邱春雷, 1980年11月出生,現為北京航空航天大學材料科學與工程學院教授,博士生導師。
- 中文名:邱春雷
- 職業:教師
過去十年的研究主要是利用先進近淨成形技術包括雷射增材製造及熱等靜壓近淨成形技術製備大型高性能高質量航空部件,同時開展與近淨成形工藝相關的基礎科學研究,作為主要研究者之一參與英國及歐盟多個主要近淨成形及金屬增材製造項目包括REMAC, SAMULET, AMAZE, AccMet等,先後與Rolls-Royce plc, BAE System, MBDA, Safran, Thales, ESA, Caterpillar,Airbus等英國及歐盟主要航空航天公司及機構展開合作研究。目前作為項目負責人主持國家重點研發計畫項目“高性能複雜合金雷射冶金高通量製備原理與裝備”研究工作的開展。
在Acta Mater, Sci Rep, Mater Des, JAC, MSEA等期刊發表30餘篇SCI論文,他引次數1200多次,擁有1項美國發明專利。受邀擔任Acta Mater, Mater Des, JAC等十幾個期刊的審稿人。
1. C.L. Qiu, M.A. Kindi, A.S. Aladawi, I.A. Hatmi, A comprehensive study on microstructure and tensile behaviour of a selectively laser melted stainless steel. Scientific Reports. 2018, vol.8, pp.7785.
2. P.W. Liu, Y.Z. Ji, Z. Wang, C.L. Qiu, A.A. Antonysamy, L.Q. Chen, X.Y. Cui, L. Chen, Investigation on evolution mechanisms of site-specific grain structures during metal additive manufacturing. Journal of Materials Processing Technologies. 2018, vol. 257, pp. 191-202.
3. C.L. Qiu, N. D’Souza, J. Kelleher, C.Panwisawas. An experimental investigation into the stress and strain development of a Ni-base single crystal superalloy during cooling from solidification. Materials and Design. 2017, vol. 114, pp. 475–483.
4. C. Panwisawas, C.L. Qiu, M. J. Anderson, Y. Sovani, R. P. Turner, M. M. Attallah, J. W. Brooks, H. C. Basoalto. Mesoscale modelling of selective laser melting: Thermal fluid dynamics and microstructural evolution. Computational Materials Science. 2017, vol. 126, pp. 479–490.
5.M.M. Attallah, L.N. Carter, C.L. Qiu, N. Read, W. Wang, Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Metal ALM. Book chapter in L. Bian, ?N. Shamsaei, ?J. Usher (editors): Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Metal Parts: Modeling, Optimization,and Control of Mechanical Properties, 2017, CRC Press. ?
6. C. Cai, B. Song, C.L. Qiu, L. Li, P. Xue, Q.S. Wei, J. Zhou, H. Nan, H. Chen, Y.S. Shi. Hot isostatic pressing of in-situ TiB/Ti-6Al-4V composites with novel reinforcement architecture, enhanced hardness and elevated tribological properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017, vol. 710, pp. 364-374.
7. H. Hassanin, K. Essa, C.L. Qiu, A.M. Abdelhafeez, N.J.E. Adkins, M.M. Attallah. Net-shape manufacturing using hybrid selective laser melting/hot isostatic pressing. Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2017, vol. 23, pp. 720–726.
8. C.L. Qiu, N.J.E. Adkins, M.M. Attallah. Selective Laser Melting of Invar 36: Microstructure and Properties. Acta Materialia. 2016, vol. 103, pp. 382-395.
9. N. D’Souza, J. Kelleher, C.L. Qiu, S.Y. Zhang, S. Gardner, R. E. Jones, D. Putman, C.Panwisawas. The Role of Stress Relaxation and Creep during High Temperature Deformation in Ni-base Single Crystal Superalloys - Implications to Strain build-up during Directional Solidification. Acta Materialia. 2016, vol. 106, pp. 322-332.
10. C.L. Qiu, A. Fones, N.J.E. Adkins, H. Hamilton, M.M. Attallah. A new approach to develop Pd modified Ti-based alloys for biomedical application.Materials and Design. 2016, vol. 109C, pp. 98-111.
11. G.A. Ravi, C.L. Qiu, M.M. Attallah. Microstructural control in a Ti-based alloy by changing laser processing mode and power during direct laser deposition. Materials Letters, 2016, Vol. 179, pp. 104-108.
12. C.L. Qiu, C. Panwisawas, M. Ward, H.C. Basoalto, J.W. Brooks, M.M. Attallah. On the role of melt flow into the surface structure and porosity development during selective laser melting. Acta Materialia. 2015, vol. 96, pp. 72-79.
13. C.L. Qiu, N.J.E. Adkins, H. Hassanin, M.M. Attallah, K. Essa. In-situ shelling via selective laser melting: modelling and microstructural characterisation. Materials and Design. 2015, vol. 87, pp. 845-853.
14. C.L. Qiu, G.A. Ravi, M.M. Attallah. Microstructural Control during Direct Laser Deposition of a b-Titanium Alloy (Ti5553). Materials and Design. 2015, vol. 81, pp. 21-30.
15. C. Panwisawas, C.L. Qiu, Y. Sovani, J.W. Brooks, M.M. Attallah, H.C. Basoalto. On the role of thermal fluid dynamics into the evolution of porosity during selective laser melting. Scripta Materialia. 2015, vol. 105, pp. 14-17.
16. C.L. Qiu, Y. Sheng, N.J.E. Adkins, M. Ward, H. Hassanin, M.M. Attallah, P.D. Lee, P.J. Withers. Influence of processing conditions on strut structure and compressive property of cellular lattice structures fabricated by selective laser melting. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2015, vol. 628, pp. 188–197.
17. C.L. Qiu, G.A. Ravi, C. Dance, A. Ranson, S. Dilworth, M.M. Attallah. Fabrication of large Ti-6Al-4V structures by direct laser deposition. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2015, vol. 629, pp. 351-361.
18. C.L. Qiu, N.J.E. Adkins, M.M. Attallah. Microstructure and tensile properties of laser-melted and of HIPed laser-melted Ti-6Al-4V.Materials Science and Engineering A. 2013, vol. 578, pp. 230-239.
19. C.L. Qiu, X.H. Wu. High cycle fatigue and fracture behaviour of a hot isostatically pressed nickel-based superalloy. Philosophical Magazine. 2013, vol. 94, pp. 242-264.
20. C.L. Qiu, X.H. Wu, J.F. Mei, P. Andrews, W. Voice. Influence of heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of a hot isostatically pressed nickel-based superalloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2013, vol. 578, pp. 454-464.
21. Z.W. Wu, C.L. Qiu, V. Venkatesh, H. Fraser, R. Williams, G.B. Viswanathan, M. Thomas, S. Nag, R. Banerjee, M.H. Loretto. The Influence of Precipitation of Alpha2 on Properties and Microstructure in TIMETAL 6-4. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. 2013, vol. 44, pp.1706-1713.
22. C.L. Qiu, P. Andrews. On the formation of irregular-shaped gamma prime and serrated grain boundaries in a nickel-based superalloy during continuous cooling. Materials Characterization. 2013, vol. 76, pp. 28-34.
23. C.L. Qiu, M.M. Attallah, X.H. Wu, P. Andrews. Influence of hot isostatic pressing temperature on microstructure and tensile properties of a nickel-based superalloy powder. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2013, vol. 564, pp. 176-185.