

天津大學化工學院國家工業結晶工程技術研究中心教授, 博士生導師。


  • 中文名:郝紅勛
  • 外文名:Hongxun Hao
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生日期:1974年
  • 畢業院校天津大學化工學院
  • 主要成就:2008國家技術發明二等獎,2015國家科技進步二等獎
  • 性別:男




2003 -2006天津經濟技術開發區博士後工作站 博士後
2005-2005 英國 University College London 訪問學者(Visiting Scholar)
2006-2008 天津大學化工學院結晶中心 副教授
2009-2011 愛爾蘭University College Dublin,高級研究員( Senior Research Fellow)
2012-2015 天津大學化工學院國家工業結晶工程技術研究中心 副教授
2016- 天津大學化工學院國家工業結晶工程技術研究中心 教授


化工設計,功能材料物理性能, Chemical Engineering Design


1, 工業結晶科學與技術
2. 化工醫藥產品分離與精製
3, 功能晶體產品的設計與開發
4, 工業結晶新裝置




3.第十二屆天津青年科技獎, 2013
5. 天津大學"教書育人"先進工作者,2014
6. 粒子過程晶體產品分子組裝與形態最佳化技術,國家技術發明二等獎,2008年
8. 醫藥晶體產品分子組裝與綠色集成產業化技術,教育部科學技術進步一等獎,2006年


  1. Liqiang Yang, Qiuxiang Yin, Baohong Hou, Yongli Wang, Ying Bao, Jingkang Wang, Hongxun Hao*, Solubility and Thermodynamic Stability of the Enantiotropic Polymorphs of 2. 2,3,5-Trimethyl-1,4-diacetoxybenzenek, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 52(7), 2477-2485, 2013.
  2. Zhaohai Ping, Xie Chuang, Xu Zhao, Wang Yongli, Bian Lin, Chen Zhen; Hao Hongxun *, Solution Crystallization of Vanillin in the Presence of a Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 51(45), 14646-14652, 2012.
  3. Chen Zhen, Xie Chuang, Xu Zhao, Wang Yongli, Zhao Haiping, Hao Hongxun *, Determination and Correlation of Solubility Data and Dissolution Thermodynamic Data of L-Lactide in Different Pure Solvents, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 58 ( 1), 143-150, 2013.
  4. Zhang Dongya, Wang Yongli, Ma Shuyuan ,Wu Songgu; Hao Hongxun *, Determination of Solubility and Induction Time of Ceftazidime , J. Chem. Eng. Data, 58 ( 1), 176-182, 2013.
  5. Xiaowei Hu, Yongli Wang, Chuang Xie, Guan Wang, and Hongxun Hao , Determination and Correlation of Solubility of Cefradine Form I in Five Pure Solvents from (283.15 to 308.15) K, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 58(7), 2028-2034,2013.
  6. Ferguson Steven, Morris Gary, Hao Hongxun, Barrett Mark, Glennon Brian *, In-situ monitoring and characterization of plug flow crystallizers, Chem. Eng. Sci., 77, 105-111, 2012.
  7. Duffy Damin, Cremin, N., Napier Michael, Barrett Mark, Hao Hongxun, Glennon Brian *, In situ monitoring, control and optimization of a liquid-liquid phase separation crystallization, Chem. Eng. Sci., 77, 112-121,2012.
  8. Hongxun Hao, Mark Barrett, Yun Hu, Weiyi Su, Stephen Ferguson, Barbara Wood ,Brian Glennon, The use of in Situ Tools to Monitor the Enantiotropic Transformation of p-Aminobenzoic Acid Polymorphs, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2012,16, 35-41.
  9. Yanlei Wang, Junyan Gao, Qiuxiang Yin, and Hongxun Hao,Isolation and characterization of a new polymorph of D-sorbitol,Crystal Research and Technology, 2012, 47(4), 409-414.
  10. Junyan Gao, Chuang Xie, Yanlei Wang, Zhao Xu, andHongxun Hao, Solubility data of trisodium citrate hydrates in aqueous solution and crystal-solution interfacial energy of the pentahydrate, Crystal Research and Technology, 2012, 47(4), 397-4034 .
  11. Hongxun Hao, Weiyi Su, Mark Barrett, Caron Vincent, Brian Glennon, A Calibration-Free Application of Raman Spectroscopy to the Monitoring of Mannitol Crystallization and Its Polymorphic Transformation, Org. Process Res. Dev. 2010, 14 :1209-1214。
  12. Hongxun Hao, Baohong Hou, Jing-kang Wang, Guangyu Lin, Effect of Solvent on Crystallization Behavior of Xylitol, Journal of Crystal Growth, 2006,290(1):192-196.
  13. Hongxun Hao , Jingkang Wang, Yongli Wang, Determination of Induction Period and Crystal Growth Mechanism of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate in Methanol-Acetone System, Journal of Crystal Growth,2005,274/3-4:545-549.
  14. Hong-xun Hao, Jing-kang Wang, and Yong-li Wang, Solubility of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate in Different Solvents,, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 2004 ,49:1697-1698.
  15. Hong-xun Hao, Bao-hong Hou, Jing-kang Wang, Mei-jing Zhang, Solubility of Erythritol in Methanol + Water Mixed Solvents, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data,2005,50:1454-1456.
  16. Hao Hongxun, Wang Jingkang, Wang Yongli, Hou Baohong, Crystal Growth Models of Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate in a MSMPR Reactive Crystallizer, Chinese J. Chem. Eng., 2005,13(3):350-354.
  17. 郝紅勛 ,王靜康, 地塞米松磷酸鈉的粒度相關生長速率模型,化工學報, 2004,55(1):143-146 .
  18. 郝紅勛, 王靜康,間歇結晶器中地塞米松磷酸鈉溶析結晶動力學的研究, 高校化學工程學報, 2004,18(1):115-119.
  19. 王靜康,郝紅勛,地塞米松磷酸鈉的反應結晶動力學,天津大學學報, 2003,36(3):257-260.
  20. Barrett Mark; Hao Hongxun; Maher Anthony,Hodnett, Kieran;Glennon, Brian; Croker, Denise,In Situ Monitoring of Supersaturation and Polymorphic Form of Piracetam during Batch Cooling Crystallization, Org. Process Res. Dev . 2011, 15(3),681-687.
  21. Su Weiyi; Hao Hongxun; Barrett Mark ,Glennon, Brian, The Impact of Operating Parameters on the Polymorphic Transformation of D-Mannitol Characterized in Situ with Raman Spectroscopy, FBRM, and PVM , Org. Process Res. Dev. 2010,14(6),1440-1445.
  22. Xie Chuang, Hao Hongxun, Chen Wei, Crystallization kinetics of CdSe nanocrystals synthesized via the TOP-TOPO-HDA route, 2008,310(15): 3504-3507.
  23. Gao Li, Wang Jingkang, Hao Hongxun, Solubility of acesulfame potassium in ethanol plus water and methanol plus water systems from (275.84 to 322.90) K, Journal of Chemical Engineering Data, 53(3): 854-856, 2008.
  24. Yongli Wang, Shi Wang,Hongxun Hao, Wei Chen, 11-Hydroxy-16,17-epoxypregn-4-ene-3,20-dione, Acta. Cryst., 2004,E60,1.
  25. Zhichao Guo, Alan Jones, Hongxun Hao, Effect of ultrasound on the heterogeneous nucleation of BaSO4 duringreactive crystallization, Journal of Applied physics, 101(5), 2007,101, 054907(1-9).
  26. Barrett Mark; McNamara Mairtin; Hao HongXun , Supersaturation tracking for the development, optimization and control of crystallization processes , Chem. Eng. Res. Des., 2010, 88(8a),1108-1119.
  27. Hongxun Hao, Baohong Hou, Jing-kang Wang, Guangyu Lin, Effect of Solvent on Crystallization Behavior of Xylitol, 16th International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization, German, 2005.
  28. 王靜康,郝紅勛, A New Method For the Determination of Ionization Constants of Polyprotic Weak Acid, Transaction of Tianjin University, 9(2),98-100(2003).


