已發表相關學術論文300餘篇,被SCI索引70餘篇,其中在美國聲學學報(JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA)共發表11篇,2篇為第一作者,在振動與聲(JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION)共發表12篇,5篇為第一作者,在IEEE期刊(IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO SPEECH AND LANGUAGE PROCESSING等)上發表5篇。全部論文共被SCI引用百餘次,申請中國發明專利70餘項,已被授權30餘項,商用工程噪聲控制軟體ENC在國外已銷售上百份授權許可,開發的有源控制已經商用,在國外銷售。
1. Qiu X., 2009, The Noise Control Engineering Course in Nanjing University. Noise/News international 17(3), 76-77.
2. Qiu X., Masiero B.and Vorländer M., 2009, Channel separation of crosstalk cancellation systems with mismatched and misaligned sound sources, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 126(4), 1796-1806.
3. Qiu, X. and Hansen, C.H. 2003. Applying effort constraints on adaptive feedforward control using the active set method. Journal of Sound and Vibration 260, 757-762.
4. Qiu, X., Li X., Ai Y. and Hansen C.H. 2002. A waveform synthesis algorithm for active control of transformer noise: implementation. Applied Acoustics 63(5), 467-479.
5. Qiu, X. and Hansen, C.H. 2001. A study of the time-domain FXLMS algorithms with control output constraint. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109(6), 2815-2823.
6. Qiu, X. and Hansen, C.H. 2001. An algorithm for active control of transformer noise with on-line cancellation path modelling based on perturbation method. Journal of Sound and Vibration 240(4), 647-665.
7. Qiu, X. and Hansen, C.H. 2000. Secondary acoustic source types for active noise control in free field: monopoles or multipoles? Journal of Sound and Vibration 235 (5), 1005-1009.
8. Qiu, X., Hansen C.H. and Li X. 1998. A comparison of near field acoustic error sensing strategies for the active control of harmonic free field sound radiation. Journal of Sound and Vibration 215, 81-103.
9. Qiu X., Sha J. and Yang J. 1995. Mechanisms of active control of noise transmission through a panel into a cavity using a point force actuator on the panel. Journal of Sound and Vibration 182, 167-170.