matrix: Superior Cathode Material for Electrochemical Energy-Storage Devices
Adv. Mater.,2009, 21, 2710-2714.
19. J. J. Wang, F. F. Cao, L. Jiang,Y. G. Guo*, W. P. Hu*, L. J. Wan*
High Performance Photodetectors of Individual InSe Single Crystalline Nanowire
J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2009,131, 15602-15603 (Nature China評述)
20. X. L. Wu, Q. Liu,Y. G. Guo*,W. G. Song*
Superior storage performance of carbon nanosprings as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries
Electrochem. Commun.,2009,11,
21. L. Y. Jiang, X. L. Wu,Y. G. Guo*,L. J. Wan*
SnO2-Based Hierarchical Nanomicrostructures: Facile Synthesis and Their Applications in Gas Sensors and Lithium-Ion Batteries
J. Phys. Chem. C2009,113,
22. X. Wang, L. J. Yu, X. L. Wu, F. L. Yuan,Y. G. Guo, Y. Ma, Jian-Nian Yao*
Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Co3O4 Octahedral Cages with Tunable Surface Aperture and Their Lithium Storage Properties
J. Phys. Chem. C2009,113,
23. Zhi-Min Cui, Ling-Yan Jiang, Wei-Guo Song,* andYu-Guo Guo*
High-Yield Gas-Liquid Interfacial Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Fe3O4 Nanocrystals and Their Application in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Chem. Mater.,2009,21, 1162-1166
24. Hui Yang, Xing-Long Wu, Min-Hua Cao,* andYu-Guo Guo*
Solvothermal Synthesis of LiFePO4 Hierarchically Dumbbell-Like Microstructures by Nanoplate Self-Assembly and Their Application as a Cathode Material in Lithium-Ion Batteries
J. Phys. Chem. C,2009, 113 (8), 3345-3351.
25. Yu-Guo Guo, Jin-Song Hu and Li-Jun Wan
Nanostructured Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Devices
Adv. Mater.,2008, 20(15), 2878-2887. (Progress Report)
26. Wei-Ming Zhang, Jin-Song Hu,Yu-Guo Guo, Shu-Fa Zheng, Liang-Shu Zhong, Wei-Guo Song, and Li-Jun Wan*
Tin-nanoparticles encapsulated elastic hollow carbon spheres for high-performance anode material in lithium-ion batteries
Adv. Mater.,2008, 20(6), 1160-1165.
27. Wei-Ming Zhang, Xing-Long Wu, Jin-Song Hu,Yu-Guo Guo,*and Li-Jun Wan*
Carbon Coated Fe3O4 Nanospindles as a Superior Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Adv. Funct. Mater.,2008, 18, (24), 3941-3946.
28. Shu-Fa Zheng, Jin-Song Hu, Liang-Shu Zhong, Wei-Guo Song, Li-Jun Wan* andYu-Guo Guo*
Introducing dual functional CNT networks into CuO nanomicrospheres toward superior electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries
Chem. Mater.,2008, 20, (11), 3617-3622.
29. Heng-Xing Ji, Jin-Song Hu,Yu-Guo Guo*, Wei-Guo Song and Li-Jun Wan*
Ion-Transfer Based Growth: A Novel Mechanism of CuTCNQ Nanowire Formation
Adv. Mater.,2008, 20(24), 4879-4882
30. Xing-Long Wu,Yu-Guo Guo*, Li-Jun Wan and Chang-Wen Hu
a-Fe2O3 Nanostructures: Inorganic Salt-Controlled Synthesis and Their Electrochemical Performance toward Lithium Storage
J. Phys. Chem. C,2008, 112 (43), 16824–16829.
31. Qing-Shan Kong, Xing-Long Wu,Yu-Guo Guo, Yi-Qian Wang, Yan-Zhi Xia, Jian Yu, Hai-Hua Liu, Xiao-Feng Duan
Preparation of ZnO Nanostructures by Thermal Degradation of Zinc Alginate Fibers
ActaPhys. -Chim. Sin.,2008, 24(12), 2179-2184.
32. Yong-Sheng Hu,Yu-Guo Guo*, Robert Dominko, Miran Gaberscek, Janko Jamnik, Joachim Maier*
Improved electrode performance of porous LiFePO4 using RuO2 as an oxidic nanoscale interconnect
Adv. Mater.,2007, 19, 1963-1966.
33. Yu-Guo Guo, Yong-Sheng Hu, Wilfried Sigle, Joachim Maier
Superior Electrode Performance of Nanostructured Mesoporous TiO2 (Anatase) through Efficient Hierarchical Mixed Conducting Networks
Adv. Mater.,2007, 19, 2087-2091.
34. Yu-Guo Guo*, Jong-Sook Lee, Yong-Sheng Hu, Joachim Maier
AgI Nanoplates in Unusual 7H/9R Structures: Highly Ionically Conducting Polytype Heterostructures
J. Electrochem. Soc.,2007, 154 (9), K51-K60.
35. Yong-Sheng Hu,Yu-Guo Guo,*Wilfried Sigle, Sarmimala Hore, Palani Balaya, Joachim Maier*
Electrochemical lithiation synthesis of nanoporous materials with superior catalytic and capacitive activity
Nature Mater.,2006, 5(9), 713-717.
36. Yu-Guo Guo, Yong-Sheng Hu, Joachim Maier
Synthesis of hierarchically mesoporous anatase spheres and their application in lithium batteries
Chem. Commun.,2006,(26), 2783-2785.
37. Yu-Guo Guo*, Yong-Sheng Hu, Jong-Sook Lee, Joachim Maier
High-Performance Rechargeable All-Solid-State Silver Battery Based on Superionic AgI Nanoplates
Electrochem. Commun.,2006, 8(7), 1179-1184.
38. Yu-Guo Guo, Jong-Sook Lee, Joachim Maier
Preparation and characterization of AgI nanoparticles with controlled size, morphology and crystal structure
Solid State Ionics,2006, 177, 2467-2471.
39. Yong-Sheng Hu, Lorenz Kienle,Yu-Guo Guo, Joachim Maier
High lithium electroactivity of nano-sized rutile TiO2
Adv. Mater.,2006, 18(11), 1421-1426.
40. Yu-Guo Guo, Jong-Sook Lee, Joachim Maier
AgI nanoplates with mesoscopic superionic conductivity at room temperature
Adv. Mater.,2005,17(23), 2815-2819.
41. Yu-Guo Guo, Jin-Song Hu, Hui-Min Zhang, Han-Pu Liang, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Sn/Pt bimetallic nanotube array and its electrocatalytic activity for methanol oxidation
Adv. Mater.2005, 17(6) 746-750.
42. Aninda J. Bhattacharyya, Jürgen Fleig,Yu-Guo Guo, Joachim Maier
Local conductivity effects in polymer electrolytes
Adv. Mater.,2005,17(21), 2630-2634.
43. Cong-Ju Li,Yu-Guo Guo, Bing-Shi Li, Chun-Ru Wang, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Template synthesis of Sc@C82(I) nanostructures at room temperature
Adv. Mater.2005, 17(1), 71-73.
44. Yu-Guo Guo, Jin-Song Hu, Han-Pu Liang, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
TiO2-based composite nanotube arrays prepared by layer-by-layer assembly
Adv. Funct. Mater.2005, 15(2), 196-202.
45. Yu-Guo Guo, Hui-Min Zhang, Jin-Song Hu, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Nanoarchitectured metal film electrodes with high electroactive surface areas
Thin Solid Films.2005, 484(1-2), 341-345.
46. Jin-Song Hu,Yu-Guo Guo, Han-Pu Liang, Li-Jun Wan, Li Jiang
Three-dimensional self-organization of supramolecular self-assembled porphyrin hollow hexagonal nanoprisms
J. Am. Chem. Soc.2005, 127, 17090-17095.
47. Han-Pu Liang,Yu-Guo Guo, Jin-Song Hu, Chuan-Feng Zhu, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Ni-Pt multilayered nanowire arrays with enhanced coercivity and high remanence ratio
Inorg. Chem.,2005, 44(9), 3013-3015.
48. Jin-Song Hu, Ling-Ling Ren,Yu-Guo Guo, Han-Pu Liang, An-Min Cao, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Mass-production and high photocatalytic activity of ZnS nanoporous nanoparticles
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2005, 44(8), 1269-1273.
49. K. Xiao, Y. Liu,Yu-Guo Guo, G. Yu, L.J. Wan, D. Zhu
Influence of the self-assembly monolayers on the characteristics of copper phthalacyanine thin film transistor
Appl. Phys. A-Mater. Sci. Proce.,2005, 80 (7), 1541-1545.
50. Yu-Guo Guo, Li-Jun Wan, Cong-Ju Li, Dong-Min Chen, Chen Wang, Chun-Ru Wang, Chun-Li Bai, Yan-Guo Wang
The effects of annealing on the structures and electrical conductivities of fullerene-derived nanowires
J. Mater. Chem.2004, 14(5), 914-918.
51. Yu-Guo Guo, Li-Jun Wan, Chen Wang, Chun-Ru Wang, Chun-Li Bai, Liang-Bing Gan, Dong-Min Chen
Controlled fabrication of fullerene derivative one-dimensional nanostructures via electrophoretic deposition of its clusters
Chin. Sci. Bull.,2004, 49 (19), 2021-2025.
52. Han-Pu Liang,Yu-Guo Guo, Hui-Min Zhang, Jin-Song Hu, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Controllable AuPt bimetallic hollow nanostructures
Chem. Commun.,2004, 1496-1497.
53. Jin-Song Hu,Yu-Guo Guo, Han-Pu Liang, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai, Yan-Guo Wang
Interface assembly synthesis of inorganic composite hollow spheres
J. Phys. Chem. B2004, 108 (28), 9734-9738.
54. Yan Zhao,Yu-Guo Guo, Ya-Li Zhang
Fabrication and characterization of highly ordered Pt nanotubule arrays
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2004, 6 (8), 1766-1768.
55. Han-Pu Liang, Hui-Min Zhang, Jin-Song Hu,Yu-Guo Guo, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Pt hollow nanospheres: facile synthesis and enhanced electrocatalysts
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2004, 43, 1540-1543.
56. Yu-Guo Guo, Cong-Ju Li, Li-Jun Wan, Dong-Min Chen, Chun-Ru Wang, Chun-Li Bai, Yan-Guo Wang
Well-defined fullerene nanowire arrays
Adv. Funct. Mater.2003, 13(8), 626-630.
57. Yu-Guo Guo, Li-Jun Wan, C.-Feng Zhu, De-Liang Yang, Dong-Min Chen, Chun-Li Bai
Ordered Ni-Cu nanowire array with enhanced coercivity
Chem. Mater.2003, 15(3), 664-667.
58. Yu-Guo Guo, Jin-Song Hu, Han-Pu Liang, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Highly dispersed metal nanoparticles in porous anodic alumina films prepared by a breathing process of polyacrylamide hydrogel
Chem. Mater.2003, 15(22), 4332-4336.
59. Yu-Guo Guo, Li-Jun Wan, and Chun-Li Bai
Gold/titania core/sheath nanowires prepared by layer-by-layer assembly
J. Phys. Chem. B2003, 107(23), 5441-5444.
60. Hui-Min Zhang,Yu-Guo Guo, Li-Jun Wan, Chun-Li Bai
Novel electrocatalytic activity in layered Ni-Cu nanowire arrays
Chem. Commun.2003, 3022-3023.
61. LY Zhao, XK Wang,Yu-Guo Guo, NZ Wu, YC Xie
Adsorption of methylene blue on the muscovite
ActaPhysico-Chimica Sinica,2003, 19(10), 896-901.
62. Dongsheng Xu, Guolin Guo,Yu-Guo Guo, Yali Zhang and Linlin Gui
Nanocrystal size control by bath temperature in electrodeposited CdSe thin films
J. Mater. Chem.2003, 13 (2), 360-364.
63. Yu-Guo Guo, Li-Jun Wan, Jian-Ru Gong and Chun-Li Bai
Preparation and dispersion of Ni-Cu composite nanoparticles
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2002, 4(14), 3422-3424.
64. Dongsheng Xu,Yu-Guo Guo, Dapeng Yu, Guolin Guo, Youqi Tang
Highly ordered and well-oriented single-crystal CdTe nanowire arrays by direct-current electrodeposition
J. Mater. Res.2002, 17(7), 1711-1714.