邵士俊,男,博士,研究員,博士生導師。1968年4月生。1990年畢業於浙江大學化學系,獲理學學士學位;分別於1996年和2000年在中科院蘭州化物所獲理學碩士學位和博士學位。2001年入選中科院“西部之光”人才培養計畫,2006年入選中科院“西部之光”聯合學者。現任中科院蘭州化物所甘肅省天然藥物重點實驗室副主任,《分析測試技術與儀器》雜誌編委。主要研究領域為分子識別與分離分析新方法,中藥和天然藥物質控技術與質量標準研究。開展了合成受體分子設計及其分子識別與光化學感測;納米材料修飾電極及其生物(藥物)分子的電化學感測;道地中藥材色譜指紋圖譜質控技術與質量標準;組分中藥新藥和功能產品研發等研究工作。已在Biosens. Bioelectron.;Electrochem. Commun.;Electrochim. Acta;Org. Lett.;Org. Biomol. Chem.;Tetrahedron Lett.;J. Chromatogr. A,Talanta等刊物發表研究論文40多篇(SCI論文30多篇),申請發明專利8件(授權3件)。榮獲2003年度第二屆“蘭化所青年創新獎”優秀獎。
- 中文名:邵士俊
- 出生日期:1968年4月
- 畢業院校:浙江大學
- 職稱:中國科學院蘭州化學物理研究所研究員
1990年畢業於浙江大學化學系,獲理學學士學位;分別於1996年和2000年在中科院蘭州化物所獲理學碩士學位和博士學位。2001年入選中科院“西部之光”人才培養計畫,2006年入選中科院“西部之光”聯合學者,2012年獲甘肅省傑出青年基金資助。現任中科院蘭州化學物理研究所 中科院西北特色植物資源化學重點實驗室/甘肅省天然藥物重點實驗室副主任,《分析測試技術與儀器》雜誌編委。
主要研究領域為分子識別與分離分析新方法,中藥和天然藥物質控技術與質量標準研究。開展了合成受體分子設計及其分子識別與光化學感測;納米材料修飾電極及其生物(藥物)分子的電化學感測;道地中藥材色譜指紋圖譜質控技術與質量標準;組分中藥新藥和功能產品研發等研究工作。已在Carbon.; Biosens. Bioelectron.;Electrochem. Commun.;Electrochim. Acta;Org. Lett.;Org. Biomol. Chem.;Tetrahedron Lett.;Analyst, Sens. Actuators B: Chem.; J. Chromatogr. A,Talanta等刊物發表研究論文70多篇(SCI論文40多篇),申請發明專利11件(授權5件)。榮獲2003年度第二屆“蘭化所青年創新獎”優秀獎。
- Jian Xu,Yan Zhang,Hui Yu,Xudong Gao, andShijun Shao*,Mitochondria-Targeted Fluorescent Probe for Imaging Hydrogen Peroxide in Living Cells,Anal. Chem.,2016,88(2), pp 1455–1461.
- Jian Xu,Hui Yu,Yue Hu,Mingzhong Chen,Shijun Shao,A gold nanoparticle-based fluorescence sensor for high sensitive and selective detection of thiols in living cells,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2016,75, 1–7
- Ying Yue, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, et al., A mesoporous carbon nanofiber-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode used for the simultaneous determination of dopamine, uric acid, and ascorbic acid, Carbon, 2012, 50, 107-114.
- . Qian Li, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao, A BODIPY derivative as a highly selective "Off-On" fluorescent chemosensor for hydrogen sulfate anion, Analyst,2012, 137, 4497-4501.
- .Ying Yue, Qing Liang, Yuan Liao, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Electrooxidation behavior and electro- chemistry determination method of the xanthophylls: lutein in nonaqueous media.” Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2012, 682, 90-94.
- . Qian Li, Ying Yue, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao, Fluoride anions triggered “OFF-ON” fluorescent sensor for hydrogen sulfate anions based on a BODIPY scaffold that works as a molecular keypad lock, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2012, 173, 797-801.
- . Qian Li, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao, A BODIPY based fluorescent chemosensor for Cu(II) ions and homocysteine/cysteine Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2012, 171-172, 872-877.
8. Qian Li, Yong Guo, Jian Xu, Shijun Shao, Salicylaldehyde based colorimetric and "turn on" fluorescent sensors for fluoride anion sensing employing hydrogen bonding, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2011,158, 427-431.
9. Ying Yue, Yong Guo, Jian Xu, Shijun Shao , A Bodipy-based derivative for selective fluorescence sensing of homocysteine and cysteine,New J. Chem. 2011, 35, 61-64.
10. Wei Wei, Xiaojing Liang, Guangzhi Hu, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao , A highly selective colorimetric probe based on 2,2 ',2 ''-trisindolylmethene for cysteine/homocysteine, Tetrahedron Lett. 2011, 52, 1422-1425.
11. Litao Wang, Xiaoming He, Yong Guo, Jian Xu, Shijun Shao , Tris(indolyl)methene molecule as an anion receptor and colorimetric chemosensor: tunable selectivity and sensitivity for anions, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2011, 9, 752-757.
10.Guangzhi Hu, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Sensing of the Anticancer Drug Tirapazamine Using an Ordered Mesoporous Carbon Modified Pyrolytic Graphite Electrode, Biosens. Bioelectron., 2009, 24, 3391-3394.
12. Long Chen, Guangzhi Hu, Guojun Zou, Shijun Shao*, Xiaolai Wang*, Efficient anchorage of Pd nanoparticles on carbon nanotubes as a catalyst for hydrazine oxidation, Electrochem. Commun., 2009, 11, 504-507.
13. Guangzhi Hu, Long Chen, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Xiaolai Wang*, Selective electrochemical sensing of calcium dobesilate based on the nano-Pd/CNTs modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, Talanta, 2009, 78, 1211-1214.
14. Guangzhi Hu, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Simultaneous Determination of Dopamine and Ascorbic Acid Using the Nano-Gold Self-Assembled Glassy Carbon Electrode,Electroanalysis, 2009, 21(10), 1200-1206.
15. Guangzhi Hu, Yonggen Ma, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Selective electrochemical sensing of calcium dobesilate based on an ordered mesoporous carbon-modified pyrolytic graphite electrode, J. Electroanal. Chem., 2009, 633(1), 264-267.
16.Guangzhi Hu, Yonggen Ma, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Electrocatalytic oxidation and simultaneous determination of uric acid and ascorbic acid on the gold nanoparticles modified glassy carbon electrode, Electrochim. Acta, 2008, 53, 6610-6615.
17. Shuzhen Hu,Yong Guo,Jian Xu and Shijun Shao*, A selective chromogenic molecular sensor for acetate anion in mixed acetonitrile/water medium, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2008, 6, 2071-2075.
18. Huaqiao Ma, Mina Luo, Shijun Shao, Xia Liu and Shengxiang Jiang*,Hydrogen-bond effect and ion-pair association in the separation of neutral calix[4]pyrroles by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis,J. Chromatogr. A, 2008, 1188, 57-60.
19. Huaqiao Ma, Mina Luo,Shijun Shao, Xia Liu and Shengxiang Jiang*, Cation effects in the separation of calix[4]pyrroles by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis with tetraalkyl- ammonium chloride salts as background electrolytes, J. Chromatogr. A, 2008, 1192, 180-186.
20.Kai Liu, Lijun He, Xiaoming He, Yong Guo, Shijun Shao*, Shengxiang Jiang, Calix[4]pyrrole-TCBQ Assembly: A Signal Magnifier of TCBQ for Colorimetric Determining Amino Acids and Amines, Tetrahedron Lett., 2007, 48, 4275-4279.
21.Xiaoming He, Shuzhen Hu, Kai Liu, Yong Guo, Jian Xu, Shijun Shao*, Oxidized Bis(indolyl)methane: A Simple and Efficient Chromogenic-Sensing MoleculeBased on theProton TransferSignaling Mode, Org. Lett., 2006, 8, 333-336.