



  • 中文名:郭柏靈論文集(第十一卷)
  • 作者:郭柏靈
  • 出版時間:2015年11月
  • 出版社:清華大學出版社 
  • 頁數:540 頁
  • ISBN:9787562348092
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝




Analysis of Chebyshev Pseudospectral Method for Multi-dimensional Generalized SRLW Equations
Peaked Wave Solutions of CH-r Equation
The Periodic Initial Value Problem and Initial Value Problem for the Non-Newtonian Boussinesq Approximation
Asymptotic Smoothing Effect 0f Solutions to Weakly Dissipative Klein-Gordon-Schr6dinger Equations
Homoclinic Orbit in a Six Dimensional Model of a Perturbed Higher-order NLS Equation
Finite Dimensional Behavior for the Dissipative Generalized Symmetric Regularized Long Wave Equations
The Large Time Error Estimates of Fourier Spectral Method for Generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahonv Equations
Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to a One—dimensional Full Model for Phase Transitions with Microscopic Movements
Random Attractors of Stochastic Non—Newtonian Fluids
Finite Dimensional Global and Exponential Attractors for a Class of Coupled Time—dependent Ginzburg—Landau Equations
Weak Attractors for the Dissipative Fractional Heisenberg Equation
Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation: Generalized Darboux Transformation and Rogue Wave Solutions
Global Smooth Solution for a Kind of Two—fluid System in Plasmas
Inviscid Limit for the Derivative Ginzburg—Landau Equation with Small Data in Modulation and Sobolev Spaces
On the Limit Behavior of the Magnetic Zakharov System
Shape Analysis of Bounded Traveling Wave Solutions and Solution to the Generalized Whitham—Broer—Kaup Equation with Dissipation Terms
Asymptotic Behaviors of the Solutions for Dissipative Quantum Zakharov Equations
Exact Traveling Wave Solutions of Modified Zakharov Equations for Plasmas with a Quantum Correction
On the Nonlinear Schrodinger Limit of the Magnetic Zakharov System
Riemann—Hilbert Approach and N—soliton Formula for Coupled Derivative Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation
Equations of Langmuir Turbulence and Zakharov Equations: Smoothness and Approximation
Existence and Stability of Standing Waves for Nonlinear Fractional Schrodinger Equations
Blowing up of Solutions to the Cauchy Problem for the Generalized Zakharov System with Combined Power—type Nonlinearities
Remark on Random Attractor for a Two Dimensional Incompressible Non—Newtonian Fluid with Multiplicative Noise
Well—posedness for Stochastic Camassa—Hohn Equation
Cauchy Problem for the Zakharov System Arising from Ion—acoustic Modes with Low Regularity Data
Diffusion Limit of a Small Mean Free Path of Radiative Transfer Equations with Absorbing Boundary Condition
Attractors for Fully Discrete Finite Difference Scheme of Dissipative Zakharov Equations
Generalized Homoclinic Solutions of a Coupled Schrodinger System under a Small Perturbation
Initial Boundary Value Problem for Generalized Zakharov Equations


