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郭浩(1989年— ),山東省蒙陰縣人。2019年畢業於中國科學院大學/比利時根特大學,獲地圖學與地理信息系統專業雙博士學位。副教授,碩士生導師。










2021.01-至今:曲阜師範大學/地理與旅遊學院,青年副教授/碩導,地理信息系 科研主任。




[1] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,亞洲中部乾旱事件對植被生產力的影響與未來變化研究,2021.01-2023.12(主持);
[2] 第三次新疆科考項目子課題,新疆地氣關鍵要素遙感動態反演,2021.11-2024.10 (主持);
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,融合遙感和生態過程模型的區域森林植被碳周轉時間模擬研究,2021.01-2024.12(參與);
[4] 科學院A類先導項目,中亞西亞地區荒漠化時空格局與驅動機制,2018.01-2022.12(參與);
[5] 國家重點實驗室項目,亞洲中部氣象乾旱時空格局與極端事件解析,2016.01-2018.12(參與);
[6] 中國科學院戰略性先導項目,泛第三極環境變化與綠色絲綢之路建設,2018.01-2022.12(參與);
[7] 科技部國際合作專項,中亞地區應對氣候變化條件下的生態環境保護與資源管理聯合調查與研究,2011.01-2013.10(參與);
[8] 國家自然基金委項目,天山中段非均勻下墊面雪水當量被動微波遙感研究,2014.10-2017.12(參與)。


[1] Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Tie Liu, Felix Ndayisaba, Liangliang Jiang, Guoxiong Zheng, Tao Chen and Philippe De Maeyer, 2019, Determining variable weights for an Optimal Scaled Drought Condition Index (OSDCI): Evaluation in Central Asia, Remote Senging of Environment, 231,111220. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2019.111220(TOP期刊)
[2] Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Tie Liu, Guli·Jiapaer, Felix Ndayisaba, Liangliang Jiang, Alishir Kurban, Philippe De Maeyer, 2018, Spatial and temporal characteristics of droughts in Central Asia during 1966–2015, Science of the Total Environment, 624, 1523-1538. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.12.120 (TOP期刊)
[3] Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Felix Ndayisaba, Tie Liu, Guli Jiapaer, Attia M. El-Tantawi, Philippe De Maeyer, 2018, Space-time characterization of drought events and their impacts on vegetation in Central Asia, Journal of Hydrology, 564, 1165-1178. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.07.081 (TOP期刊)
[4] Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Felix Ndayisaba, Tie Liu, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer, 2017, Systematical Evaluation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates Over Central Asia Using an Improved Error-Component Procedure, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,122, 1-22. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/2017jd026877 (TOP期刊)
[5] Hao Guo, Sheng Chen*, Anming Bao, Ali Behrangi, Yang Hong, Felix Ndayisaba, Junjun Hu, Phillip M. Stepanian, 2016, Early assessment of Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for Global Precipitation Measurement over China, Atmospheric Research,176(177), 121-133. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2016.02.020 (Web of Science核心庫高被引論文)
[6] Hao Guo, Min Li, Vincent Nzabarinda, Anming Bao, Xiangchen Meng, Li Zhu and Philippe De Maeyer, 2022, Assessment of Three Long-Term Satellite-Based Precipitation Estimates against Ground Observations for Drought Characterization in Northwestern China, Remote Sensing, 14(4), 828. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/rs14040828
[7] Hao Guo, Anming Bao, Tao Chen, Guoxiong Zheng, Yunqian Wang, Liangliang Jiang and Philippe De Maeyer, 2021, Assessment of CMIP6 in simulating precipitation over arid Central Asia, Atmospheric Research, 252, 105451. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2021.105451
[8] Hao Guo, Shanfeng He, Min Li, Anming Bao, Tao Chen, Guoxiong Zheng and Philippe De Maeyer, 2021, Future changes of drought characteristics in Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 Shared Socioeconomic Pathway scenarios over Central Asia, International Journal of Climatology. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7450
[9] Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Tie Liu, Sheng Chen and Felix Ndayisaba, 2016, Evaluation of PERSIANN-CDR for Meteorological Drought Monitoring over China, Remote Sensing, 8(5), 379. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/rs8050379
[10] Hao Guo, Sheng Chen*, Anming Bao, Jujun Hu, Abebe S. Gebregiorgis, Xianwu Xue and Xinhua Zhang, 2015, Inter-Comparison of High-Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products over Central Asia, Remote Sensing, 7(6), 7181-7211. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/rs70607181
[11] Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Tie Liu, Felix Ndayisaba, Daming He, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer, 2017, Meteorological Drought Analysis in the Lower Mekong Basin Using Satellite-Based Long-Term CHIRPS Product, Sustainability, 9(6), 901. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/su9060901
[12] Hao Guo, Sheng Chen, Anming Bao*, Junjun Hu, Banghui Yang and Phillip M. Stepanian, 2015, Comprehensive Evaluation of High-Resolution Satellite-Based Precipitation Products over China, Atmosphere, 7(1), 6. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/atmos7010006
[13] 郭浩,古麗·加帕爾*, 包安明和羅敏, 2017, 基於改進型垂直乾旱指數的塔里木河流域綠洲與荒漠區乾旱時空變化對比, 中國沙漠, 37(4), 775-783.


[1] Tao Chen, Zhenwu Xu, Guoping Tang*, Xiaohua Chen, Hong Fang, Hao Guo, Ye Yuan, Guoxiong Zheng, Liangliang Jiang and Xiangyu Niu, 2021, Spatiotemporal Monitoring of Soil CO2 Efflux in a Subtropical Forest during the Dry Season Based on Field Observations and Remote Sensing Imagery, Remote Sensing, 13(17), 3481. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/rs13173481
[2] Ye Yuan, Anming Bao*, Tie Liu, Guoxiong Zheng, Liangliang Jiang, Hao Guo, Ping Jiang, Tao Yu and Philippe De Maeyer, 2021, Assessing vegetation stability to climate variability in Central Asia, Journal of Environmental Management, 298, 113330. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113330
[3] G. Zheng, M. Mergili, A. Emmer, S. Allen, A. Bao*, H. Guo and M. Stoffel, 2021, The 2020 glacial lake outburst flood at Jinwuco, Tibet: causes, impacts, and implications for hazard and risk assessment, The Cryosphere Discuss., 2021, 1-28. DOI: http://doi.org/10.5194/tc-2020-379
[4] Tao Chen, Guoping Tang*, Ye Yuan, Hao Guo, Zhenwu Xu, Guo Jiang and Xiaohua Chen, 2020, Unraveling the relative impacts of climate change and human activities on grassland productivity in Central Asia over last three decades, Science of The Total Environment, 743, 140649. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140649
[5] Liangliang Jiang, Guli·Jiapaer*, Anming Bao, Ye Yuan, Guoxiong Zheng, Hao Guo, Tao Yu and Philippe De Maeyer, 2020, The effects of water stress on croplands in the Aral Sea basin, Journal of Cleaner Production, 254, 120114. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120114
[6] Xiangzhen Wang, Baofu Li*, Yaning Chen, Hao Guo, Yunqian Wang and Lishu Lian, 2020, Applicability Evaluation of Multisource Satellite Precipitation Data for Hydrological Research in Arid Mountainous Areas, Remote Sensing, 12(18), 2886. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/rs12182886
[7] Yunqian Wang, Jing Yang*, Yaning Chen, Zhicheng Su, Baofu Li, Hao Guo and Philippe De Maeyer, 2020, Monitoring and Predicting Drought Based on Multiple Indicators in an Arid Area, China, Remote Sensing, 12(14), 2298. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/rs12142298
[8] Tao Chen, Anming Bao*, Guli Jiapaer, Hao Guo, Guoxiong Zheng, Liangliang Jiang, Cun Chang and Latipa Tuerhanjiang, 2019, Disentangling the relative impacts of climate change and human activities on arid and semiarid grasslands in Central Asia during 1982–2015, Science of the Total Environment, 653, 1311-1325. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.058
[9] Guoxiong Zheng, Anming Bao*, Junli Li, Guoqing Zhang, Hongjie Xie, Hao Guo, Liangliang Jiang, Tao Chen, Cun Chang and Wenfeng Chen, 2019, Sustained growth of high mountain lakes in the headwaters of the Syr Darya River, Central Asia, Global and Planetary Change, 176, 84-99. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2019.03.004
[10] Liangliang Jiang, Guli Jiapaer*, Anming Bao, Alishir Kurban, Hao Guo, Guoxiong Zheng and Philippe De Maeyer, 2019, Monitoring the long-term desertification process and assessing the relative roles of its drivers in Central Asia, Ecological Indicators, 104, 195-208. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.04.067
[11] Liangliang Jiang, Anming Bao*, Guli Jiapaer, Hao Guo, Guoxiong Zheng, Khusen Gafforov, Alishir Kurban and Philippe De Maeyer, 2018, Monitoring land sensitivity to desertification in Central Asia: Convergence or divergence?, Science of the Total Environment, 658, 669-683. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.152
[12] Xiaobiao Wang, Shunping Xie*, Xueliang Zhang, Cheng Chen, Hao Guo, Jinkang Du, Zheng Duan, 2018, A robust Multi-Band Water Index (MBWI) for automated extraction of surface water from Landsat 8 OLI imagery, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 68, 73-91. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jag.2018.01.018
[13] Liangliang Jiang, Guli·Jiapaer*, Anming Bao, Hao Guo, Felix Ndayisaba, 2017, Vegetation dynamics and responses to climate change and human activities in Central Asia, Science of the Total Environment, 599, 967-980. DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.05.012
[14] Felix Ndayisaba, Lamek Nahayo, Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Alphonse Kayiranga, Fidele Karamage and Enan M. Nyesheja, 2017, Mapping and Monitoring the Akagera Wetland in Rwanda, Sustainability, 9(2), 174. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/su9020174
[15] Felix Ndayisaba, Hao Guo, Anming Bao*, Hui Guo, Fidele Karamage and Alphonse Kayiranga, 2016, Understanding the Spatial Temporal Vegetation Dynamics in Rwanda, Remote Sensing, 8(2), 129. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3390/rs8020129
[16] 黃曉然,包安明*,郭浩,孟凡浩和張鵬飛, 2017, 近20 a中國天山東段典型冰川變化及其氣候回響, 乾旱區研究, 34(4), 870-880.
[17] 羅敏,古麗·加帕爾*,郭浩,郭輝,張鵬飛,孟凡浩和劉鐵, 2017, 2000—2013年塔里木河流域生長季NDVI時空變化特徵及其影響因素分析,自然資源學報, 32(1), 50-63.
[18] 吳孟泉,郭浩,張安定*,賈麗莉,肖魯湘和王靜璞, 2014, 2008年-2012年山東半島海域滸苔時空分布特徵研究, 光譜學與光譜分析, 34(5), 1312-1318. DOI: http://doi.org/10.3964/j.issn.1000-0593(2014)05-1312-07


[1] Hao Guo, Study of drought characteristics in the arid zones of Central Asia over the last 50 years, 2019. Ghent, Belgium.
[2] 吳紹洪、包安明、蘇立君、王東曉、陳曉清、高江波、羅耀、鄒強、王繼、高占武、郭浩等, 2019. 自然災害風險(第八章), 共建綠色絲綢之路:資源環境基礎與社會經濟背景.商務印書館, 北京.
[3] 包安明,郭浩,2016 塔里木河流域土壤乾旱指數(MPDI)時空變化,塔里木河“四源一乾”生態系統綜合監測與評估.科學出版社, 北京, pp. 123-140.
[4] 李均力,包安明,郭浩,郭輝,王宇,2016. 中亞土地資源變化,氣候變化背景下的中亞資源與環境.氣象出版社,北京,pp. 141-156.




