6. 郭慶超,Jin, Y.-C.,1999。Modeling sediment transport using depth-averaged and moment equations. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE. 125(12), 1262-1269.論文被SCI收錄。
7. Jin, Y. C., 郭慶超,Viraraghavan,T.,2000。Modeling of Class-I settling tanks. Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE, 126(8), 754-760.論文被SCI收錄。
8. 郭慶超,Jin, Y.-C.,2001。Estimating coefficients in one- dimensional depth-averaged sediment transport model. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, CSCE, Vol. 28, June, 2001, 536-540.論文SCI收錄。
9. 郭慶超,Jin, Y.-C.,2002。Modeling Nonuniform Suspended Sediment Transport in Alluvial Rivers Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, 128(9), pp839-847.論文被SCI收錄。
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9. Li, Y. R.,Huang, G. H.,郭慶超等,2001。Modeling of pesticide runoff losses from agricultural lands - A Canadian case study. Proceedings of XXIX IAHR Congress, Theme B, Sept. 16-21, 2001, Beijing, China. 616-626.