


  • 中文名:郜海陽
  • 職業:教師
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:大氣光學遙感探測技術及儀器研發
  • 任職院校:南京信息工程大學大氣物理學院


2016/03-2017/03,加拿大York University,地球和空間科學研究中心(CRESS),國家公鍵捆紙派訪問學者,合作導師:Gordon G. Shepherd






《Shock and Vibration》審稿人
《Remote sensing》審稿人


Gao Haiyang,Licheng Li, Bu Lingbing, Qilin Zhang, Wang Zhen and Tang Yuanhe, Measurement of Mesopause Temperature using the Mesospheric Airglow Spectrum Photometer (MASP), Optics Communications, 2020, 464: 125546
Gao Haiyang,Licheng Li, Bu Lingbing, Qilin Zhang, Yuanhe Tang,and Wang Zhen, Effect of small‐scale gravity waves on polar mesospheric clouds observed from CIPS/AIM, Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, 2018, 123: 4026~4045.
Gao Haiyang, Gordon G. Shepherd, Tang Yuanhe, Bu Lingbing, Wang Zhen, Double-layer structure in polar mesospheric clouds observed from SOFIE/AIM, Annales Geophysicae, 2017, 35: 295~309.
Gao Haiyang, Tang Yuanhe, Hua Dengxin, Liu Hanchen Liu, Cao Xiangang, Duan Xiaodong, Jia Qijie, Qu Ouyang and Wu Yong, Ground-based airglow imaging interferometer. Part 1: instrument and observation, Applied Optics, 2013, 52(36): 8650-8660.
Gao Haiyang, Hua Dengxin, Tang Yuanhe, Cao Xiangang, Liu Hanchen and Jia Wanli, Wide angle Michelson interferometer based on LCoS, Optics Communications, 2013, 292(7): 36-41.
Gao Haiyang, Tang Yuanhe, Hua Dengxin and Liu Hanchen, Study on the Wide-Angle Michelson Interferometer with Large Air Gap, 2011, Applied Optics, 50(29): 5655-5661.
Gao Haiyang, Tang Yuanhe, Hua Dengxin, Qin Lin and Zhu Ci, Modified super-wide-angle Sagnac imaging interferometer based on LCoS for atmospheric wind measurement, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2011, 112(2): 268-276.
郜海陽,卜令兵,王震,朱紅,利用一維最大機率法反演夜光雲散射係數廓線的研究,雷射與光電子學進展, 2017, 54(12): 120101.
郜海陽,張祖熠,卜令兵,霍朝陽,王震,朱紅,小尺度重力波引起夜光雲反照率變化的統計特徵,空間科學學報, 2017, 37(1): 82-93.
郜海陽,唐遠河,華燈鑫,磁鏡陣列像增強器的調製傳遞函式研究,光子學報, 2010, 39(10): 1729-1733.
李立城,郜海陽,卜令兵,張其林,王震,基於O2(0-1)譜帶反演氣輝層轉動溫度的研究,光譜學與光譜分析, 2019,(已錄用).
Bu Lingbing,ZhangZuyi,Gao Haiyang, Huo Chaoyang, Wang Zhen and Zhu Hong, Characteristics of perturbations induced by small-scale gravity waves on ice particle size distribution of noctilucent clouds, Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese), 2016, 59(2): 453-464.
Wang Chao,Gao Haiyang, Yu Liyao, Yu Tiantian, Yan Wenhui Yan and Xue Qiumeng, Portable Low-Frequency Noise Reduction Device for Both SmallOpenand Closed Spaces, Shock and Vibration, 2016: 6241935-11.
Tang Yuanhe, Sun Peng,Gao Haiyang, Cui Jin, Li Zijian, Wang Haoxuan, Lv Huan, Jia Min, Liu Hanchen, Li Cunxia, and Liu Qingsong, Simulation and observation for volume emission rates emitted from O2(0-1) and O(1S) nightglow in northwest China, Applied Optics, 2019, 58(4): 1093~1100.
Wen Ying, Zhang Qilin,Gao Haiyang, Xu Jiyao, and Li Qingzeng, A case study of the stratospheric and mesospheric concentric gravity waves excited by thunderstorm in northern China, Atmosphere, 2018, 2018(9): 489~502.
Wang Zhen, Cui Shengcheng, Yang Jun,Gao Haiyang, Liu Chao, Zhang Zhibo, A novel hybrids cattering or der-dependent variance reduction method for Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transfer in cloudy atmosphere, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2017, 189: 283~302.
Zheng Gaige, Zhang Haojing, Bu Lingbing,Gao Haiyang, Xu Linhua, Liu Yuzhu,Tunable Fano Resonances in Mid-Infrared Waveguide-Coupled Otto Configuration, Plasmonics, 2017, 12: 1~6.
Zhu Hao, Bu Lingbing,Gao Haiyang, Huang Xingyou, Zhang Wentao, Applications of Cell-Ratio Constant False-Alarm Rate Method in Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar, Atmosphere, 2016, 7(165): 1~17.
Bu Lingbing, Pan Honglin, K. Kumar Raghavendra, Huang Xingyou,Gao Haiyang, Qin Yanqiu, Liu Xinbo, Kim Dukhyeon, LIDAR and Millimeter-Wave Cloud RADAR (MWCR) techniques for joint observations of cirrus in Shouxian (32.56 degrees N, 116.78 degrees E), China, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2016, 148: 64~73.
Yuan Jing, Bu Lingbing, Huang Xingyou,Gao Haiyangand Sa Rina, Particulate Characteristics during a Haze Episode Based on Two Ceilometers with Different Wavelengths, Atmosphere, 2016: 7-20.
Bu Lingbing, Qiu Zujing,Gao Haiyang, Zhu Xiaopeng and Liu Jiqiao, All-fiber pulse coherent Doppler LIDAR and its validations, Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(12): 123103-1-9.
Tang Yuanhe, Yu Yang,Gao Haiyang, Liu Shulin and Wang Xiaolin, Study on magnetic mirror array image intensifier to work at room temperature, Applied Optics, 2015, 54(26): 8010-8017.
Bu Lingbing, Qiu Zujing,Gao Haiyang, Gao Aizhen and Huang Xingyou, Studies of a scanning light detection and ranging for three-dimensional detection of plume emission, Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(4): 044106-1-8.
Tang Yuanhe, Liu Qingsong, Wu Yong, Yu Yang, Yang Xusan andGao Haiyang, Beyond the partial light intensity imager: Eliminating Moiré patterns, Optics Communications, 2015, 355: 143-147.
Tang Yuanhe, Duan Xiaodong,Gao Haiyang, Qu Ouyang, Jia Qijie, Cao Xiangang, Wei Sheni, Yang Rui,Ground-based airglow imaging interferometer. Part 2: forward model and inverse method, Applied Optics, 2014.4.10, 53(11): 2273~2282.
Tang Yuanhe, Yang Xusan,Gao Haiyang, Wu Yong, Wang Shuiwei, Cao Xiangang and Jia Wanli, A comparative study of two generation partial light intensity imager based on liquid crystal, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2013, 122: 87-96.
Tang Yuanhe, Cao Xiangang, Liu Hanchen, Gordon Shepherd, Liu Shulin,Gao Haiyang, Yang Xusan, Wu Yong and Wang Shuiwei, Partially light-controlled imager based on liquid crystal plate and image intensifier for aurora and airglow measurement, Applied Optics, 2012, 51(12): 1968-1975.
Tang Yuanhe, Qin Lin,Gao Haiyang, Zhu Ci and Wang Dingyi, Instrument Forward Model of the Modified Sagnac Interferometer for Atmospheric Wind Measurement, Optics Communications, 2011, 284(12): 2672-2677.
Tang Yuanhe, Zhang Ruixia,Gao Haiyang, Liu Kai, Zhao Gaoxiang, Yang Xusan, Li Qing, Liang Yuan, Ye Na, Liu Hanchen and Liu Shulin, Partially light-controlled imaging system based on High Temperature Poly-Silicon Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display, Optics Express, 2010, 18(10): 10616-10626.
卜令兵,高愛臻,陳嶸徐,馬寧堃,柯華兵,丘祖京,郜海陽,黃興友雲空間分布的掃描雷射雷達觀測,光電工程, 2015, 42(12): 54-59.
單坤玲,劉新波,卜令兵,郜海陽,黃興友,雷射雷達和毫米波雷達的捲雲微物理特性的聯合反演方法,紅外與雷射工程, 2015, 44(9): 2742-2746.
卜令兵,高愛臻,袁靜,郜海陽,黃興友,一種新型雲粒子探測儀的研製及初步觀測結果分析,光子學報, 2014, 43(1): 1-6.
卜令兵,郭勝利,田力,郜海陽,黃興友,瑞利雷射雷達探測南京上空平流層大氣溫度,強雷射與粒子束, 2014, 26(1): 1-8.
唐遠河,郭挺,郜海陽,改型Sagnac成像干涉儀MTF的研究,光學學報, 2010, 30(6): 1651-1655.
唐遠河,張瑞霞,劉漢臣,劉術林,劉鍇,郜海陽,基於光強選通成像的液晶色散研究,液晶與顯示, 2010, 25(2): 200-204.
李卿,唐遠河,劉鍇,郜海陽,等,基於液晶局部選通系統的硬體算法的研究,套用光學, 2009, 29(5): 724-729.
Haiyang Gao, Chaoyang Huo, Lingbing Bu, Zuyi Zhang, The perturbation effect induced by gravity waves on the ice particle size distribution of noctilucent clouds,The 4th International Symposium on Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing (ISALSaRS'15),湖北武漢, 2015.05.31-2015.06.03.
郜海陽,霍朝陽,卜令兵,華燈鑫,王震,朱紅,利用CIPS圖像研究夜光雲中重力波擾動對冰晶粒徑譜的影響規律,第31屆中國氣象學會年會,北京, 2014.11.22-2014.11.26.
郜海陽,卜令兵,利用CIPS圖像研究夜光雲中重力波擾動對冰晶粒徑譜的影響規律,第九次全國空間天氣學研討會, 2014.9.19-2014.9.23.
郜海陽,卜令兵,利用多重分形對CIPS圖像中重力波活動的提取方法研究,第十五屆全國日地空間物理學研討會, 2013.06.09-2013.06.11.
郜海陽,唐遠河,地基氣輝成像干涉儀的實驗室及實地測試研究,第十四屆全國日地空間物理學術研討會, 2011.10.25-2011.10.27.
郜海陽, 虞歷堯,薛秋蒙,等,一種攜帶型室內降噪器, 授權日2017.11.07,
閆文輝,郜海陽,薛秋蒙,等一種適用於小空間的降噪裝置, 2015.6.10公開,中國發明專利, CN201520094236.


地基氣輝成像干涉儀探測中高層大氣的研究,陝西省優秀博士學位論文獎, 2015.
基於液晶的選通成像探測研究,陝西省教育廳,陝西高等學校科學技術獎,一等獎, 2013. (排名第3)
地基氣輝成像干涉儀探測中高層大氣的研究,西安理工大學優秀博士學位論文獎, 2014.
利用多重分形對CIPS圖像中重力波活動的提取方法研究,第15屆全國日地空間物理學研討會,青年優秀論文獎, 2013.
第15屆全國多媒體課件大賽,三等獎, 2015.
南京信息工程大學青年五四標兵, 2014.
南京信息工程大學優秀班主任, 2013.
Gao Haiyang, Gordon G. Shepherd, Tang Yuanhe, Bu Lingbing, Wang Zhen, Double-layer structure in polar mesospheric clouds observed from SOFIE/AIM, Annales Geophysicae, 2017, 35: 295~309.
Gao Haiyang, Tang Yuanhe, Hua Dengxin, Liu Hanchen Liu, Cao Xiangang, Duan Xiaodong, Jia Qijie, Qu Ouyang and Wu Yong, Ground-based airglow imaging interferometer. Part 1: instrument and observation, Applied Optics, 2013, 52(36): 8650-8660.
Gao Haiyang, Hua Dengxin, Tang Yuanhe, Cao Xiangang, Liu Hanchen and Jia Wanli, Wide angle Michelson interferometer based on LCoS, Optics Communications, 2013, 292(7): 36-41.
Gao Haiyang, Tang Yuanhe, Hua Dengxin and Liu Hanchen, Study on the Wide-Angle Michelson Interferometer with Large Air Gap, 2011, Applied Optics, 50(29): 5655-5661.
Gao Haiyang, Tang Yuanhe, Hua Dengxin, Qin Lin and Zhu Ci, Modified super-wide-angle Sagnac imaging interferometer based on LCoS for atmospheric wind measurement, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2011, 112(2): 268-276.
郜海陽,卜令兵,王震,朱紅,利用一維最大機率法反演夜光雲散射係數廓線的研究,雷射與光電子學進展, 2017, 54(12): 120101.
郜海陽,張祖熠,卜令兵,霍朝陽,王震,朱紅,小尺度重力波引起夜光雲反照率變化的統計特徵,空間科學學報, 2017, 37(1): 82-93.
郜海陽,唐遠河,華燈鑫,磁鏡陣列像增強器的調製傳遞函式研究,光子學報, 2010, 39(10): 1729-1733.
李立城,郜海陽,卜令兵,張其林,王震,基於O2(0-1)譜帶反演氣輝層轉動溫度的研究,光譜學與光譜分析, 2019,(已錄用).
Bu Lingbing,ZhangZuyi,Gao Haiyang, Huo Chaoyang, Wang Zhen and Zhu Hong, Characteristics of perturbations induced by small-scale gravity waves on ice particle size distribution of noctilucent clouds, Chinese Journal of Geophysics(in Chinese), 2016, 59(2): 453-464.
Wang Chao,Gao Haiyang, Yu Liyao, Yu Tiantian, Yan Wenhui Yan and Xue Qiumeng, Portable Low-Frequency Noise Reduction Device for Both SmallOpenand Closed Spaces, Shock and Vibration, 2016: 6241935-11.
Tang Yuanhe, Sun Peng,Gao Haiyang, Cui Jin, Li Zijian, Wang Haoxuan, Lv Huan, Jia Min, Liu Hanchen, Li Cunxia, and Liu Qingsong, Simulation and observation for volume emission rates emitted from O2(0-1) and O(1S) nightglow in northwest China, Applied Optics, 2019, 58(4): 1093~1100.
Wen Ying, Zhang Qilin,Gao Haiyang, Xu Jiyao, and Li Qingzeng, A case study of the stratospheric and mesospheric concentric gravity waves excited by thunderstorm in northern China, Atmosphere, 2018, 2018(9): 489~502.
Wang Zhen, Cui Shengcheng, Yang Jun,Gao Haiyang, Liu Chao, Zhang Zhibo, A novel hybrids cattering or der-dependent variance reduction method for Monte Carlo simulations of radiative transfer in cloudy atmosphere, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2017, 189: 283~302.
Zheng Gaige, Zhang Haojing, Bu Lingbing,Gao Haiyang, Xu Linhua, Liu Yuzhu,Tunable Fano Resonances in Mid-Infrared Waveguide-Coupled Otto Configuration, Plasmonics, 2017, 12: 1~6.
Zhu Hao, Bu Lingbing,Gao Haiyang, Huang Xingyou, Zhang Wentao, Applications of Cell-Ratio Constant False-Alarm Rate Method in Coherent Doppler Wind Lidar, Atmosphere, 2016, 7(165): 1~17.
Bu Lingbing, Pan Honglin, K. Kumar Raghavendra, Huang Xingyou,Gao Haiyang, Qin Yanqiu, Liu Xinbo, Kim Dukhyeon, LIDAR and Millimeter-Wave Cloud RADAR (MWCR) techniques for joint observations of cirrus in Shouxian (32.56 degrees N, 116.78 degrees E), China, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2016, 148: 64~73.
Yuan Jing, Bu Lingbing, Huang Xingyou,Gao Haiyangand Sa Rina, Particulate Characteristics during a Haze Episode Based on Two Ceilometers with Different Wavelengths, Atmosphere, 2016: 7-20.
Bu Lingbing, Qiu Zujing,Gao Haiyang, Zhu Xiaopeng and Liu Jiqiao, All-fiber pulse coherent Doppler LIDAR and its validations, Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(12): 123103-1-9.
Tang Yuanhe, Yu Yang,Gao Haiyang, Liu Shulin and Wang Xiaolin, Study on magnetic mirror array image intensifier to work at room temperature, Applied Optics, 2015, 54(26): 8010-8017.
Bu Lingbing, Qiu Zujing,Gao Haiyang, Gao Aizhen and Huang Xingyou, Studies of a scanning light detection and ranging for three-dimensional detection of plume emission, Optical Engineering, 2015, 54(4): 044106-1-8.
Tang Yuanhe, Liu Qingsong, Wu Yong, Yu Yang, Yang Xusan andGao Haiyang, Beyond the partial light intensity imager: Eliminating Moiré patterns, Optics Communications, 2015, 355: 143-147.
Tang Yuanhe, Duan Xiaodong,Gao Haiyang, Qu Ouyang, Jia Qijie, Cao Xiangang, Wei Sheni, Yang Rui,Ground-based airglow imaging interferometer. Part 2: forward model and inverse method, Applied Optics, 2014.4.10, 53(11): 2273~2282.
Tang Yuanhe, Yang Xusan,Gao Haiyang, Wu Yong, Wang Shuiwei, Cao Xiangang and Jia Wanli, A comparative study of two generation partial light intensity imager based on liquid crystal, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2013, 122: 87-96.
Tang Yuanhe, Cao Xiangang, Liu Hanchen, Gordon Shepherd, Liu Shulin,Gao Haiyang, Yang Xusan, Wu Yong and Wang Shuiwei, Partially light-controlled imager based on liquid crystal plate and image intensifier for aurora and airglow measurement, Applied Optics, 2012, 51(12): 1968-1975.
Tang Yuanhe, Qin Lin,Gao Haiyang, Zhu Ci and Wang Dingyi, Instrument Forward Model of the Modified Sagnac Interferometer for Atmospheric Wind Measurement, Optics Communications, 2011, 284(12): 2672-2677.
Tang Yuanhe, Zhang Ruixia,Gao Haiyang, Liu Kai, Zhao Gaoxiang, Yang Xusan, Li Qing, Liang Yuan, Ye Na, Liu Hanchen and Liu Shulin, Partially light-controlled imaging system based on High Temperature Poly-Silicon Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display, Optics Express, 2010, 18(10): 10616-10626.
卜令兵,高愛臻,陳嶸徐,馬寧堃,柯華兵,丘祖京,郜海陽,黃興友雲空間分布的掃描雷射雷達觀測,光電工程, 2015, 42(12): 54-59.
單坤玲,劉新波,卜令兵,郜海陽,黃興友,雷射雷達和毫米波雷達的捲雲微物理特性的聯合反演方法,紅外與雷射工程, 2015, 44(9): 2742-2746.
卜令兵,高愛臻,袁靜,郜海陽,黃興友,一種新型雲粒子探測儀的研製及初步觀測結果分析,光子學報, 2014, 43(1): 1-6.
卜令兵,郭勝利,田力,郜海陽,黃興友,瑞利雷射雷達探測南京上空平流層大氣溫度,強雷射與粒子束, 2014, 26(1): 1-8.
唐遠河,郭挺,郜海陽,改型Sagnac成像干涉儀MTF的研究,光學學報, 2010, 30(6): 1651-1655.
唐遠河,張瑞霞,劉漢臣,劉術林,劉鍇,郜海陽,基於光強選通成像的液晶色散研究,液晶與顯示, 2010, 25(2): 200-204.
李卿,唐遠河,劉鍇,郜海陽,等,基於液晶局部選通系統的硬體算法的研究,套用光學, 2009, 29(5): 724-729.
Haiyang Gao, Chaoyang Huo, Lingbing Bu, Zuyi Zhang, The perturbation effect induced by gravity waves on the ice particle size distribution of noctilucent clouds,The 4th International Symposium on Atmospheric Light Scattering and Remote Sensing (ISALSaRS'15),湖北武漢, 2015.05.31-2015.06.03.
郜海陽,霍朝陽,卜令兵,華燈鑫,王震,朱紅,利用CIPS圖像研究夜光雲中重力波擾動對冰晶粒徑譜的影響規律,第31屆中國氣象學會年會,北京, 2014.11.22-2014.11.26.
郜海陽,卜令兵,利用CIPS圖像研究夜光雲中重力波擾動對冰晶粒徑譜的影響規律,第九次全國空間天氣學研討會, 2014.9.19-2014.9.23.
郜海陽,卜令兵,利用多重分形對CIPS圖像中重力波活動的提取方法研究,第十五屆全國日地空間物理學研討會, 2013.06.09-2013.06.11.
郜海陽,唐遠河,地基氣輝成像干涉儀的實驗室及實地測試研究,第十四屆全國日地空間物理學術研討會, 2011.10.25-2011.10.27.
郜海陽, 虞歷堯,薛秋蒙,等,一種攜帶型室內降噪器, 授權日2017.11.07,
閆文輝,郜海陽,薛秋蒙,等一種適用於小空間的降噪裝置, 2015.6.10公開,中國發明專利, CN201520094236.


地基氣輝成像干涉儀探測中高層大氣的研究,陝西省優秀博士學位論文獎, 2015.
基於液晶的選通成像探測研究,陝西省教育廳,陝西高等學校科學技術獎,一等獎, 2013. (排名第3)
地基氣輝成像干涉儀探測中高層大氣的研究,西安理工大學優秀博士學位論文獎, 2014.
利用多重分形對CIPS圖像中重力波活動的提取方法研究,第15屆全國日地空間物理學研討會,青年優秀論文獎, 2013.
第15屆全國多媒體課件大賽,三等獎, 2015.
南京信息工程大學青年五四標兵, 2014.
南京信息工程大學優秀班主任, 2013.


