

郭三棟,男,1984年10月生,博士,西安郵電大學副教授,西安郵電大學微電子專業碩士生導師。2019年入選陝西省普通高校青年傑出人才支持計畫。入選英國皇家化學會物理化學類期刊2019年“Top 1%高被引作者排行榜”。獲得英國物理學會2021年“高被引文章獎”。 2020年度科學影響力全科科學家榜(Elsevier 旗下 Mendeley Data 發布),進入前4萬名。


  • 中文名:郭三棟
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1984年10月
  • 畢業院校中國科學院物理研究所
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:半導體、二維材料 
  • 主要成就:2019年入選陝西省普通高校青年傑出人才支持計畫
  • 職稱:副教授




發表SCI文章60餘篇,被引用650餘次。以本人或者學生為第一作者發表於JMCC, PCCP, New Journalof Physics, APL, Nanotechnology, Journal of Chemical Physics, EPL, JPCM, JAP等SCI文章51篇(第一作者49篇),其中單篇最高被引100多次,H-index 為15。主持和參與國家、省級、廳級等各類項目十餘項。擔任JPCL, Nanoscale, JMCC, PCCP, Inorganic Chemistry, Scientific Reports, Applied Surface Science, Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Nanoscale Research Letters, Computational Materials Science, Physics Letters A, Chemical Physics Letters, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, RSC Advance, ACS Applied Nano Materials 等國內外三十餘種期刊的審稿人。


1. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi, Xiao Xiang-Bo and Liu Bang-Gui, Intrinsic room-temperature piezoelectric quantum anomalous Hall insulator in Janus monolayer Fe2IX (X = Cl and Br), Nanoscale 13, 12956 (2021).
2. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi and Liu Bang-Gui, Valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall insulator in monolayer RuBr2, 2D Mater. 9, 035011 (2022).
3. Guo San-Dong, Zhu Jing-Xin, Mu Wen-Qi and Liu Bang-Gui, Possible way to achieve anomalous valley Hall effect by piezoelectric effect in a GdCl2 monolayer, Physical Review B 104, 224428 (2021).
4. Guo San-Dong, Zhu Jing-Xin, Yin Meng-Yuan and Liu Bang-Gui, Substantial electronic correlation effects on the electronic properties in a Janus FeClF monolayer, Physical Review B 105, 104416 (2022).
5. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi, Wang Jia-Hao, YangYu-Xuan, Wang Bing and Ang Yee-Sin, Strain effects on the topological and valley properties of the Janus monolayer VSiGeN4, Physical Review B 106, 064416 (2022).
6. Guo San-Dong, Zhu Yu-Tong, Qin Ke and Ang Yee-Sin,Large out-of-plane piezoelectric response in ferromagnetic monolayer NiClI, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 232403 (2022).
7. Guo San-Dong, Guo Xiao-Shu, Zhu Yu-Tong and Ang Yee-Sin,Predicted ferromagnetic monolayer CrSCl with large vertical piezoelectric response: A first-principles study, Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 062403 (2022).
8. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi, Zhu Yu-Tong, Han Ru-Yue and Ren Wen-Cai, Predicted septuple-atomic-layer Janus MSiGeN4 (M = Mo and W) monolayers with Rashba spin splitting and high electron carrier mobilities, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9, 2464 (2021).
9. Guo San-Dong, Zhu Yu-Tong, Mu Wen-Qi and Chen Xing-Qiu, A piezoelectric quantum spin Hall insulator with Rashba spin splitting in Janus monolayer SrAlGaSe4, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9, 7465 (2021).
10. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi, Zhu Yu-Tong, Wang Shao-Qing and Wang Guang-Zhao, Coexistence of intrinsic piezoelectricity and nontrivial band topology in monolayer InXO (X = Se and Te), Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9, 5460 (2021).
11. Guo San-Dong, Zhu Yu-Tong, Xin Jia-Lin and Liu Bang-Gui, Correlation-enhanced spin-orbit coupling in a quantum anomalous Hall insulator Fe2Br2 monolayer with a large band gap and robust ferromagnetism, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10, 8381 (2022).
12. Guo San-Dong and Wang Meng-Xia, Predicted intrinsic piezoelectric ferromagnetism in Janus monolayer MnSbBiTe4: a first principles study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 22443 (2021).
13. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi, Xiao Xiang-Bo and Liu Bang-Gui, Generalization of piezoelectric quantum anomalous Hall insulator based on monolayer Fe2I2: a first-principle study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23, 25994 (2021).
14. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi, Zhu Yu-Tong and Chen Xing-Qiu, Coexistence of intrinsic piezoelectricity and ferromagnetism induced by small biaxial strain in septuple-atomic-layer VSi2P4, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 28359 (2020).
15. Guo San-Dong, Zhu Yu-Tong, Mu Wen-Qi and Ren Wen-Cai, Intrinsic piezoelectricity in monolayer MSi2N4 (M = Mo, W, Cr, Ti, Zr and Hf) , EPL 132, 57002 (2020).
16. Guo San-Dong, Guo Xiao-Shu, Han Ru-Yue and Deng Ye, Predicted Janus SnSSe monolayer: a comprehensive first-principles study, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 21, 24620 (2019).
17. Guo San-Dong, Guo Xiao-Shu, Cai Xiu-Xia and Liu Bang-Gui, Valley polarization transition driven by biaxial strain in Janus GdClF monolayer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 715 (2022).
18. Guo San-Dong, Mu Wen-Qi, Guo Hao-Tian, Tao Yu-Ling and Liu Bang-Gui, A piezoelectric quantum spin Hall insulator VCClBr monolayer with a pure out-of-plane piezoelectric response, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24, 19965 (2022).


