



  • 中文名:邱臨靜
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 出生地:甘肅省臨夏市
  • 畢業院校:Northwest A&F University; Ph.D. in Ecology
主持的科研項目 Research Funding
研究興趣 Research Interests
流域水文過程模擬 Watershed Hydrological Modelling
大尺度陸氣互動作用 Interaction between Land and Atmosphere
陸地生態系統水碳循環 Water and Carbon Cycles in the Terrestrial Ecosystem
發表論文 Publications
(1)Linjing Qiu, Yiping Wu, Mingde Hao, Jian Shen, Xiaohui Lei, Weihong Liao, Yinke Li. Simulation of the irrigation requirements for improving carbon sequestration in a rainfed cropping system under long-term fertilization on the Loess Plateau of China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2018, 265: 198-208
(2)Linjing Qiu, Yiping Wu, Lijing Wang, Xiaohui Lei, Weihong Liao, Ying Hui, Xianyong, Meng. Spatiotemporal response of the water cycle to land use conversions in a typical hilly–gully basin on the Loess Plateau, China. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2017, 21(12): 6485-6499.
(3)Linjing Qiu, Mingde Hao, Yiping Wu. Potential impacts of climate change on carbon dynamics in a rain-fed agro-ecosystem on the Loess Plateau of China. Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 577(2):267-278.
(4)Linjing Qiu, Xiaodong Liu, Yaqi Hao. Quantitative assessment of the role of doubled CO2 and associated climate change in the vegetation dynamics and hydrological cycle in the Sino-Mongolia arid and semi-arid region. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 2017, 31(2):785-797.
(5)Hongli Wang, Linjing Qiu*, Xiaoning Xie, Zhiyuan Wang, Xiaodong Liu, 2018: Climate variability in monsoon and arid regions attributable to dynamic vegetation in a global climate model. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 2018, 96, 391-403
(6)Linjing Qiu, Xiaodong Liu. Sensitivity analysis of modelled responses of vegetation dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau to doubled CO2 and associated climate change. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2016, 124(1): 229-239.
(7)Linjing Qiu, Xiaorong Wei, Linhai Li, Göran I Ågren. Nutrient stoichiometry of three plant species under a natural nutrient gradient of a semiarid small watershed. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science. 2013, 63(3): 231-240.
(8)Linjing Qiu, Fenli Zheng, Runsheng Yin. SWAT-based Runoff and Sediment Simulation in a Small Watershed, the Loessial Hilly-gullied Region of China: Capabilities and Challenges. International Journal of Sediment Research, 2012, 27(2): 226-234.
(9)Fubo Zhao, Yiping Wu, Linjing Qiu, Sivakumar Bellie, Fan Zhang, Yuzhu Sun , et al. Spatiotemporal features of the hydro-biogeochemical cycles in a typical loess gully watershed. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 91: 542-554.
(10)Fubo Zhao, Yiping Wu, Linjing Qiu, Yuzhu Sun, Liqun Sun, Qinglan Li, et al. Parameter Uncertainty Analysis of the SWAT Model in a Mountain-Loess Transitional Watershed on the Chinese Loess Plateau. WATER, 2018, 10 (6): 690.
(11)Yiping Wu, Shuguang Liu, Linjing Qiu, Yuzhu Sun. SWAT-DayCent coupler: An integration tool for simultaneous hydro-biogeochemical modeling using SWAT and DayCent. Environment Modelling & Software, 2016, 86: 81-90.
(12)Xinzhou Li, Xiaodong Liu, Linjing Qiu, Zhisheng An, Zhiyong Yin. Transient simulation of orbital-scale precipitation variation in monsoonal East Asia and arid central Asia during the last 150 ka. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2013, 118(14): 7481-7488.


