



  • 中文名:邵誠
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職務:遼寧省工業裝備先進控制系統重點實驗室主任


1981年: 遼寧大學數學系獲學士學位;
1982.01-1995.04: 遼寧大學經濟管理學院,講師、副教授
1995.05-1999.12: 東北大學自動化研究中心,副主任、副教授、教授、博士生導師
1997.03-1999.12: 國家冶金自動化工程技術研究中心(瀋陽),副主任
2000.01-2000.08: 香港科技大學化學工程系,訪問教授
2000.09-現在: 大連理工大學電信學院先進控制技術研究所,所長、教授、博士生導師
2005.12-現在: 遼寧省工業裝備先進控制系統重點實驗室,主任
1997.09-1997.10: 芬蘭赫爾辛基工業大學、赫爾辛基工學院、瑞士聯邦工學院,訪問教授


國際雜誌:Automatica,IEE Proc.Part D,Int.J. Control,Int.J.Systems Science等、大型國際會議:IFAC World Congress,IEEE CDC,ACC(美國控制會議),ECC(歐洲控制會議)等、國核心心期刊:自動化學報,控制理論與套用,控制與決策、信息與控制等論文評閱人。


⒈ 複雜工業過程建模與集成最佳化控制理論與方法;
⒉ 先進控制技術;
⒊ 非線性系統魯棒自適應控制理論與方法;
⒋ 疊代學習控制方法。




[1]C. Shao,F.R. Gao,Y. Yang,Robust stability of optimal iterative learning control and application to injection molding machine,ACTA Automatica Sinica,29⑴,2003,pp.72-79.
[2]K.J. Zhang,D. Jin,C. Shao,Fuzzy Neural Network’s Application in Furnace Temperature Compensation Based on Rolling Information Feedback. Preprints of 16th IFAC World Congress,Prague,July 4-8,2005,Topic: 6.2 Mining,Mineral & Metal Process.
[3]Y. Li,C. Shao,Application of Grey Relation Analysis and RBF Network On Grinding-Concentration Soft Sensing,Preprints of 16th IFAC World Congress,Prague,July 4-8,2005,Topic: 6.2 Mining,Mineral & Metal Process.
[4]C. Shao,Y.H. Zhang,RBF Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms Based Optimization Control of Aluminum Powder Nitrogen Atomization Process,Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,and the European Control Conference,Seville,Spain,December 12-15,2005,8048-8053.
[5]C. Shao,J. Nie,F.R. Gao,A robust iterative learning control with neural networks for robot,Pre-Prints of IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM),2003,Hong Kong,873-878.
[6]C. Shao,G.J. Luo,F.R. Gao,Robust stable adaptive control of uncertain bilinear plants and application for distillation column,Pre-Prints of IFAC Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM),2003,Hong Kong,879-884.
[7]Y.H. Zhang,C. Shao,Q.H. Wu,RBF Neural Networks-Based Software Sensor for Aluminum Powder Granularity Distribution Measurement,ISNN2004,Lecture Notes of Computer Science,Vol. 3174,Springer:860-865.
[8]Y.H Zhang,C. Shao,RBF Neural Networks Process Model Based Optimization of Aluminum Powder Particle Size Distribution,Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,2006.6. Dalian,China. 8048-8053.
[9]Y.H. Zhang,C. Shao,Fuzzy-PID Hybrid Control for Temperature of Melted Aluminum in Atomization Furnace. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. 2006.10. Jinan,China.
[10]K.J. Zhang,D. Jin,C. Shao,A New Integrated Control Technology In Reheating And Rolling Process,11th IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining,Mineral Metal Processing. Nancy France,September 08 - 10,2004.
[11]Y. Li,C. Shao,Application of Wavelet Network’s Soft Sensing in Ball Mill’s Faults Diagnosis,International Symposium on Neural Networks,2005.
[12]徐恭賢,邵誠,修志龍,甘油生物歧化為1,3-丙二醇過程的H∞控制,自動化學報,2006,32 ⑴: 112-119.
[13]李勇,邵誠. 一種新的灰關聯分析算法在軟測量中的套用,自動化學報,2006年,32⑵:311-317.
[16]張立權,邵誠,基於模糊預測器模型的混沌時間序列預測,信息與控制,2005,34卷,6期: 660-664.
[23]劉艷,邵誠,電動汽車感應電機的時變模型與計算機仿真,系統仿真學報,Vol.16 ⑸,2004,2052-2055.
[24]張凱舉,邵誠. 基於生產目標的熱軋過程集成控制方法的研究. 系統仿真學報,2004,16 ⑴: 48-51
[25]張凱舉,邵誠,朱暉. 步進式加熱爐爐溫最佳化算法的改進與計算機仿真,系統仿真學報,2006,18⑶: 794-796.
[26]張凱舉,邵誠. 基於機理分析的鋼坯軋前及粗軋過程的溫降計算.,鋼鐵研究學報,2004,Vol. 16 ⑷:39-42.
[27]張凱舉,邵誠, 基於溫度的鋼坯加熱與軋制過程的集成控制方法及仿真研究,鋼鐵,2004,39⑿:43-46.
[28]張凱舉,邵誠,鋼鐵工業加熱爐先進控制技術及其發展,冶金自動化,2003,27 ⑴:11-15.
[30]徐恭賢,馮恩民,邵誠,修志龍,色氨酸生物合成的穩態最佳化,工程數學學報,2005,22 ⑹:975-982。
[31]李勇,邵誠,基於神經網路的混凝土斷裂參數灰色軟測量,測試技術學報, 2005,19⑵:146-151.
[32]李勇,邵誠,基於BP網路的軟測量在斷裂能檢測中的套用,工業儀表與自動化裝置, 2005,5 (185): 6-11.
[33]張凱舉,邵誠,基於離散狀態空間的鋼坯粗軋階段溫度控制模型,大連理工大學學報,2004, 44 ⑹: 892-896.
[34]金迪,邵誠,自抗擾控制器在6自由度液壓並在線上器人仿真分析中的套用,大連理工大學學報,2003年,43卷,5期: 691-696.
[35]張永輝,邵誠,崔波.鋁粉霧化爐溫度的模糊-PID複合控制,大連理工大學學報. 2006,46⑷: 572-575.
[36]李勇,邵誠. 高壓線路中串聯IGBT動態均壓方法的研究,華南理工大學學報,2006,34⑴:43-47.
[37]李勇,邵誠.灰色軟測量在介質填充率檢測中的套用.中國礦業大學學報,2006,35⑷: 549-554.
[38]趙志宇, 邵誠,於雲滿,基於小波變換的滾動軸承故障診斷專家系統的研究,機械設計與研究,2005,21 ⑴: 50-52.
[39]薛麗,邵誠,供電企業綜合統計系統中的安全性策略,計算機工程,2004,30 ⑾: 168-169.
[40]李勇,邵誠. 基於RBF網路的球磨機介質填充率灰色軟測量,2004全國博士生學術論壇文集. 2004年,282-291.
[42]C. Shao,Y. Yang,F. Gao and F. Wang: Optimal iterative learning control with uncertain initializations and disturbances,Preprints of the 6th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems,June 4-6,2001,Jejudo Island,Korea,pp. 532-537.
[43]F. Gao,C. Shao,F. Wang and W. Wang: Robust adaptive control of bilinear plants with high-order perturbation uncertainties,Proceedings of 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,December 12-15,2000,Sydney,Australia,pp. 4934-4938.
[44]J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Comparison of PID and PPI design techniques for a process with time delay,Preprints of the 14th World Congress of IFAC,July 5-9,1999,Beijing,China,pp. 391-396.
[45]J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Design of an adaptive control of bilinear system with guaranteed stability,International Journal of Systems Science,Vol.30,No.6,1999,pp. 651-657.
[46]C.J. Zhang,C. Shao and T. Chai: Indirect adaptive control for a class of linear time-varying plants,IEE Proc. Part D,Control Theory and Applications,Vol.145,No.2,1998,pp. 141-149.
[47]J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Neural network based adaptive predictive control algorithm on nonlinear non-minimum phase systems,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,San Diego,California,USA,June 1999,pp. 1082-1085.
[48]Z.J. Wang,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Application of multivariable technique in temperature control of reheating furnace,Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications,Kohala Coast-Island of Hawai’i,Hawai’I,USA,August 22-27,1999,pp. 29-32.
[49]Z.J. Wang,T.Y. Chai,S.P. Guan and C. Shao: Hybrid optimization set point strategy for slab furnace temperature,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,San Diego,California,USA,June 1999,pp. 2362-2365.
[50]J. Jiya,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Design of an adaptive bilinear control algorithm for a class of combustion processes,Preprints of IFAC Workshop on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing,UK,1998,pp. 26-28.
[51]W.M. Xu,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: Learning control for a class of constrained mechanical systems with uncertain disturbances,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 3854-3858.
[52]W.M. Xu,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Force and contact transient control for robot manipulators with robustness enhancement,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 952-956.
[53]R.J. Zhu,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Robust nonlinear adaptive observer design using dynamic recurrent neural networks,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 1096-1100.
[54]G.J. Zhang,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Synthetic approach for control of intermittent wind tunnel,Proceedings of the American Control Conference,Albuquerque,NM,USA,June 4-6,1997,pp. 203-207.
[55]Y. Heng,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Adaptive control of nonlinear non-minimum phase systems using neural networks,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,San Diego,California,USA,December 10-12,1997,pp. 2211-2212.
[56]C. Shao: On the robust stability of a Clarke-Gawthrop type of self-tuning controller,International Journal of Control,Vol.64,No.4,1996,pp. 721-731.
[57]G.J. Zhang,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: A new method for independently tuning PID parameters,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,Kobe,Japan,December 11-13,1996,pp. 2527-2532.
[58]W.M. Xu,C. Shao and T.Y. Chai: An adaptive impedance controller for robot manipulators in task space,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,Kobe,Japan,December 11-13,1996,pp. 392-393.
[59]Q.H. Dai,T. Zhang,T.Y. Chai and C. Shao: Robust direct adaptive control based on dynamic neural networks,Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,Kobe,Japan,December 11-13,1996,pp. 2424-2425.
[60]C. Shao: Robust stable adaptive control for the plants with nonlinear disturbances,Preprints of IFAC 4th Low Cost Automation,Buenos Aires,Argentina,August 11-13,1995,pp.429-434.
[61]X.Y. Gu and C. Shao: On the robust stability condition for adaptive control systems,Chinese Journal of Automation,Allerton Press,Inc.,Vol.5,No.4,1994,pp. 604-610.
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[65]王中傑,柴天佑, 邵誠: 加熱爐多模式動態最佳化控制策略,控制與決策,第14卷,第5期,1999年,465-468頁.
[66]王中傑,柴天佑,邵誠,王偉: 加熱爐最優爐溫設定策略的研究,信息與控制,第28卷,第7期,1999年,600-606頁.
[67]王中傑,柴天佑, 邵誠: 加熱爐O2閉環控制策略的研究,鋼鐵,第34卷,第7期,1999,532-542頁.
[68]王中傑,柴天佑, 邵誠: 基於RBF神經網路的加熱爐鋼溫預報模型,系統仿真學報,第11卷,第3期,1999,181-184頁.
[69]邵誠,張承進: A modified Clarke-Gawthrop self-tuning controller with guaranteed robust stability,控制理論與套用,第14卷,第5期,1997年,671-678頁.
[70]徐為民,柴天佑,邵誠: 工業機械手的自適應阻抗控制新方法,控制與決策,第12卷,第2期,1997,109-131頁.
[71]邵誠,顧興源: 帶有模型誤差反饋的魯棒自校正控制器,控制理論與套用,第11卷,第5期,1994年,604-610頁.
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[73]顧興源,邵誠: 按條件更新參數的自校正控制器, 自動化學報, 第15卷,第3期, 1989,232-241.


