


  • 中文名:郭建維
  • 國籍中國
  • 出生日期:1968年
  • 畢業院校:華南理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:工業催化
  • 職務:廣東工業大學輕工化工學院副院長





2011/06-2011/08,California State University(Fullerton)







1. Feng L.J., Guo J.W.*, Sun Z.Y., Spirobixanthene-based microporous polymeric microsphere for gas uptake and vaporadsorption, Materials Letters, 2014, 116: 120-122.
2. Zhu D.Y., Guo J.W.*, Yang P., Pan L.H., Zhong X., Chen S.F., Synthesis and characterization of polyaspartic acid-glutamic acid grafted copolymers and their performances as detergent builder, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 13(10),DOI: 10.1002/app.40282.
3. Zhong X., Guo J.W.*, Feng L.J., Xu X.J., Zhu D.Y., Cationic Gemini surfactants based on adamantane: Synthesis, surface activity and aggregation properties, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 441: 572-580.
4. Zhong X., Guo J.W.*, Fu S.Q., Zhu D.Y., Peng J.P., Synthesis, surface property and antimicrobial activity of cationic Gemini surfactants containing adamantine and amide groups, Journal of Surfantants and Detergents, 2004, DOI:10.1007/s11743-014-1580-7.
5. Xu X.J., Guo J.W.*, Zhong X., Synthesis and properties of novel cationic gemini surfactants with adamantane spacer, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2014, 25(2): 367-369.
6. Pan L.H., Guo J.W.*, Zhu D.Y., Synthesis of Poly (maleic anhydride-co- taurine) as a Biodegradable Detergent Builder, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11743-013-1553-2.
7. Guo J.W.*, Wang Y.Q., Feng L.J., Zhong X., Yang C.F., Liu S., Cui Y.D., Performance of a novel sulfonate flame retardant based on adamantane for polycarbonate, Polymer (Korea), 2013, 37(4): 437-441.
8. Zhu H., Guo J.W.*, Yang C.F., Liu S., Cui Y.D., Zhong X., Synthesis of adamantane-based trimeric cationic surfactants, Synthetic Communications, 2013, 43(8): 1161-1167.
9. Xu X.J., Guo J.W.*, Su Q., Zhong X., Novel synthesis of heterocycle-containing adamantane derivatives, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(13): 7557-7560.
10. Yang C.F.*, Yang S.Y., Qian Y., Guo J.W., Chen Y., Simulation and operation cost astimate for phenol extraction and solvent recover process of coal-gasification wastewater, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(34): 12108-12115.
11. Zhu D.Y., Lu M.G.*, Guo J.W., Liang L.Y., Lan Y.X., Effect of adamantyl methacrylate on the thermal and mechanical properties of thermosensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2012, 124(1), 155-163.
12. Guo J.W.*, Zhong X., Zhu H., Feng L.J., Cui Y.D., Synthesis of novel quaternary ammonium surfactants containing adamantine, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2012, 23(6): 653-656.
13. Zhu H., Guo J.W.*, Yang C.F., A novel and convenient procedure for the synthesis of 1,3-diaminoadamantane, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 24(4), 1756-1758.
14. Chufen Yang,Shiying Yang,Yu Qian, Jianwei Guo,Yun Chen,Simulation and Operation Cost Estimate for Phenol Extraction and Solvent Recovery Process of CoalGas,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2013, 52, 12108−1211
15 Qiang Su, Jianwei Guo, Chufen Yang,Yingde Cui,Facile Synthesis of N-{2-[4-(2- pyrimidinyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl}adamantane-1-carboxamide,Applied Mechanics and Materials,201,117-119:1319-1322
傅淑琴,郭建維*,付長安,鐘星,崔英德,金剛烷基Bola型表面活性劑的設計合成及表面活性,化工學報, 2013, 64(8): 2956-2961.
17.傅寶林,郭建維*,鐘選斌,彭進平,崔英德,楊宇程,含油廢水吸附飽和活性炭纖維的電化學再生,化工學報, 2013, 64(9): 3250-3255.
18.郭建維*,劉明凱,楊金,周菊英,楊琨,陳旭東,彈性散射法研究間規聚苯乙烯的冷結晶行為,化學學報, 2012, 70(3): 254-258.
19.郭建維*,馬倩,崔亦華,劉卅,彭進平,用於無磷洗滌助劑的可生物降解共聚物P(AA-co-MDO)的合成及表征,高分子學報, 2012, (9): 958-964.
20.蔡璐,郭建維*,劉卅,朱樂傑,關念雲,崔英德,孫保興,金剛烷基甜菜鹼型和季銨鹽陽離子型表面活性劑的合成研究,有機化學, 2011, 31(8): 1290-1294.
21.付長安,郭建維*,劉卅,崔英德,楊楚芬,彭進平,崔亦華,金剛烷直接氧化製備金剛烷多元醇新工藝,化工學報,2011, 62(12): 3428-3433.
22.蔡璐,郭建維*,劉卅,朱樂傑,關念雲,孫保興,含金剛烷季銨鹽陽離子表面活性劑的合成,化工學報, 2011, 62(12): 3428-3433.


2.郭建維,朱華,鐘星,付長安,蔡璐,馬倩,彭進平,崔亦華,鄧志城,一種1,3-金剛烷二胺的合成方法,2013.12.11,中國,ZL 201110020321.4.
3.郭建維,付長安,朱華,蔡璐,鐘星,馬倩,彭進平,鄧志城,崔亦華,一種1,3,5,7-四羥基金剛烷的合成方法,2013.6.5,中國,ZL 201110024230.8.
4.郭建維,蘇強,楊楚芬,彭進平,崔亦華,一種n-{2-[4-(2-嘧啶基)-1-哌嗪]乙基}金剛烷-1-甲醯胺的合成方法,2013.1.9,中國,ZL 201110064280.9.
5.郭建維,陳少華,楊平,趙建紅,一種無磷洗滌助劑及其製備方法,申請日期: 2013.2.1,中國,申請號: 201310040191.X.
6.郭建維,楊平,陳少華,趙建紅,一種可生物降解無磷洗滌助劑及其製備方法,申請日期: 2013.2.1,中國,申請號: 201310040392.X.
7.郭建維,謝炳玉,劉卅,陳旭東,劉鴻,一種3-氨基-1-金剛烷醇的合成方法,2012.11.14,中國,ZL 200910214117.9.
8.呂滿庚,朱東雨,郭建維,梁利岩,黃艷玲,一種含金剛烷基的溫敏性水凝膠及其製備方法與套用,2012.2.8,中國,ZL 200910042001.1.
9.郭建維,付長安,楊楚芬,彭進平,崔亦華,孫保興,一種含金剛烷的表面活性劑及其製備方法,申請日期: 2011.10.31,中國,申請號: 201110059955.0.
10.劉卅,郭建維,任力,張德智,一種星形金剛烷基聚碸及其合成方法,2011.9.7,中國,ZL 200910193204.0.
2. Zhu D.Y., Guo J.W.*, Yang P., Pan L.H., Zhong X., Chen S.F., Synthesis and characterization of polyaspartic acid-glutamic acid grafted copolymers and their performances as detergent builder, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 13(10),DOI: 10.1002/app.40282.
3. Zhong X., Guo J.W.*, Feng L.J., Xu X.J., Zhu D.Y., Cationic Gemini surfactants based on adamantane: Synthesis, surface activity and aggregation properties, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014, 441: 572-580.
4. Zhong X., Guo J.W.*, Fu S.Q., Zhu D.Y., Peng J.P., Synthesis, surface property and antimicrobial activity of cationic Gemini surfactants containing adamantine and amide groups, Journal of Surfantants and Detergents, 2004, DOI:10.1007/s11743-014-1580-7.
5. Xu X.J., Guo J.W.*, Zhong X., Synthesis and properties of novel cationic gemini surfactants with adamantane spacer, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2014, 25(2): 367-369.
6. Pan L.H., Guo J.W.*, Zhu D.Y., Synthesis of Poly (maleic anhydride-co- taurine) as a Biodegradable Detergent Builder, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s11743-013-1553-2.
7. Guo J.W.*, Wang Y.Q., Feng L.J., Zhong X., Yang C.F., Liu S., Cui Y.D., Performance of a novel sulfonate flame retardant based on adamantane for polycarbonate, Polymer (Korea), 2013, 37(4): 437-441.
8. Zhu H., Guo J.W.*, Yang C.F., Liu S., Cui Y.D., Zhong X., Synthesis of adamantane-based trimeric cationic surfactants, Synthetic Communications, 2013, 43(8): 1161-1167.
9. Xu X.J., Guo J.W.*, Su Q., Zhong X., Novel synthesis of heterocycle-containing adamantane derivatives, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 25(13): 7557-7560.
10. Yang C.F.*, Yang S.Y., Qian Y., Guo J.W., Chen Y., Simulation and operation cost astimate for phenol extraction and solvent recover process of coal-gasification wastewater, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(34): 12108-12115.
11. Zhu D.Y., Lu M.G.*, Guo J.W., Liang L.Y., Lan Y.X., Effect of adamantyl methacrylate on the thermal and mechanical properties of thermosensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2012, 124(1), 155-163.
12. Guo J.W.*, Zhong X., Zhu H., Feng L.J., Cui Y.D., Synthesis of novel quaternary ammonium surfactants containing adamantine, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2012, 23(6): 653-656.
13. Zhu H., Guo J.W.*, Yang C.F., A novel and convenient procedure for the synthesis of 1,3-diaminoadamantane, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011, 24(4), 1756-1758.
14. Chufen Yang,Shiying Yang,Yu Qian, Jianwei Guo,Yun Chen,Simulation and Operation Cost Estimate for Phenol Extraction and Solvent Recovery Process of CoalGas,Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2013, 52, 12108−1211
15 Qiang Su, Jianwei Guo, Chufen Yang,Yingde Cui,Facile Synthesis of N-{2-[4-(2- pyrimidinyl)-1-piperazinyl]ethyl}adamantane-1-carboxamide,Applied Mechanics and Materials,201,117-119:1319-1322
傅淑琴,郭建維*,付長安,鐘星,崔英德,金剛烷基Bola型表面活性劑的設計合成及表面活性,化工學報, 2013, 64(8): 2956-2961.
17.傅寶林,郭建維*,鐘選斌,彭進平,崔英德,楊宇程,含油廢水吸附飽和活性炭纖維的電化學再生,化工學報, 2013, 64(9): 3250-3255.
18.郭建維*,劉明凱,楊金,周菊英,楊琨,陳旭東,彈性散射法研究間規聚苯乙烯的冷結晶行為,化學學報, 2012, 70(3): 254-258.
19.郭建維*,馬倩,崔亦華,劉卅,彭進平,用於無磷洗滌助劑的可生物降解共聚物P(AA-co-MDO)的合成及表征,高分子學報, 2012, (9): 958-964.
20.蔡璐,郭建維*,劉卅,朱樂傑,關念雲,崔英德,孫保興,金剛烷基甜菜鹼型和季銨鹽陽離子型表面活性劑的合成研究,有機化學, 2011, 31(8): 1290-1294.
21.付長安,郭建維*,劉卅,崔英德,楊楚芬,彭進平,崔亦華,金剛烷直接氧化製備金剛烷多元醇新工藝,化工學報,2011, 62(12): 3428-3433.
22.蔡璐,郭建維*,劉卅,朱樂傑,關念雲,孫保興,含金剛烷季銨鹽陽離子表面活性劑的合成,化工學報, 2011, 62(12): 3428-3433.


2.郭建維,朱華,鐘星,付長安,蔡璐,馬倩,彭進平,崔亦華,鄧志城,一種1,3-金剛烷二胺的合成方法,2013.12.11,中國,ZL 201110020321.4.
3.郭建維,付長安,朱華,蔡璐,鐘星,馬倩,彭進平,鄧志城,崔亦華,一種1,3,5,7-四羥基金剛烷的合成方法,2013.6.5,中國,ZL 201110024230.8.
4.郭建維,蘇強,楊楚芬,彭進平,崔亦華,一種n-{2-[4-(2-嘧啶基)-1-哌嗪]乙基}金剛烷-1-甲醯胺的合成方法,2013.1.9,中國,ZL 201110064280.9.
5.郭建維,陳少華,楊平,趙建紅,一種無磷洗滌助劑及其製備方法,申請日期: 2013.2.1,中國,申請號: 201310040191.X.
6.郭建維,楊平,陳少華,趙建紅,一種可生物降解無磷洗滌助劑及其製備方法,申請日期: 2013.2.1,中國,申請號: 201310040392.X.
7.郭建維,謝炳玉,劉卅,陳旭東,劉鴻,一種3-氨基-1-金剛烷醇的合成方法,2012.11.14,中國,ZL 200910214117.9.
8.呂滿庚,朱東雨,郭建維,梁利岩,黃艷玲,一種含金剛烷基的溫敏性水凝膠及其製備方法與套用,2012.2.8,中國,ZL 200910042001.1.
9.郭建維,付長安,楊楚芬,彭進平,崔亦華,孫保興,一種含金剛烷的表面活性劑及其製備方法,申請日期: 2011.10.31,中國,申請號: 201110059955.0.
10.劉卅,郭建維,任力,張德智,一種星形金剛烷基聚碸及其合成方法,2011.9.7,中國,ZL 200910193204.0.


