- 中文名:郭希娟
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 職業:燕山大學信息科學與工程學院教授
- 畢業院校:燕山大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:計算機科學與技術
- 職務:博士生導師
[1].河北省出版基金..其他省級項目.2009-12-01——2010-10-01. 經費:1.5萬元
[2].基於瀏覽器/伺服器模式的《抽油機井高效運行仿真最佳化設計軟體》外包開發.無.企業委託.2007-10-20——2008-06-30. 經費:3.5萬元
[6].機器人綜合性能指標分析與工業機器人動力學性能分析.(2006).省級科研項目.2006-01-01——2008-12-31. 經費:6萬元
[7].上海科堡重型機械設計設備有限公司辦公自動化系統.無.企業委託.2005-12-01——2007-12-01. 經費:24萬元
[8].少自由度並在線上器人性能指標分析.503311(2003).省級科研項目.2003-01-01——2005-12-31. 經費:6萬元
[9].軋機液壓AGC厚度控制.無.企業委託.2003-01-01——2005-12-31. 經費:12萬元
(1) 獲得黑龍江省教委科技進步一等獎一項。
(2) 獲得校內基金資助兩項。
(3) 獲得校青年教師觀摩教學比賽一等獎。
(4) 獲得校教學優秀二等獎。
(1) 少自由度並在線上器人性能指標分析,河北省自然科學基金項目503311(2003),河北省科學技術廳鑑定達到國際先進水平,負責人。
(2) 參研國家自然科學基金項目2項。
(3) 軋機液壓AGC厚度控制,上海科堡重型機械設計設備有限公司,負責人。
(4) 基於簡訊平台的辦公自動化系統;及其配套軟體研究,負責人。
(5) 上海科堡重型機械設計設備有限公司辦公自動化系統,負責人。
[1]Guo xijuan,Zhang huanhuan,Changzheng.Image thresholding algorithm based on image gradient and fuzzy set distance..ICIC Express Letters-An international Journal of Research and Surveys..,2010,Vol(4)3,p1059-1063.
[2]Guo xijuan,Geng qingjia,Zhang ya.The Algorithm for computing Exact Minkowski Sum of 3D Convex Polyhedral.International Journal of innovative Computing, Information & Control.[ SCI:679vt],2010,vol(6)11.p5105-5114.
[3]Guo xijuan,Zhang qiang,Duxiong,Yangyulin.Analysis for dynamics performance indices of 3-RSS+PS+RRS parallel mechanism.ICIC Express Letters-An international Journal of Research and Surveys.,2009,Vol(3)3,p793-798.
[4]XIJUAN GUO,YANLI GAO,YONG LIU AND LEI XIE.Optimization algorithm for computing exact Minkowski sum of 3D convex polyhedra.International Journal of Innovation Computing of and Control Volume 4,Number 6,June 2008.[ SCI:108QY],2008,volume 4 頁碼:1401-1410.
[8]劉金科,郭希娟,劉爽.FANUC M420iA機器人動力學性能分析與仿真.計算機工程與套用.,2008,第44卷第11期226-228.
[12]郭希娟,謝蕾,高永亮.Optimal accurate minkowski sum approximation of polyhedral models.4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2008.,2008,v 5226 LNCS179-188.
[13]耿清甲 韓玲玲 郭希娟.Research on Acceleration Performance Indices for Serial Mechanism.IEEE 2007 International conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL),2007,p 2160-2164.
[14]郭希娟,劉爽,王振春.Analysis for Dynamics Performance Indices of 4-RR(RR)R Parallel Mechanism.International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control. Volume 2, Number 4, Aug 2006, 875-884..[ SCI:是],2006,2卷,875-884頁.
[15].Inverse M-matrix Completions of Double Cycles.International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science 1(2006), no. 2, 203-226..,2006,2期,203-226.
[16]郭希娟,劉爽.The dynamics simulation of spatial RSSR_SC mechanism.The Sixth Iasted International Conference On Modelling, Simulation, And Optimization September 11-13, 2006 Gaborone, Botswana..[EI:是],2006.
[17].Inverse m-matrices completions of the N-chordal graph.International Journal of Computer Mathematics.[EI:是 SCI:是],2005,81卷.
[18].The Simulation of a Novel Parallel Robot.Proceedings of the Tenth IASTED International Conference on Robotics and applications, August 23-25,2004 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.[EI:是],2004.
[19].Kinematic Performance Analysis for Planar Parallel Mechanism 3RRR.The 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Lc38.Apr. 1-4, 2004 Tianjin, China.[ ISTP:是],2004,5期.
[20].Velocity and acceleration performance indices analysis of spatial 2-loop mechanism RSSR-SC.The 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Lc39. Apr.1-4, 2004 Tianjin, China.[ ISTP:是],2004.
[21].The Parallel Algorithm for Judging M-matrix.The IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing.[ ISTP:是],2004.
[22].Acceleration and dexterity performance indices for 6-dof and lower-mobility parallel mechanism.ASME 2004 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences.[EI:是 ISTP:是],2004.
[24].A method for Judging Generalized Diagonally Dominant matrix.International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2002 (7) (IJCM).[EI:是 SCI:是],2002.
[26].虛設機構法正確性的論證.機械工程學報2001 37(5):40-43.[EI:是],2001.
[1]2000-12-03 至 現在燕山大學信息學院,計算機系,教授.教師.
[2]1999-09-01 至 2002-08-31,燕山大學機械工程學院,機械電子工程,博士.
[3]1996-08-22 至 2000-12-02,燕山大學信息學院,計算機系,副教授.教師.
[4]1991-07-01 至 1995-09-28,東北重型機械學院,計算機系,講師.教師.
[5]1983-07-17 至 1991-06-29,東北重型機械學院,計算機系,助教.教師.
[6]1979-09-01 至 1983-07-16,東北師範大學,數學系,學士.