


  • 中文名: 郎天戈
  • 出生日期:1976年
  • 職業:副研究員(自然科學)
  • 畢業院校:中國藥科大學


姓 名: 郎天戈
性 別: 男
職 務:
職 稱: 副研究員(自然科學)
通訊地址: 雲南省勐臘縣勐侖鎮中國科學院西雙版納熱帶植物園


2011.02-今  中科院西雙版納熱帶植物園生態進化研究組副研究員




2010年完成了法國農業科學研究院(INRA)的APP (Agency of Program Protection)系統授權軟體SeqQual。




E. Guichoux, P. Garnier-Géré, L. Lagache, T. Lang, C. Boury, R. J. Petit. Outlier loci highlight the direction of introgression in oaks. Molecular Ecology
T. Lang, G. C. Hansson, and T. Samuelsson. Gel-forming mucins appeared early in metazoan evolution. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
T. Lang, G. C. Hansson, and T. Samuelsson. An inventory of mucin genes in the chicken genome shows that the mucin domain of Muc13 is encoded by multiple exons and that ovomucin is part of a locus of related gel-forming mucins. BMC Genomics
T. Lang, M. Alexandersson, G. C. Hansson, and T. Samuelsson. Bioinformatic identification of polymerizing and transmembrane mucins in the puffer fish Fugu rubripes. Glycobiology
Gu Juefen and Lang Tiange. Regulation of Propionate to Biosynthesis of Macrolide Antibiotic M-90. Chinese Journal of Antibiotics,.International conferences:
Garnier-Géré P, Lang T, Abadie P, Decourcelle T, Léger V., Frigerio J.-M, Burban C., Bodénès C., Guichoux E., Reviron M.-P., Robin C., Petit R., Desprez-Loustau M.-L., Plomion C., Kremer A. (2010). Genome scanning of regions showing divergent evolution between white oaks (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Q. robur L.): new insights from the oak allelic resequencing project. Conference “Forest Ecosystem Genomics and Adaptation”. June 9-11,San Lorenzo De El Escorial (Madrid), Spain.
Lang T, Abadie P, Decourcelle T, Léger V., Frigerio J.-M., Le Provost G, Burban C. Bodénès C, Guichoux E, Reviron M-P, Robin C, Petit R, Desprez-Loustau M-L, Plomion C, Kremer A, Garnier-Géré P (2009). Ecological speciation in oaks : searching for genomic regions showing divergent evolution between Q. petraea & Q. robur. Conference “Genomics of Forest and Ecosystem Health in the Fagaceae (Beech Family)”, Nov. 10-13, North Carolina, USA.
Abadie P, Roussel G, Lang T, Kremer A, Garnier-Géré P (2009) Interspecific cross-compatibility and nucleotide differentiation in genes potentially involved in reproductive barriers between sessile and pedunculate oaks. Conference “Genomics of Forest and Ecosystem Health in the Fagaceae (Beech Family)”, Nov. 10-13, North Carolina, USA.
Garnier-Géré P, Abadie P, Navascues M, Lang T, Brendel O, Scotti-Saintagne C, Gerber S, Bodénès C, Petit R, Kremer A (2009) Interaction between gene flow and selection in hybridizing oak species. Conference “Genomics of Forest and Ecosystem Health in the Fagaceae (Beech Family)”, Nov. 10-13, North Carolina, USA.
Garnier-Géré P, Lang T, Decourcelle T, Léger V, Hubert F, Frigerio J-M, Abadie P, Plomion C, Kremer A (2009) What can Fst make you learn about adaptation and speciation? 12th congress of the ESEB (European Society for Evolutionary Biology, August 24-29, Turino, Italy.
Abadie P, Roussel G, Lang T, Petit R, Kremer A, Garnier-Géré P (2009) Molecular diversity analysis of genes potentially involved in reproductive barriers in two hybridizing oak species. Conference “Forest Ecosystem Genomics and Adaptation”. June 9-11, San Lorenzo De El Escorial (Madrid), Spain.
Pernet A, Gaillard S, Foucher F, Garnier-Géré P, Lang T, Frigerio J-M, Franc A, Hubert F, Abadie P, Decourcelle T, Tibbits J, Lepoittevin C, Paiva J, El Mujtar V, Kremer A (2009) Automatic treatment of sequences from haploid/diploid DNA, two new tools: SeqQual and Polymorfind. Workshop « Détection, Gestion et Analyse du polymorphisme nucléique des génomes végétaux », 11-13 May, CEA, « Institut de génomique », CNS-CNG, Evry, France.
Lang T, Franc A, Garnier-Géré P (2008) SeqQual: an automatic pipeline integrating quality for identifying SNPs and producing sequence data files for population genetic analyses. Joint seminar between INRA and CIRAD on forest research : « Nucleotide diversity in candidate genes», 17-18 December, Villenave d’Ornon, France. Domestic journals:
Wei Shuping, Lang Tiange, Liu Zhimei and Ming Yanbo. Qualitative Analysing of Huoxue-Huayu-Zhitong Sticking by TLC. Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medical Research
Lv Jie, Meng Xiangjun, Wang Jie and Lang Tiange. Synthesis of Cinoxacin. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals
Zhang He, Zhang Jingyun, Hou Huiru, Li Xiaohong, Jia Guirong and Lang Tiange. Progress of Study on Administration of Drug by Nasal Mucosa. China Pharmacist


