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2018年入選澳大利亞ARC Laureate Fellowship (國家研究委員會桂冠教授);澳大利亞工程院院士;國家傑出青年基金獲得者(B類)。澳大利亞工程師協會會士,美國土木工程師協會會士,國際工程資產管理協會會士。2023年當選中國工程院外籍院士。

現任廣州大學教授、澳大利亞科廷大學約翰科廷傑出教授、澳大利亞桂冠學者。曾任澳大利亞地震工程學會主席,現任國際防護結構學會主席、澳大利亞結構健康監測學會顧問,國際防護結構學會傑出會士、澳大利亞工程師學會會士、美國土木工程師學會會士和國際工程資產管理協會會士。郝洪院士主持50多項科研項目經費超億元,先後獲得了50多個研究獎項,包括亞太地區結構工程建造Nishino獎章、澳大利亞地震工程學會Charles Bubb獎章、John de Laeter研究領袖獎、澳大利亞結構健康監測學會10年最佳研究獎等。


  • 中文名:郝洪
  • 畢業院校:天津大學,加州大學伯克利分校
  • 主要成就:澳大利亞工程院院士
  • 職稱:教授
  • 學位:博士
  • 研究方向:爆炸與衝擊工程,地震工程,結構健康監測



1982 天津大學學士(水工結構工程)
1985 加州大學伯克利分校碩士(土木工程)
1989 加州大學伯克利分校博士(結構工程,副修數學及地球物理)


2019 ~ 迄今 廣州大學客座教授
2014 ~ 迄今 科犁章采廷大學 約翰·科廷傑出教授
2015 ~ 2018 科廷大學結構監測與防護研究中心主任
2014 ~ 迄今 天津大學-科廷大學 結構監測與防護聯合研究中心主任
2011 ~ 2014 天津大學-西澳大學 結構防護聯合研究中心主任
2014 ~ 迄今 西澳大學客座教授
2005 ~ 迄今 天津大學客座教授
2004 ~ 2013 西澳大學 結構工程首席教授
2003 ~ 2011 西澳大學 結構工程學科帶頭人
2002 ~ 2003 西澳大學土木與資源學院 副教授
1999 ~ 2001 新加坡南洋理工大學 副教授
1996 ~ 1999 新加坡南洋理工大學道寒禁舟 高級講師
1990 ~ 1995 新加坡南洋理工大學 講師
1989 ~ 1990 加州大學伯克利分校地震研究中心 博士後研究員


1. 主持50多項、總值超過2000萬澳元(約人民幣1億元)的基金項目, 包括:
2. 數十個工程研究和諮詢項目,包括:
3. 編著 14本會議論文集,發表7篇書籍章節以及超過70多部科研/諮詢報告。
4. 發表千餘多篇論文,其中SCI收錄600餘篇,大會報告論文60餘篇。
5. Elsevier資料庫土木工程全球“高引學者”
6. 應邀在亞洲、歐洲、北美、南美、大洋洲的50多個國際學術會議中做大會主題學術報告。
7. 成功指導多個博士後,30多個博士和9個研究型碩士畢業,其中很多人已經在國內外高校(中國包括香港,及澳大利亞,加拿大,英國,新加坡,馬來西亞等)擔任正教授、高級工程師及企業高管的職務,多位獲傑出青年、優青等資助,三人四次入圍西澳大利亞總府籃抹理年度青年科學家獎,倆人獲得西澳大學年度青年教師研究獎,倆人獲得科廷大學年度青年教師研究獎,多人獲得最佳博士論文獎,七人獲得國家優秀自費留學生獎,及十多個最佳青年論文獎。指導20名博士生。


  • 入選Elsevier資料庫土木工程全球“高引學者”
  • 2018,澳大利亞 ARC Laureate Fellowship(國家研究委員會桂冠教授)
  • 2018,John de Laeter Research Leadership Award 研究領袖獎第一名
  • 2018,PVC's Annual Researchers of the Year Award
  • 2017,“結構工程發展”J M Ko 2017年獎章
  • 2016,“結構工程發展” J M Ko 2016年獎章
  • 2016,國際衝擊工程雜誌2016年高引作者獎
  • 2015,昆士蘭大學2015年傑出講座人(Distinguished Lecturer)
  • 2015,John de Laeter 研究領袖獎第二名
  • 2014,Karagozian & Case 最佳論文獎
  • 2013,“結構工程發展”J M Ko 2013年獎章入圍獎
  • 2011,西澳大學年度最佳導師獎
  • 2010,澳大利亞Eureka科技大獎第二名
  • 2005,中國自然科學基金傑出青年基金B 類
  • 2003,新加坡教育部Tan Chin Tuan獎
  • 多篇論文入選多個國際學術期刊及會愚洪煮榆議的最佳論文及優秀論文獎


1. 入選澳大利亞工程院院士、澳大利亞工程師協會會頌櫃士、美國土木工程師協會會士、國際工程資產管理協會會士。
2. 抗爆方面的研究成果被作為美國國防部爆炸安全委員會的非正式工作檔案分發,並被北大西洋公約組織的《軍火庫設計規範》及中國《民用建築防爆 設計規範 》(徵求意見稿)所採納;部分研究成果被套用於位於新加坡的世界上最大的地下彈藥庫之一的設計及建造, 並被用於為包括新加坡科技集團、新加坡國防部、澳洲國防部、GHD、PMI礦業集團等政府機構及跨國公司提供技術諮詢。
3. 抗震方面的研究成果被收錄到結構動力學的經典教科書中,被收錄於美國地震研究所(EERI)的體頌訂《地震工程口述歷史》系列,被廣泛套用於包括加拿大、美國加州、希臘、日本、及台灣等國家恥府槓和地區的大型工程結構的設計及建造中,並被用於為包括位於阿曼蘇丹國的Yibol油田、西澳自來水公司、BG&E、沃利帕森斯集團、GHD、科菲(Coffey)等大型跨國公司提供技術諮詢。
4. 結構健康監測方面的研究成果被用於為西澳公路局、AECOM、BHP等公司或機構監測橋樑的健康狀況, 被列入中國工程建設協會標準《結構健康監測系統設計標準》,也成功地套用到600米高廣州塔,632米高上海中心及香港青馬大橋等大型結構健康監測系統之中。
5. 長期為包括總部位於倫敦的奧雅納工程顧問有限公司(Ove Arup & Partners Ltd.),新加坡科技集團、西澳公路局、SVT工程顧問公司、澳大利亞國防部、西澳保險業監理處、AECOM、西澳自來水公司、全球工程及建築30強的GHD公司、Thiess礦業集團、沃利帕森斯集團、Airey Taylor工程顧問公司等政府機構及大型企業提供技術諮詢。
6. 2006年被聘為廣東省交通廳專家顧問,2010年入選天津市政府專家顧問。
7. 澳大利亞國家科學基金委評審委員會專家組成員(2013-2015),中國國家自然科學基金重大專項評審專家(2010), 並為中國基金委、教育部、科技部,及香港、加拿大、法國、義大利、冰島、英國、捷克、 以色列等國家和地區提供基金評審,也擔任過土耳其科學院院士評審專家及美國土木工程師協會獎勵提名委員會成員。
8. 2009年入選為150位(三位來自澳大利亞)被邀請在天安門參與60周年國慶盛典的海外華人科學家之一。
9. 澳大利亞西澳華人科學家協會副會長 (2002-2012)。
10. 全澳華人專家學者聯合會副主席(2017 – 迄今)。



《International Journal of Protective Structures》
《International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering》


1. International Journal of Engineering Structures
2. International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering
3. International Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering
4. International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering
5. Chinese Journal of Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting
6. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
7. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
8. 天津大學學報
10. 爆炸與衝擊學報
11. Guest Editor: International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering (2005)
12. Guest Editor: Australian Journal of Structural Engineering (2007, 2012)
13. Guest Editor: International Journal of Impact Engineering (2008)
14. Guest Editor: International Journal of Structural Dynamics and Stability (2009)


  • 國際防護結構工程協會(International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS) ) 主席 (2018-迄今)副主席 (2010 – 2018)
  • 澳大利亞地震工程協會(Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES))主席 (2010-2013)
  • 澳大利亞地震工程協會西澳分會主席(2004-2010)
  • 澳大利亞結構健康監測聯盟(Australian Network of Structural Health Monitoring)顧問委員會成員 (2009 – 迄今 )
  • 澳大利亞聯邦科學工業研究院(CSIRO)氣候變化對策專家組成員(2010-2013)
  • 澳大利亞工程師協會結構工程分會理事 (2008 - 2016)
  • 美國土木工程師學會澳大利亞分會理事 (2007 - 2012)
  • 澳大利亞工程師協會工程諮詢顧問主席團成員(2011 - 2013)
  • 國際地震工程協會執委,澳大利亞代表 (2013 - 迄今)
  • 解放軍理工大學防災減災國家重點實驗室學術委員會副主任
  • 天津大學海岸結構安全教育部重點實驗室學術委員會成員
  • 天津城建大學結構防護天津市重點實驗室學術委員會副主任
  • 青島理工大學山東省結構震動控制研究創新團隊學術委員會副主任
  • 西南科技大學-中國工程物理研究院四川省衝擊及震動工程材料重點實驗室學術委員會成員
  • 在澳大利亞、中國、以色列、新加坡、英國等地主辦或聯合主辦了14個國際會議,並擔任大會主席。也擔任過在加拿大,新加坡和越南三個國際會議的榮譽主席,擔任過超過200個國際會議的組委會或學術委員會成員


系統開展了城市複雜環境中爆炸波的傳播及爆炸荷載作用下結構的動態回響行為和破壞倒塌機理等方面的研究工作,取得了廣受好評的創新成果。在爆炸波的傳播方面, 利用爆炸波和結構相互作用產生的反射、折射及繞射原理,提出了一種新型的柵欄型防爆牆設計。在理論方面,提出了修正的Drucker-Prager強度模型、修正狀態方程及指數型破壞方程用於模擬岩石的破壞過程,相關成果被美國同行評價為“代表了世界最高水平”;也提出了修正的Mohr-Column破壞準則、修正狀態方程、水泥基材料雙指數破壞模型、混凝土材料塑性流動模型和塑性破壞指標、以及新的應變率方程;在國際上首次開展了結構爆炸模擬的模型振動台試驗。研究成果得到了國際組織的高度重視和國際同行的廣泛引用,部分研究成果在新加坡、美國和瑞典的現場爆炸試驗中得到驗證;有關鋼筋混凝土框架結構的抗爆設計參數已被北大西洋公約組織的《軍火庫設計規範(AASTP-1)》所採納;有關土的三相介質模型已被國際通用商業軟體Autodyn以及美國陸軍實驗室所採納。
系統開展了空間地震動模擬和人工合成、場地地震回響、橋樑和建築結構的三維地震效應和碰撞回響、複雜建築結構的扭轉地震回響、以及城市地震危險性分析等方面的研究工作,取得了突出的創新成果。提出了地震動的二維模型,相關成果被寫入國際著名地震工程專家Clough和Penzien所著的國際經典教科書《Dynamics of Structures》中,也被美國地震研究所(EERI)的《地震工程口述歷史》所收錄;提出了多維多點地震動人工合成方法並編制了相關計算軟體,相關成果仍被多個國際工程和諮詢公司廣泛用於美國、加拿大、日本、希臘、台灣等國家和地區的重要工程抗震的設計和諮詢;在國際上率先研究了考慮地震動空間變化的結構扭轉回響以及考慮地震動空間變化、土與結構相互作用、和結構非線性的相鄰結構碰撞回響等,相關成果被國際同行大量引用;首次提出了西澳洲地震動場模型,並得到西澳州有限強震記錄的驗證,相關成果被《澳大利亞國家防震規劃》所採納。
曾作為專家在不同場合被世界各地的媒體採訪, 包括澳大利亞科技媒體中心(Australian Science Media Centre)、美國 (USA Today)、荷蘭日報(Dutch daily 及 NRC Handelsblad, 荷蘭)、新科學家雜誌 (New Scientist Magazine,英國)、工人世界報 (Workers World Newspaper, 美國)、加拿大廣播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)等,在爆炸和地震引起的結構破壞及結構健康監測的必要性等方面提供專家建議和評論。


1. Ruiqing Zong, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Development of a new fence type blast wall for blast protection: numerical analysis’, International Journal for Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 17(6), 2017, 1750066-1-29.
2. Yifei Hao, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Zhongqi Wang and Ruiqing Zong, ‘Field testing of fence type blast wall for blast load mitigation’, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 17, No. 9 (2017) 1750099 (22 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219455417500997.
3. Weiwei Zhang, Jun Li, Hong Hao and Hongwei Ma, ‘Damage Detection in Bridge Structures under Moving Loads with Phase Trajectory Change of Multi-type Vibration Measurements’, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol 87, 2017, pp410-425.
4. Kinzang Thinley and Hong Hao, ‘Seismic performance of reinforced concrete frame buildings in Bhutan based on fuzzy probability analysis’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 92, 2017, pp604–620.
5. Jingde Li, Guowei Ma, Hong Hao, Yimiao Huang, ‘Optimal blast wall layout design to mitigate gas dispersion and explosion on a cylindrical FLNG platform’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 49, Part B, September 2017, Pages 481-492.
6. Jun Li, Chengqing Wu, Hong Hao, Yu Su, ‘Experimental and numerical study on steel wire mesh reinforced concrete slab under contact explosion’, Materials and Design, 116 (2017) 77-91.
7. Thong Minh Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Effect of the Plastic Hinge and Boundary Condition on the Impact Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 102, April 2017, pp74-85.
8. Jun Li, Hong Hao and Chengqing Wu, ‘Numerical study of precast segmental column under blast loads’, Engineering Structures, 134 (2017) 125-137.
9. Jun Li, Chengqing Wu, Hong Hao, Zhongxian Liu, ‘Post-Blast Capacity of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Columns’, Engineering Structures, 134 (2017) 289-302.
10. Thong Minh Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Plastic Hinges and Inertia Forces in RC Beams under Impact Loads’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 103, May 2017, pp1-11.
11. Kewei Liu, Hong Hao, Xibing Li, ‘Numerical analysis of the stability of abandoned cavities in bench blasting’, International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 92 (2017) 30–39.
12. Haoran Zuo, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, ‘Using multiple tuned mass dampers to control offshore wind turbine vibrations under multiple hazards’, Engineering Structures 141 (2017) 303–315.
13. Zhan Li, Li Chen, Qin Fang, Hong Hao, Yadong Zhang, Hengbo Xiang, Wensu Chen, Shigang Yang, Qi Bao, ‘Experimental and Numerical Study of Unreinforced Clay Brick Masonry Walls Subjected to Vented Gas Explosions’, Journal of International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 104, 2017, pp107-126.
14. Zhan Li, Li Chen, Qin Fang, Hong Hao, Yadong Zhang, Wensu Chen, Hengbo Xiang, Qi Bao, ‘Study of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry walls under vented gas explosions’, Engineering Structures 141 (2017) 444–460.
15. Yifei Hao and Hong Hao, ‘Pull-out behaviour of spiral-shaped steel fibres from normal-strength concrete matrix’, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 139, 15 May 2017, Pages 34–44.
16. Wensu Chen, Qingfei Meng, Hong Hao, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, ‘Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of fiberglass/epoxy laminate sheet’, Construction & Building Materials, 143, pp247–258, 2017.
17. Gang Chen, Yifei Hao, Xiaowei Chen, Hong Hao, ‘Compressive behaviour of tungsten fibre reinforced Zr-based metallic glass at different strain rates and temperatures’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 106, 2017, pp110-119.
18. Jian Cui, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Discussion on the suitability of concrete constitutive models for high-rate response predictions of RC structures’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, , Vol. 106, 2017, pp202-216.
19. Jingde Li, Francisco Hernandez, Hong Hao, Qin Fang, Henbo Xiang, Zhan Li, Xihong Zhang, Chen Li, ‘Vented methane-air explosion overpressure calculation - a simplified approach based on CFD’, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 109, 2017, pp489-508.
20. Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Michael Jong, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, Li Chen, Thong Pham, ‘Quasi static and Dynamic Tensile Properties of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer’, Composites Part B, Volume 125, 15 September 2017, Pages 123–133.
21. Chao Li, Hong Hao, Xihong Zhang and Kaiming Bi, ‘Experimental study of precast segmental columns with unbonded tendons under cyclic loading’, Advance in Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1177/1369433217717119, pp1-16.
22. Shenglan Ma, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Shaofei Jiang, ‘Structural Response Recovery Based on Improved Multi-Scale PCA Considering Sensor Performance Degradation’, Advance in Structural Engineering, Accepted 28 May 2017。
23. Joao Travanca and Hong Hao, ‘Control of wave-induced vibrations on floating production systems’, Ocean Engineering, 141 (2017) 35–52.
24. Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, Chao Li, Hongnan Li, ‘Stochastic seismic response analysis of buried onshore and offshore pipelines’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 94: 60-65.
25. Huihui Dong, Xiuli Du, Qiang Han, Hong Hao, Kaiming Bi, Xiaoqiang Wang, ‘Performance of an innovative self-centering buckling restrained brace for mitigating seismic responses of bridge structures with double column piers’, Engineering Structures 148 (2017) 47–62.
26. Chao Li, Hong Hao and Kaiming Bi, ‘Numerical study on the performance of precast segmental concrete columns under cyclic loading’, Engineering Structures, Vol. 148, 2017, pp373-386.
27. Weiwei Zhang, Hong Hao, Jing Wu, Jun Li, Hongwei Ma, Chen Li, ‘Detection of Minor Damage in Structures with Guided Wave Signals and Nonlinear Oscillator’, Measurement, Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 122, 2018, pp532-544.
28. Hamid Matin Nikoo, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, ‘Passive Vibration Control of Cylindrical Offshore Components using Pipe-in-Pipe (PIP) Concept: An Analytical Study’, Ocean Engineering, Volume 142, 15 September 2017, Pages 39–50.
29. Musaad Zaheer Nazir Khan, Faiz uddin Ahmed Shaikh, Yifei Hao, Hong Hao, ‘Effects of curing conditions & sand-to-binder ratios on compressive strength development of fly ash geopolymer’, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002119.
30. Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Xibin Li & Kun Du, ‘Experimental study of concrete damage under high hydrostatic pressure’, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 100, October 2017, Pages 140–152.
31. Sujing Yuan, Hong Hao, Zhouhong Zong and Jun Li, ‘A Study of RC Bridge Columns under Contact Explosion’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 109, Nov. 2017, pp378-390.
32. Qingfei Meng, Wensu Chen & Hong Hao, ‘Numerical and experimental study of steel wire mesh and basalt fibre mesh strengthened structural insulated panel (SIP) against projectile impact’, Advances in Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1177/1369433217733762, Oct 2017 PP1-14.
33. Bin Feng, Yu-chun Li, Hong Hao, Huai-xi Wang, Yi-fei Hao and Xiang Fang, ‘A Mechanism of Hot-spots Formation at the Crack Tip of Al-PTFE under Quasi-static Compression’, Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2017, 42, 1–8.
34. Lufeng Zhao, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, Xiaozhen Li, ‘Numerical Studies on the Seismic Responses of Bridge Structures with Precast Segmental Columns’, Engineering Structures, Vol. 151, 2017, pp568-583.
35. Linqi Huang, Hong Hao, Xibing Li, Jun Li, ‘Source identification of microseismic events in underground mines with interferometric imaging and cross wavelet transform’, Journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 71, 2018, pp318-328.
36. Bipin Shrestha, Hong Hao, ‘Building pounding damages observed during the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake’, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Accepted 21 August 2017.
37. Qingfei Meng, Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, Xuejie Zhang, ‘Failure behaviours of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) material under quasi-static and dynamic loads’, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Accepted 29 August 2017.
38. Yifei Hao, Xin Huang, Hong Hao, ‘Mesoscale modelling of concrete reinforced with spiral steel fibres under dynamic splitting tension’, Advances in Structural Engineering, Accepted, 11 Sept 2017.
39. Pinghe Ni, Yong Xia, Jun Li, Hong Hao, ‘Improved Decentralized Structural Identification with Output−only Measurements’, Measurements, Vol. 122, 2018, pp597-610.
40. Xihong Zhang, Hong Hao and Chao Li, ‘Multi-hazard Resistance Capacity of Precast Segmental Columns under Impact and Cyclic Loading’, International Journal of Protective Structures, 2018, Vol. 9(1) 24 –43.
41. Thong M. Pham, Yifei Hao and Hong Hao, ‘Sensitivity of Impact Behaviour of RC Beams to Contact Stiffness’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 112, Feb 2018, pp155-164.
42. Wensu Chen, Thong M. Pham, Henry Sichembe, Li Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Experimental Study of Flexural Behaviour of RC Beams Strengthened by Longitudinal and U-shaped Basalt FRP Sheet’, Composites Part B, Vol. 134, 2018, pp114-126.
43. Li Z., Chen L., Fang Q., Chen W., Hao H., Zhang Y., ‘Experimental and Numerical Study of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strip Strengthened Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Masonry Walls under Vented Gas Explosions’, Engineering Structure, Volume 152, 1December 2017, pp901-919.
44. Musaad Zaheer Nazir Khan, Yifei Hao, Hong Hao & Faiz Uddin Ahmed Shaikh, ‘Mechanical properties of ambient cured high strength hybrid steel and synthetic fibers reinforced geopolymer composites’, Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 85, January 2018, Pages 133-152
45. Qingfei Meng, Wensu Chen, and Hong Hao, ‘Vulnerability analyses of structural insulated panels with OSB skins strengthened by basalt fibre cloth subjected to windborne’, International Journal for Structural Stability and Dynamics, Accepted 30 Oct 2017.
46. Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao and Wensu Chen, ‘Effectiveness of Using RFHDS Connected PIP System for Subsea Pipeline Vibration Control’, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 18, No. 8 (2018) 1840005 (23 pages).
47. Pinghe Ni, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Yong Xia, ‘Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Marine Risers Considering Gaussian System Uncertainties’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 416, 2018, pp224-243
48. Hamid Matin Nikoo, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, ‘Effectiveness of Using Pipe-in-pipe (PIP) Concept to Reduce Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV): Three-Dimensional Two-way FSI Analysis’, Ocean Engineering, Volume 148, 15 January 2018, Pages 263–276.
49. Tin V Do, Thong M Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Numerical investigation of the behavior of precast segmental concrete columns subjected to vehicle collision’, Engineering Structures, Volume 156, February 2018, pp375–393.
50. Jian Cui, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Study of concrete damage mechanism under hydrostatic pressure by numerical simulations’, Construction & Building Materials, Vol.160, 2018, pp440–449.
51. Tin V Do, Thong M Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Dynamic Responses and Failure Modes of Bridge Columns under Vehicle Collision’, Engineering Structures, Vol.156, 2018, pp243-259.
52. Mei Li, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Yifei Hao, ‘Specimen shape and size effects on the concrete compressive strength under static and dynamic tests’, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 161, 2018, pp84–93.
53. Thong M Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Influence of Global Stiffness and Equivalent Model on Prediction of Impact Response of RC Beams’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 113, 2018, pp88-97.
54. Thong M Pham, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Failure and Impact Resistance Analysis of Plain and FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders under Axial Impact Loads’, International Journal of Protective Structures, 10.1177/2041419617749600, 2018, pp1-20.
55. Haoran Zuo, Kaiming Bi and Hong Hao, ‘Dynamic analyses of operating offshore wind turbines including soil-structure interaction’, Engineering Structures, Vol. 157, 2018, pp42-62.
56. J Shi, Y Zhu, J Li, H Hao, G Chen & B Xie, ‘A simplified statistic-based procedure for gas dispersion prediction of fixed offshore platform’. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Accepted 2 December 2017.
57. Chuang Cui, Qinghua Zhang, Ying Luo, Hong Hao, Jun Li, ‘Fatigue reliability evaluation of deck-to-rib welded joints in OSD considering stochastic traffic load and welding residual stress’, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 111, June 2018, Pages 151–160.
58. Andrew W Lacey, Wensu Chen, Hong Hao and Kaiming Bi, ‘Structural Response of Modular Buildings – An Overview’, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 16, March 2018, Pages 45–56.
59. Thong M. Pham, Jim Kingston, Gary Strickland, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Effect of Crumb Rubber on Mechanical Properties of Multi-phase Syntactic Foams’, Polymer Testing, Vol.66, 2018, pp1-12.
60. Yifei HAO, Liang CHENG, Hong HAO and Mohamed A SHAHIN, ‘Enhancing fiber/matrix bonding in polypropylene fiber reinforced cementitious composites by microbially induced calcite precipitation pre-treatment’, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.88, 2018, pp1-7.
61. Zhejian Li, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Crushing behaviours of folded kirigami structure with square dome shape’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 115, May 2018, Pages 94–105.
62. Musaad Zaheer Nazir Khan, Yifei Hao, Hong Hao & Faiz Uddin Ahmed Shaikh, ‘Experimental evaluation of quasi-static and dynamic compressive properties of ambient-cured high-strength plain and fiber reinforced geopolymer composites’, Construction & Building Materials, Accepted 27 Jan 2018.
63. Pinghe Nie, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Yong Xia, Xiangyu Wang, Jae-Myung Lee, Kwang-Hyo Jung, ‘Time-varying System Identification using Variational Mode Decomposition’, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Accepted 28 Jan 2018.
64. Zhejian Li, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Numerical study of sandwich panel with a new bi-directional Load-Self-Cancelling (LSC) core under blast loading’, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 127, June 2018, Pages 90–101.
65. Chao WANG, Wensu CHEN, Hong HAO, Sherong ZHANG, Ran SONG, Xiaohua WANG, ‘Experimental investigations of dynamic compressive properties of roller compacted concrete (RCC)’ Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 168, 2018, pp671-682.
66. Bipin Shrestha, Li-Xiang He, Hong Hao, Kaiming Bi, Wei-Xin Ren, ‘Experimental study on relative displacement responses of bridge frames subjected to spatially varying ground motion and its mitigation using superelastic SMA restrainers’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 109, 2018, pp76-88.
67. Chao Wang, Hong Hao, Sherong Zhang & Gaohui Wang, ‘Influence of Ground Motion Duration on Responses of Concrete Gravity Dams’, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 29 Mar 2018, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2018.1453422.
68. Xingyu Fan, Jun Li, Hong Hao and Shenglan Ma, ‘Identification of Minor Structural Damage based on Electromechanical Impedance Sensitivity and Sparse Regularization’, ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Accepted 10 March 2018.
69. Jian Cui, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Numerical study of the influences of pressure confinement on high-speed impact tests of dynamic material properties of concrete’, Construction & Building Materials, Accepted 22 March 2018.
70. Chao Li, Hongnan Li, Hong Hao, Kaiming Bi, Baokui Chen, ‘Seismic fragility analyses of sea-crossing cable-stayed bridges subjected to multi-support ground motions on offshore sites’, Engineering Structures, Accepted 23 March 2018.
71. Chao Li, Hong-Nan Li, Hong Hao, and Kai-Ming Bi, ‘Simulation of spatially varying seafloor motions using onshore earthquake recordings’, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Accepted 29 March 2018.
5. Elsevier資料庫土木工程全球“高引學者”
6. 應邀在亞洲、歐洲、北美、南美、大洋洲的50多個國際學術會議中做大會主題學術報告。
7. 成功指導多個博士後,30多個博士和9個研究型碩士畢業,其中很多人已經在國內外高校(中國包括香港,及澳大利亞,加拿大,英國,新加坡,馬來西亞等)擔任正教授、高級工程師及企業高管的職務,多位獲傑出青年、優青等資助,三人四次入圍西澳大利亞總理年度青年科學家獎,倆人獲得西澳大學年度青年教師研究獎,倆人獲得科廷大學年度青年教師研究獎,多人獲得最佳博士論文獎,七人獲得國家優秀自費留學生獎,及十多個最佳青年論文獎。指導20名博士生。


  • 入選Elsevier資料庫土木工程全球“高引學者”
  • 2018,澳大利亞 ARC Laureate Fellowship(國家研究委員會桂冠教授)
  • 2018,John de Laeter Research Leadership Award 研究領袖獎第一名
  • 2018,PVC's Annual Researchers of the Year Award
  • 2017,“結構工程發展”J M Ko 2017年獎章
  • 2016,“結構工程發展” J M Ko 2016年獎章
  • 2016,國際衝擊工程雜誌2016年高引作者獎
  • 2015,昆士蘭大學2015年傑出講座人(Distinguished Lecturer)
  • 2015,John de Laeter 研究領袖獎第二名
  • 2014,Karagozian & Case 最佳論文獎
  • 2013,“結構工程發展”J M Ko 2013年獎章入圍獎
  • 2011,西澳大學年度最佳導師獎
  • 2010,澳大利亞Eureka科技大獎第二名
  • 2005,中國自然科學基金傑出青年基金B 類
  • 2003,新加坡教育部Tan Chin Tuan獎
  • 多篇論文入選多個國際學術期刊及會議的最佳論文及優秀論文獎


1. 入選澳大利亞工程院院士、澳大利亞工程師協會會士、美國土木工程師協會會士、國際工程資產管理協會會士。
2. 抗爆方面的研究成果被作為美國國防部爆炸安全委員會的非正式工作檔案分發,並被北大西洋公約組織的《軍火庫設計規範》及中國《民用建築防爆 設計規範 》(徵求意見稿)所採納;部分研究成果被套用於位於新加坡的世界上最大的地下彈藥庫之一的設計及建造, 並被用於為包括新加坡科技集團、新加坡國防部、澳洲國防部、GHD、PMI礦業集團等政府機構及跨國公司提供技術諮詢。
3. 抗震方面的研究成果被收錄到結構動力學的經典教科書中,被收錄於美國地震研究所(EERI)的《地震工程口述歷史》系列,被廣泛套用於包括加拿大、美國加州、希臘、日本、及台灣等國家和地區的大型工程結構的設計及建造中,並被用於為包括位於阿曼蘇丹國的Yibol油田、西澳自來水公司、BG&E、沃利帕森斯集團、GHD、科菲(Coffey)等大型跨國公司提供技術諮詢。
4. 結構健康監測方面的研究成果被用於為西澳公路局、AECOM、BHP等公司或機構監測橋樑的健康狀況, 被列入中國工程建設協會標準《結構健康監測系統設計標準》,也成功地套用到600米高廣州塔,632米高上海中心及香港青馬大橋等大型結構健康監測系統之中。
5. 長期為包括總部位於倫敦的奧雅納工程顧問有限公司(Ove Arup & Partners Ltd.),新加坡科技集團、西澳公路局、SVT工程顧問公司、澳大利亞國防部、西澳保險業監理處、AECOM、西澳自來水公司、全球工程及建築30強的GHD公司、Thiess礦業集團、沃利帕森斯集團、Airey Taylor工程顧問公司等政府機構及大型企業提供技術諮詢。
6. 2006年被聘為廣東省交通廳專家顧問,2010年入選天津市政府專家顧問。
7. 澳大利亞國家科學基金委評審委員會專家組成員(2013-2015),中國國家自然科學基金重大專項評審專家(2010), 並為中國基金委、教育部、科技部,及香港、加拿大、法國、義大利、冰島、英國、捷克、 以色列等國家和地區提供基金評審,也擔任過土耳其科學院院士評審專家及美國土木工程師協會獎勵提名委員會成員。
8. 2009年入選為150位(三位來自澳大利亞)被邀請在天安門參與60周年國慶盛典的海外華人科學家之一。
9. 澳大利亞西澳華人科學家協會副會長 (2002-2012)。
10. 全澳華人專家學者聯合會副主席(2017 – 迄今)。



《International Journal of Protective Structures》
《International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering》


1. International Journal of Engineering Structures
2. International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering
3. International Journal of Advances in Civil Engineering
4. International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering
5. Chinese Journal of Earthquake Resistant Engineering and Retrofitting
6. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
7. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
8. 天津大學學報
10. 爆炸與衝擊學報
11. Guest Editor: International Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering (2005)
12. Guest Editor: Australian Journal of Structural Engineering (2007, 2012)
13. Guest Editor: International Journal of Impact Engineering (2008)
14. Guest Editor: International Journal of Structural Dynamics and Stability (2009)


  • 國際防護結構工程協會(International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS) ) 主席 (2018-迄今)副主席 (2010 – 2018)
  • 澳大利亞地震工程協會(Australian Earthquake Engineering Society (AEES))主席 (2010-2013)
  • 澳大利亞地震工程協會西澳分會主席(2004-2010)
  • 澳大利亞結構健康監測聯盟(Australian Network of Structural Health Monitoring)顧問委員會成員 (2009 – 迄今 )
  • 澳大利亞聯邦科學工業研究院(CSIRO)氣候變化對策專家組成員(2010-2013)
  • 澳大利亞工程師協會結構工程分會理事 (2008 - 2016)
  • 美國土木工程師學會澳大利亞分會理事 (2007 - 2012)
  • 澳大利亞工程師協會工程諮詢顧問主席團成員(2011 - 2013)
  • 國際地震工程協會執委,澳大利亞代表 (2013 - 迄今)
  • 解放軍理工大學防災減災國家重點實驗室學術委員會副主任
  • 天津大學海岸結構安全教育部重點實驗室學術委員會成員
  • 天津城建大學結構防護天津市重點實驗室學術委員會副主任
  • 青島理工大學山東省結構震動控制研究創新團隊學術委員會副主任
  • 西南科技大學-中國工程物理研究院四川省衝擊及震動工程材料重點實驗室學術委員會成員
  • 在澳大利亞、中國、以色列、新加坡、英國等地主辦或聯合主辦了14個國際會議,並擔任大會主席。也擔任過在加拿大,新加坡和越南三個國際會議的榮譽主席,擔任過超過200個國際會議的組委會或學術委員會成員


系統開展了城市複雜環境中爆炸波的傳播及爆炸荷載作用下結構的動態回響行為和破壞倒塌機理等方面的研究工作,取得了廣受好評的創新成果。在爆炸波的傳播方面, 利用爆炸波和結構相互作用產生的反射、折射及繞射原理,提出了一種新型的柵欄型防爆牆設計。在理論方面,提出了修正的Drucker-Prager強度模型、修正狀態方程及指數型破壞方程用於模擬岩石的破壞過程,相關成果被美國同行評價為“代表了世界最高水平”;也提出了修正的Mohr-Column破壞準則、修正狀態方程、水泥基材料雙指數破壞模型、混凝土材料塑性流動模型和塑性破壞指標、以及新的應變率方程;在國際上首次開展了結構爆炸模擬的模型振動台試驗。研究成果得到了國際組織的高度重視和國際同行的廣泛引用,部分研究成果在新加坡、美國和瑞典的現場爆炸試驗中得到驗證;有關鋼筋混凝土框架結構的抗爆設計參數已被北大西洋公約組織的《軍火庫設計規範(AASTP-1)》所採納;有關土的三相介質模型已被國際通用商業軟體Autodyn以及美國陸軍實驗室所採納。
系統開展了空間地震動模擬和人工合成、場地地震回響、橋樑和建築結構的三維地震效應和碰撞回響、複雜建築結構的扭轉地震回響、以及城市地震危險性分析等方面的研究工作,取得了突出的創新成果。提出了地震動的二維模型,相關成果被寫入國際著名地震工程專家Clough和Penzien所著的國際經典教科書《Dynamics of Structures》中,也被美國地震研究所(EERI)的《地震工程口述歷史》所收錄;提出了多維多點地震動人工合成方法並編制了相關計算軟體,相關成果仍被多個國際工程和諮詢公司廣泛用於美國、加拿大、日本、希臘、台灣等國家和地區的重要工程抗震的設計和諮詢;在國際上率先研究了考慮地震動空間變化的結構扭轉回響以及考慮地震動空間變化、土與結構相互作用、和結構非線性的相鄰結構碰撞回響等,相關成果被國際同行大量引用;首次提出了西澳洲地震動場模型,並得到西澳州有限強震記錄的驗證,相關成果被《澳大利亞國家防震規劃》所採納。
曾作為專家在不同場合被世界各地的媒體採訪, 包括澳大利亞科技媒體中心(Australian Science Media Centre)、美國 (USA Today)、荷蘭日報(Dutch daily 及 NRC Handelsblad, 荷蘭)、新科學家雜誌 (New Scientist Magazine,英國)、工人世界報 (Workers World Newspaper, 美國)、加拿大廣播公司(Canadian Broadcasting Corporation)等,在爆炸和地震引起的結構破壞及結構健康監測的必要性等方面提供專家建議和評論。


1. Ruiqing Zong, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Development of a new fence type blast wall for blast protection: numerical analysis’, International Journal for Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 17(6), 2017, 1750066-1-29.
2. Yifei Hao, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Zhongqi Wang and Ruiqing Zong, ‘Field testing of fence type blast wall for blast load mitigation’, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 17, No. 9 (2017) 1750099 (22 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219455417500997.
3. Weiwei Zhang, Jun Li, Hong Hao and Hongwei Ma, ‘Damage Detection in Bridge Structures under Moving Loads with Phase Trajectory Change of Multi-type Vibration Measurements’, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol 87, 2017, pp410-425.
4. Kinzang Thinley and Hong Hao, ‘Seismic performance of reinforced concrete frame buildings in Bhutan based on fuzzy probability analysis’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 92, 2017, pp604–620.
5. Jingde Li, Guowei Ma, Hong Hao, Yimiao Huang, ‘Optimal blast wall layout design to mitigate gas dispersion and explosion on a cylindrical FLNG platform’, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Volume 49, Part B, September 2017, Pages 481-492.
6. Jun Li, Chengqing Wu, Hong Hao, Yu Su, ‘Experimental and numerical study on steel wire mesh reinforced concrete slab under contact explosion’, Materials and Design, 116 (2017) 77-91.
7. Thong Minh Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Effect of the Plastic Hinge and Boundary Condition on the Impact Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 102, April 2017, pp74-85.
8. Jun Li, Hong Hao and Chengqing Wu, ‘Numerical study of precast segmental column under blast loads’, Engineering Structures, 134 (2017) 125-137.
9. Jun Li, Chengqing Wu, Hong Hao, Zhongxian Liu, ‘Post-Blast Capacity of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Columns’, Engineering Structures, 134 (2017) 289-302.
10. Thong Minh Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Plastic Hinges and Inertia Forces in RC Beams under Impact Loads’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 103, May 2017, pp1-11.
11. Kewei Liu, Hong Hao, Xibing Li, ‘Numerical analysis of the stability of abandoned cavities in bench blasting’, International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 92 (2017) 30–39.
12. Haoran Zuo, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, ‘Using multiple tuned mass dampers to control offshore wind turbine vibrations under multiple hazards’, Engineering Structures 141 (2017) 303–315.
13. Zhan Li, Li Chen, Qin Fang, Hong Hao, Yadong Zhang, Hengbo Xiang, Wensu Chen, Shigang Yang, Qi Bao, ‘Experimental and Numerical Study of Unreinforced Clay Brick Masonry Walls Subjected to Vented Gas Explosions’, Journal of International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 104, 2017, pp107-126.
14. Zhan Li, Li Chen, Qin Fang, Hong Hao, Yadong Zhang, Wensu Chen, Hengbo Xiang, Qi Bao, ‘Study of autoclaved aerated concrete masonry walls under vented gas explosions’, Engineering Structures 141 (2017) 444–460.
15. Yifei Hao and Hong Hao, ‘Pull-out behaviour of spiral-shaped steel fibres from normal-strength concrete matrix’, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 139, 15 May 2017, Pages 34–44.
16. Wensu Chen, Qingfei Meng, Hong Hao, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, ‘Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of fiberglass/epoxy laminate sheet’, Construction & Building Materials, 143, pp247–258, 2017.
17. Gang Chen, Yifei Hao, Xiaowei Chen, Hong Hao, ‘Compressive behaviour of tungsten fibre reinforced Zr-based metallic glass at different strain rates and temperatures’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 106, 2017, pp110-119.
18. Jian Cui, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Discussion on the suitability of concrete constitutive models for high-rate response predictions of RC structures’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, , Vol. 106, 2017, pp202-216.
19. Jingde Li, Francisco Hernandez, Hong Hao, Qin Fang, Henbo Xiang, Zhan Li, Xihong Zhang, Chen Li, ‘Vented methane-air explosion overpressure calculation - a simplified approach based on CFD’, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 109, 2017, pp489-508.
20. Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Michael Jong, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, Li Chen, Thong Pham, ‘Quasi static and Dynamic Tensile Properties of Basalt Fibre Reinforced Polymer’, Composites Part B, Volume 125, 15 September 2017, Pages 123–133.
21. Chao Li, Hong Hao, Xihong Zhang and Kaiming Bi, ‘Experimental study of precast segmental columns with unbonded tendons under cyclic loading’, Advance in Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1177/1369433217717119, pp1-16.
22. Shenglan Ma, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Shaofei Jiang, ‘Structural Response Recovery Based on Improved Multi-Scale PCA Considering Sensor Performance Degradation’, Advance in Structural Engineering, Accepted 28 May 2017。
23. Joao Travanca and Hong Hao, ‘Control of wave-induced vibrations on floating production systems’, Ocean Engineering, 141 (2017) 35–52.
24. Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, Chao Li, Hongnan Li, ‘Stochastic seismic response analysis of buried onshore and offshore pipelines’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2017, 94: 60-65.
25. Huihui Dong, Xiuli Du, Qiang Han, Hong Hao, Kaiming Bi, Xiaoqiang Wang, ‘Performance of an innovative self-centering buckling restrained brace for mitigating seismic responses of bridge structures with double column piers’, Engineering Structures 148 (2017) 47–62.
26. Chao Li, Hong Hao and Kaiming Bi, ‘Numerical study on the performance of precast segmental concrete columns under cyclic loading’, Engineering Structures, Vol. 148, 2017, pp373-386.
27. Weiwei Zhang, Hong Hao, Jing Wu, Jun Li, Hongwei Ma, Chen Li, ‘Detection of Minor Damage in Structures with Guided Wave Signals and Nonlinear Oscillator’, Measurement, Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 122, 2018, pp532-544.
28. Hamid Matin Nikoo, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, ‘Passive Vibration Control of Cylindrical Offshore Components using Pipe-in-Pipe (PIP) Concept: An Analytical Study’, Ocean Engineering, Volume 142, 15 September 2017, Pages 39–50.
29. Musaad Zaheer Nazir Khan, Faiz uddin Ahmed Shaikh, Yifei Hao, Hong Hao, ‘Effects of curing conditions & sand-to-binder ratios on compressive strength development of fly ash geopolymer’, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0002119.
30. Jian Cui, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Xibin Li & Kun Du, ‘Experimental study of concrete damage under high hydrostatic pressure’, Cement and Concrete Research, Volume 100, October 2017, Pages 140–152.
31. Sujing Yuan, Hong Hao, Zhouhong Zong and Jun Li, ‘A Study of RC Bridge Columns under Contact Explosion’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 109, Nov. 2017, pp378-390.
32. Qingfei Meng, Wensu Chen & Hong Hao, ‘Numerical and experimental study of steel wire mesh and basalt fibre mesh strengthened structural insulated panel (SIP) against projectile impact’, Advances in Structural Engineering, DOI: 10.1177/1369433217733762, Oct 2017 PP1-14.
33. Bin Feng, Yu-chun Li, Hong Hao, Huai-xi Wang, Yi-fei Hao and Xiang Fang, ‘A Mechanism of Hot-spots Formation at the Crack Tip of Al-PTFE under Quasi-static Compression’, Propellants Explos. Pyrotech. 2017, 42, 1–8.
34. Lufeng Zhao, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, Xiaozhen Li, ‘Numerical Studies on the Seismic Responses of Bridge Structures with Precast Segmental Columns’, Engineering Structures, Vol. 151, 2017, pp568-583.
35. Linqi Huang, Hong Hao, Xibing Li, Jun Li, ‘Source identification of microseismic events in underground mines with interferometric imaging and cross wavelet transform’, Journal of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, Vol. 71, 2018, pp318-328.
36. Bipin Shrestha, Hong Hao, ‘Building pounding damages observed during the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake’, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, Accepted 21 August 2017.
37. Qingfei Meng, Wensu Chen, Hong Hao, Jian Cui, Yanchao Shi, Xuejie Zhang, ‘Failure behaviours of Oriented Strand Board (OSB) material under quasi-static and dynamic loads’, ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, Accepted 29 August 2017.
38. Yifei Hao, Xin Huang, Hong Hao, ‘Mesoscale modelling of concrete reinforced with spiral steel fibres under dynamic splitting tension’, Advances in Structural Engineering, Accepted, 11 Sept 2017.
39. Pinghe Ni, Yong Xia, Jun Li, Hong Hao, ‘Improved Decentralized Structural Identification with Output−only Measurements’, Measurements, Vol. 122, 2018, pp597-610.
40. Xihong Zhang, Hong Hao and Chao Li, ‘Multi-hazard Resistance Capacity of Precast Segmental Columns under Impact and Cyclic Loading’, International Journal of Protective Structures, 2018, Vol. 9(1) 24 –43.
41. Thong M. Pham, Yifei Hao and Hong Hao, ‘Sensitivity of Impact Behaviour of RC Beams to Contact Stiffness’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 112, Feb 2018, pp155-164.
42. Wensu Chen, Thong M. Pham, Henry Sichembe, Li Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Experimental Study of Flexural Behaviour of RC Beams Strengthened by Longitudinal and U-shaped Basalt FRP Sheet’, Composites Part B, Vol. 134, 2018, pp114-126.
43. Li Z., Chen L., Fang Q., Chen W., Hao H., Zhang Y., ‘Experimental and Numerical Study of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Strip Strengthened Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Masonry Walls under Vented Gas Explosions’, Engineering Structure, Volume 152, 1December 2017, pp901-919.
44. Musaad Zaheer Nazir Khan, Yifei Hao, Hong Hao & Faiz Uddin Ahmed Shaikh, ‘Mechanical properties of ambient cured high strength hybrid steel and synthetic fibers reinforced geopolymer composites’, Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites, Volume 85, January 2018, Pages 133-152
45. Qingfei Meng, Wensu Chen, and Hong Hao, ‘Vulnerability analyses of structural insulated panels with OSB skins strengthened by basalt fibre cloth subjected to windborne’, International Journal for Structural Stability and Dynamics, Accepted 30 Oct 2017.
46. Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao and Wensu Chen, ‘Effectiveness of Using RFHDS Connected PIP System for Subsea Pipeline Vibration Control’, International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 18, No. 8 (2018) 1840005 (23 pages).
47. Pinghe Ni, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Yong Xia, ‘Stochastic Dynamic Analysis of Marine Risers Considering Gaussian System Uncertainties’, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 416, 2018, pp224-243
48. Hamid Matin Nikoo, Kaiming Bi, Hong Hao, ‘Effectiveness of Using Pipe-in-pipe (PIP) Concept to Reduce Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV): Three-Dimensional Two-way FSI Analysis’, Ocean Engineering, Volume 148, 15 January 2018, Pages 263–276.
49. Tin V Do, Thong M Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Numerical investigation of the behavior of precast segmental concrete columns subjected to vehicle collision’, Engineering Structures, Volume 156, February 2018, pp375–393.
50. Jian Cui, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Study of concrete damage mechanism under hydrostatic pressure by numerical simulations’, Construction & Building Materials, Vol.160, 2018, pp440–449.
51. Tin V Do, Thong M Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Dynamic Responses and Failure Modes of Bridge Columns under Vehicle Collision’, Engineering Structures, Vol.156, 2018, pp243-259.
52. Mei Li, Hong Hao, Yanchao Shi, Yifei Hao, ‘Specimen shape and size effects on the concrete compressive strength under static and dynamic tests’, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 161, 2018, pp84–93.
53. Thong M Pham and Hong Hao, ‘Influence of Global Stiffness and Equivalent Model on Prediction of Impact Response of RC Beams’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 113, 2018, pp88-97.
54. Thong M Pham, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Failure and Impact Resistance Analysis of Plain and FRP-Confined Concrete Cylinders under Axial Impact Loads’, International Journal of Protective Structures, 10.1177/2041419617749600, 2018, pp1-20.
55. Haoran Zuo, Kaiming Bi and Hong Hao, ‘Dynamic analyses of operating offshore wind turbines including soil-structure interaction’, Engineering Structures, Vol. 157, 2018, pp42-62.
56. J Shi, Y Zhu, J Li, H Hao, G Chen & B Xie, ‘A simplified statistic-based procedure for gas dispersion prediction of fixed offshore platform’. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Accepted 2 December 2017.
57. Chuang Cui, Qinghua Zhang, Ying Luo, Hong Hao, Jun Li, ‘Fatigue reliability evaluation of deck-to-rib welded joints in OSD considering stochastic traffic load and welding residual stress’, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 111, June 2018, Pages 151–160.
58. Andrew W Lacey, Wensu Chen, Hong Hao and Kaiming Bi, ‘Structural Response of Modular Buildings – An Overview’, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 16, March 2018, Pages 45–56.
59. Thong M. Pham, Jim Kingston, Gary Strickland, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Effect of Crumb Rubber on Mechanical Properties of Multi-phase Syntactic Foams’, Polymer Testing, Vol.66, 2018, pp1-12.
60. Yifei HAO, Liang CHENG, Hong HAO and Mohamed A SHAHIN, ‘Enhancing fiber/matrix bonding in polypropylene fiber reinforced cementitious composites by microbially induced calcite precipitation pre-treatment’, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol.88, 2018, pp1-7.
61. Zhejian Li, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Crushing behaviours of folded kirigami structure with square dome shape’, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 115, May 2018, Pages 94–105.
62. Musaad Zaheer Nazir Khan, Yifei Hao, Hong Hao & Faiz Uddin Ahmed Shaikh, ‘Experimental evaluation of quasi-static and dynamic compressive properties of ambient-cured high-strength plain and fiber reinforced geopolymer composites’, Construction & Building Materials, Accepted 27 Jan 2018.
63. Pinghe Nie, Jun Li, Hong Hao, Yong Xia, Xiangyu Wang, Jae-Myung Lee, Kwang-Hyo Jung, ‘Time-varying System Identification using Variational Mode Decomposition’, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, Accepted 28 Jan 2018.
64. Zhejian Li, Wensu Chen and Hong Hao, ‘Numerical study of sandwich panel with a new bi-directional Load-Self-Cancelling (LSC) core under blast loading’, Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 127, June 2018, Pages 90–101.
65. Chao WANG, Wensu CHEN, Hong HAO, Sherong ZHANG, Ran SONG, Xiaohua WANG, ‘Experimental investigations of dynamic compressive properties of roller compacted concrete (RCC)’ Construction & Building Materials, Vol. 168, 2018, pp671-682.
66. Bipin Shrestha, Li-Xiang He, Hong Hao, Kaiming Bi, Wei-Xin Ren, ‘Experimental study on relative displacement responses of bridge frames subjected to spatially varying ground motion and its mitigation using superelastic SMA restrainers’, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 109, 2018, pp76-88.
67. Chao Wang, Hong Hao, Sherong Zhang & Gaohui Wang, ‘Influence of Ground Motion Duration on Responses of Concrete Gravity Dams’, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 29 Mar 2018, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2018.1453422.
68. Xingyu Fan, Jun Li, Hong Hao and Shenglan Ma, ‘Identification of Minor Structural Damage based on Electromechanical Impedance Sensitivity and Sparse Regularization’, ASCE Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Accepted 10 March 2018.
69. Jian Cui, Hong Hao and Yanchao Shi, ‘Numerical study of the influences of pressure confinement on high-speed impact tests of dynamic material properties of concrete’, Construction & Building Materials, Accepted 22 March 2018.
70. Chao Li, Hongnan Li, Hong Hao, Kaiming Bi, Baokui Chen, ‘Seismic fragility analyses of sea-crossing cable-stayed bridges subjected to multi-support ground motions on offshore sites’, Engineering Structures, Accepted 23 March 2018.
71. Chao Li, Hong-Nan Li, Hong Hao, and Kai-Ming Bi, ‘Simulation of spatially varying seafloor motions using onshore earthquake recordings’, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Accepted 29 March 2018.


