- 中文名:郭文川
- 國籍:中國
- 出生地:陝西臨潼
- 性別:女
1992年和1995年分別獲農產品加工工程專業的工學和碩士學位畢業於原西北農業大學農業工程系;1995年留校於機電學院任教至今。1997年12月晉升為講師職稱,1998~2003年先後擔任電工電子教研室主任、電子工程系副主任之職;2002年晉升副教授,2004年4月被遴選為碩士研究生導師,5月被任命為機電學院副院長至今,同年7月獲農業機械化工程專業的博士畢業於我校。2006年5月~2007年1月,在美國農業部Russell 研究中心作訪問學者,2007年1月~5月,在華盛頓州立大學作訪問學者,2009年晉升教授。
執教以來,一直 擔任電工電子技術、計算機原理及套用等方面課程的教學和實驗任務先後講授的課程有:《電工電子技術》、《模擬電子學》、《數字電子學》、《 PC 機原理與套用》、《單片機原理及套用》和《高級語言程式設計》。除此之外,擔任農業電氣化與自動化專業的《電子技術課程設計》和《接口技術課程設計》的教學任務。為了滿足教學的需要,先後編寫教材以及實驗指導書 7 本,主編出版教材4部。
2. 喻萍、郭文川主編,《單片機原理與接口技術》,化學工業出版社,2006.2
[1] 果品成熟和采後儲藏期間射頻/微波介電特性變化機理及與品質的關係,國家自然科學基金項目(項目編號31171720)。
[2] 乾果射頻/微波處理殺蟲關鍵技術參數的研究,中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金資助項目。
[3] 陝西省農林植物生物特徵與發展研究,陝西省自然科學基金。
[4] “十二五”國家科技支撐計畫(西北旱區農業高效用水信息化技術研究與套用)子項目。
[1] Guo Wenchuan*, Wang Shaojin, Tiwari Gopal, Johnson Judy A., Tang Juming. Temperature and moisture dependent dielectric properties of legume flour associated with dielectric heating. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2010, 43(2):193-201(SCI收錄)
[2] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua, Liu Yi, Zhuang Hong. Sugar and water contents of honey with dielectric property sensing, Journal of Food Engineering, 2010, 97(2):275-281(SCI收錄)
[3] 郭文川*,陳克克. 桃10~4500 MHz間的介電特性與內部品質關係分析[J]. 農業機械學報,2010,41(3):134-138. (EI收錄)
[4] Guo Wenchuan, Zhu Xinhua, Liu Hui, Yue Rong, Wang Shaojin*. Effects of milk concentration and freshness on microwave dielectric properties. Journal of Food Engineering, 2010, 99(2):344–350 (SCI收錄)
[5] 郭文川,程寒傑,李瑞明,呂健,張海輝.基於無線感測器網路的溫室環境信息監測系統Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks[J].農業機械學報,2010,41(7):181-185.(EI收錄)
[6] 呂俊峰,郭文川*,於修燭.高溫處理對食用調和油微波介電特性與品質的影響.農業機械學報, 2010,41(10):148-151,169.(EI收錄)
[7] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua, Nelson Stuart O., Yue Rong, Liu Hui, Liu Yi. Maturity effects on dielectric properties of apples from 10 to 4500 MHz. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2011,44(1): 224-230 (SCI收錄)
[8] Guo Wenchuan*, Liu Yi, Zhu Xinhua, Wang Shaojin. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of honey associated with dielectric heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011, 102(3):209-216 (SCI收錄)
[11] 張利鳳,郭文川*,付鶴翔,夏文斌. 數字式蜂蜜含水率檢測儀的設計, 農業機械學報,2011,42(4):158-163 (EI收錄)
[12] 岳絨,劉卉,郭文川*. 近紅外漫反射光譜檢測損傷獼猴桃內部品質,食品科學,2011,32(10):141-144
[14] Guo Wenchuan*, Liu Yi, Zhu Xinhua, Zhuang Hong. Sensing the water content of honey from temperature-dependent electrical conductivity. Measurement Science and Technology. 2011,22.085706,1-5 (SCI收錄)
[15] Guo Wenchuan*, Liu Yi, Zhu Xinhua, Wang Shaojin. Dielectric properties of honey adulterated with sucrose syrup. Journal of Food Engineering, 2011,107(1):1-5. (SCI收錄) [16] Guo Wenchuan*, Wu Xiaoling, Zhu Xinhua, Wangshaojin. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of chestnut and chestnut weevil from 10 to 4500 MHz. Biosystems Engineering, 2011, 110(3):340-347(SCI 收錄)
[17] 鄧業勝,郭文川*,王婧. 綠豆介電特性的研究, 農機化研究,2011,33(10):102-106
[18] 付鶴翔,張利鳳,郭文川*.電容式糧食含水率測量儀的設計, 農機化研究,2011,33(11):131-134
[19] Guo Wenchuan*, Zhu Xinhua, Yue Rong, Liu Hui, Liu Yi. Dielectric properties of Fuji apples from 10 to 4500 MHz during storage, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2011,35(6):884-890. (SCI收錄)
[20] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo Wenchuan, Wu Xiaoling. Frequency- and temperature-dependent dielectric properties of fruit juices associated with pasteurization by dielectric heating. Journal of Food Engineering, 2012,109(2):258-266 (SCI收錄)
[21] 郭文川*, 王婧, 劉馳. 基於介電特性的薏米含水率檢測方法研究, 農業機械學報,2012,43(3):113-117 (EI收錄)
[22] 郭文川*, 楊沉陳, 趙志翔, 李群卓, 王紹金. 基於AVR單片機的害蟲耐熱性試驗裝置設計.農業機械學報,2012,43(6):183-187. (EI收錄)
[23] Zhu Xinhua*, Guo, Wenchen, Wu Xiaoling, Wang Shaojin. Dielectric properties of chestnut flour relevant to drying with radio-frequency and microwave energy. Journal of Food Engineering, 2012,113(1), 143-150. (SCI收錄)
[26] 郭文川*, 王婧, 朱新華.基於介電特性的燕麥含水率預測.農業工程學報,2012,28(24):272-279. (EI收錄)
[27] 郭文川*, 劉馳,楊軍.小麥秸稈含水率測量儀的設計與試驗.農業工程學報,2013,29(1):33-40. (EI收錄)
[28] Guo Wenchuan, Zhu Xinhua*, Nelson Stuart O. Permittivities of watermelon pulp and juice and correlation with quality indicators. International Journal of Food Properties,2013,16(3):475-484 (SCI收錄)
[30] 郭文川*,趙志翔,楊沉陳.基於介電特性的小雜糧含水率檢測儀設計與試驗.農業機械學報,2013,44(5):188-193. (EI收錄)
[32] Guo W*., Yang J., Zhu X., Wang S., Guo K. Frequency, moisture, temperature, and density-dependent dielectric properties of wheat straw. Transactions of the ASABE, 2013,56(3): 1069-1075(SCI收錄)
[34] 商亮,谷靜思,郭文川*.基於介電特性及ANN的油桃糖度無損檢測方法[J].農業工程學報,2013,29(17):257-264.(EI收錄)
[38] Zhu X*, Guo W, Wang S. Sensing moisture content of buckwheat seed from dielectric properties, Transactions of the ASABE.2013,56(5): 1855-1862. (SCI收錄)
[40] 郭文川*,周超超,韓文霆.基於Android手機的植物葉片面積快速無損測量系統.農業機械學報,2014,45(1):275-280. (EI收錄)
[41] 王銘海,郭文川*,商亮,谷靜思.基於近紅外漫反射光譜的多品種桃可溶性固形物的無損檢測, 西北農林科技大學學報:自然科學版,2014, 42(2):142-148
[42] Zhu X.*, Guo W., Wang S. Dielectric properties of ground hazelnuts at different frequencies, temperatures, and moisture contents. Transactions of the ASABE.2014, 57(1): 161-168. (SCI收錄)
[43] Zhu Xinhua*,Guo Wenchuan,Jia Yunpeng. Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of raw cow's and goat's milk from 10 to 4,500 MHz relevant to radio-frequency and microwave pasteurization process. Food and Bioprocess Technology, (2014) 7:1830–1839. (SCI收錄)
[45] Liu Dayang, Wenchuan Guo*. Identification of kiwifruits treated with exogenous plant growth regulator using near-infrared hyperspectral reflectance imaging. Food Analytical Methods, DOI 10.1007/s12161-014-9885-8 (SCI源刊)
[46] Guo Wenchuan*,Zhu Xinhua. Dielectric properties of red pepper powder related to radiofrequency and microwave drying[J]. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2014: 1-11, DOI: 10.1007/s11947-014-1375-x. (SCI源刊)
[47] Shang Liang, Guo Wenchuan*, Nelson Stuart O. Apple Variety Identification Based on Dielectric Spectra and Chemometric Methods, Food Analytical Methods, DOI 10.1007/s12161-014-9985-5(SCI源刊)