郗恆東 教授,男,1977年9月生,陝西渭南人。
- 中文名:郗恆東
- 外文名:chī heng dong
- 出生日期:1977年9月
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:香港中文大學
郗恆東 教授,博導
2001年於西北大學獲學士學位,分別於2003年和2007年於香港中文大學獲碩士和博士學位。隨後在香港中文大學和德國馬克斯-普朗克動力學與自組織研究所(原馬普流體力學研究所)進行博士後研究。2010年獲選為德國“洪堡學者”。2012年12月至2014年8月任哈爾濱工業大學深圳研究生院教授, 博導。2014年9月至今任西北工業大學航空學院教授,博導。
多年來從事熱對流,湍流統計規律及高分子聚合物湍流減阻等方面的實驗研究。論文發表在Physical Review Letters, Journal of Fluid Mechanics等流體力學國際頂級學術期刊上。已發表SCI論文十餘篇, 被SCI引用300餘次。發表在Journal of Fluid Mechanics上的論文入選國際權威的 ISI Web of Science Highly Cited Paper (本領域前1%的高引用論文)。
在高聚物與湍流相互作用方面,他及合作者發展了de Gennes(諾貝爾物理學獎得主)關於高聚物與湍流相互作用的彈性理論,並從實驗上驗證了理論預測,受到國際同行的極大關注。在熱對流方面,美國科學院院士Ahlers教授,德國科學院院士Grosssmann教授和德國科學院、荷蘭皇家科學院院士Lohse教授在其聯合發表在 Reviews of Modern Physics (物理專業最頂級期刊,影響因子45)上的綜述文章中多次大篇幅正面引用他關於湍熱對流中流動結構的8篇論文。他的研究工作不僅受到國際國內同行的關注, 也受到地球物理,核工程等領域學者的關注。曾被邀請在多個學術會議上做特邀報告和任分會場主席。現為Physical Review Letters (PRL),Journal of Fluid Mechanics (JFM)等流體力學國際頂級學術期刊的審稿人。
(1) H.-D. Xi, J. –T. Hao and K.-Q. Xia , “The Fourier mode of the flow structure in turbulent thermal convection”, To be submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics.(2) H.-D. Xi, H. Xu and E. Bodenschatz ,“The effect of polymer additives on bulk turbulence: the concentration effect”, To be submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics.(3) S. Risius, H. Xu, H.-D. Xi, H. Siebert, R. A. Shaw, and E. Bodenschatz, “Schneefernerhaus as a cloud-turbulence research station. Part 1: Flow conditions and large-scale turbulence”, To be submitted to Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.(4) H.-D. Xi, E. Bodenschatz, and H. Xu ,“Elastic energy flux by flexible polymers in fluid turbulence”, Physical Review Letters, 111, 024501 (2013) (SCI,影響因子:7.9)(5) H.-D. Xi, H. Xu and E. Bodenschatz , “The effect of polymer additives on bulk turbulence: the concentration effect” , Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering, 57-62, Eds. Y Zhou et al Springer, 2014(6) K. Sugiyama, R. Ni, R. J. A. M. Stevens, T.-S. Chan, S.-Q. Zhou, H.-D. Xi, C. Sun, S. Grossmann, K.-Q. Xia and D. Lohse, “Flow Reversals in Thermally Driven Turbulence”, Physical Review Letters, 105, 034503 (2010) (SCI,影響因子:7.9)
(7) Q. Zhou, H.-D. Xi, S.-Q. Zhou, C. Sun, and K.-Q. Xia “Oscillations of the large-scale circulation in turbulent Rayleigh-Benard convection: the off-center mode and its relationship with the torsional mode ”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 630, 367 (2009) (SCI,影響因子:2.5)
(8) H.-D. Xi , S.-Q. Zhou, Q. Zhou, T.-S. Chan and K.-Q. Xia, “Origin of the temperature oscillation in turbulent thermal convection”, Physical Review Letters, 102, 044503 (2009)(SCI,影響因子:7.9)
(9) H.-D. Xi, and K.-Q. Xia, “Azimuthal motion, reorientation, cessation and reversal of the large-scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection: a comparative study in aspect ratio one and one-half geometries”, Physical Review E, 78, 036326 (2008) (SCI,影響因子:2.4)
(10) H.-D. Xi, and K.-Q. Xia, “Flow mode transitions in turbulent thermal convection”, Physics of Fluids, 20, 055104 (2008) (SCI,影響因子:1.7)
(11) 周全,孫超,郗恆東,夏克青, “湍流熱對流中的若干問題” , 物理,36(9),657~663,2007(特約專稿);物理,36(12),(2007)(封面)(12) H.-D. Xi, Ke-Qing Xia, “Cessations and reversals of the large-scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection” , Physical Review E 75, 066307,(2007)(SCI,影響因子:2.4)
(13) H.-D. Xi,Quan Zhou,Ke-Qing Xia,“Azimuthal motion of the mean wind in turbulent thermal convection” ,Physical Review E 73, 056312,(2006)(SCI,影響因子:2.4)
(14) 郗恆東,孫超,夏克青, “湍流熱對流中的動力學和傳熱研究” , 物理,35(4),2006(封面)(15) C. Sun, H.-D. Xi, and K.-Q. Xia, “Azimuthal symmetry, flow dynamics, and heat flux in turbulent thermal convection in a cylinder with aspect ratio one-half”, Physical Review Letters, 95, 074502, (2005) (SCI,影響因子:7.9)
(16) H.-D. Xi,Siu Lam,Ke-Qing Xia, “From laminar plumes to organized flows: the onset of large-scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection” , Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 503, 47,(2004)(SCI,影響因子:2.5),被ISI Web of Science 選為 Highly Cited Paper (本領域前1%的高引用論文)
(1) H.-D. Xi, Q. Zhou, S. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia," Origin of the temperature oscillation in turbulence thermal convection", 中國力學大會2013 湍流熱對流研討會, 西安, 2013年8月
(2) H.-D. Xi," Elastic Energy Transfer in Turbulence of Dilute Polymer Solution", Seminar, 中國科學技術大學近代力學系,合肥, 2013年8月
(3) H.-D. Xi, E. Bodenschatz, and H. Xu," Elastic Energy Transfer in Turbulence of Dilute Polymer Solution", The 6th international conference on nonlinear mechanics, Shanghai, August,2013
(4) H.-D. Xi," The Large-scale-circulation and its reversal in turbulence thermal convection", Seminar, Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany,September,2012
(1) H.-D. Xi, J.-T., Hao,and K.-Q., Xia , “The higher modes in turbulent thermal convection”,The 4th international conference on experimental fluid mechanics, Beijing, August, 2014
(2) H.-D. Xi, J.-T., Hao,and K.-Q., Xia , “The Fourier modes of the flow structure in turbulent thermal convection”,The international conference on chaos, pattern formation and turbulence, Goettingen, Germany, June, 2014
(3) E. Bodenschatz, H.-D. Xi, and H. Xu," Elastic Energy Transfer in Turbulence of Dilute Polymer Solution", The 14th European Turbulence Conference, Lyon,France, September 2013
(4) H.-D. Xi, E. Bodenschatz, and H. Xu," Elastic Energy Transfer in Turbulence of Dilute Polymer Solution", The 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics , San Diego, California, USA, November 2012
(5) S. Risius, H. Xu, H. Xi, H. Siebert, R. Shaw, E. Bodenschatz, “Schneefernerhaus as a cloud-turbulence research station. Part 1: Flow conditions and large-scale turbulence”, 16th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Leipzig. Germany, July, 2012
(6) H.-D. Xi, H. Xu and E. Bodenschatz," Concentration dependence of the effects of polymer additives on bulk turbulence", The 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics , Baltimore, Maryland, USA, November 2011
(7) H.-D. Xi, E. Bodenschatz, and H. Xu,"Turbulence of dilute polymer solution: the Weissenberg Number effect ",The 13rd European Turbulence Conference, Warsaw, Poland, September 2011
(8) H.-D. Xi, H. Xu and E. Bodenschatz, "Turbulence of dilute polymer solution: the Weissenberg Number effect", Particles in turbulence 2011, International Conference on Fundamentals, Experiments, Numeric and Applications, Potsdam, Germany, March 2011
(9) H.-D. Xi, H. Xu and E. Bodenschatz, "Effects of polymer additives on bulk turbulence", The 63rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics , Long Beach, California, USA, November 2010
(10) H.-D. Xi,and Ke-Qing Xia,“Flow mode transitions in turbulent thermal convection”,March Meeting of American Physical Society,New Orleans,Louisiana,USA,March 10-14,2008
(11) H.-D. Xi,and Ke-Qing Xia,“The reversals and cessations of the large-scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection” ,The 59th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of American Physical Society,Tampa, Florida,USA,November 19-21,2006
(12) 郗恆東,夏克青,“湍流熱對流中大尺度環流的停滯和反轉”,第5屆全國流體和軟物質大會,中國廣州,2006年11月
(13) 郗恆東,夏克青,“湍流熱對流中大尺度環流的停滯”,2006中國物理學會秋季會議,中國北京,清華大學,2006年9月
(14) H.-D. Xi,Q. Zhou, K.-Q. Xia,“Azimuthal motion of the mean wind in turbulent thermal convection” ,The 58th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of American Physical Society,Chicago,USA,November 20-22,2006