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  • 畢業院校:北京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:污水生物處理技術
  • 任職院校:華南理工大學



2008.9−2011.7,環境工程 博士,北京師範大學 水科學研究院;
2005.9−2008.7,化學工藝 碩士,山東科技大學 化學與環境工程學院;
2001.9−2005.7,環境科學 本科,山東科技大學 化學與環境工程學院。


2016.7−2018.9,博士後研究員(Research Fellow),南洋理工大學 新加坡環境生命科學工程中心;
2011.11−2016.6,博士後研究員(Research Fellow),新加坡國立大學 化學與分子生物工程系。


擔任美國科學促進會(AAAS)會員,國際水協會擔任EnvironSciTechnol, Water Res, ChemEngJ, Bioresour Technol, Sci Total Environ, J Clean Prod, Chemosphere,Environ Sci: Water ResTechnol, J Environ Manag, AIChE J等20餘個SCI期刊的審稿人。


  1. 膜生物反應器 (Membrane bioreactor);2.正滲透膜生物反應器(Forward osmosis membrane bioreactor);3.強化生物除磷(Enhanced biological phosphorus removal);4.污水再生與資源化(Wastewater reclamation and resource recovery)



近五年在Environmental Science Technology, Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal, Bioresource Technology等SCI期刊發表論文篇次Google,H-index14Webof申請10項,已授權5項。


國家自然科學基金青年項目“環二鳥苷酸(c-di-GMP)在膜污染過程中的介導作用機制以及基於c-di-GMP分子調控的膜污染控制方法”No. 51808297(2019.1−2021.12),主持
新加坡國家基金會 環境與水工業項目 “Enhanced phosphorus removal in the absence of a chemical precipitation stage in an anoxic/aerobic bioreactor (South Works, Ulu Pandan Water Reclamation Plant) – a mechanistic study”(2013.1−2019.1),參加
新加坡國家基金會 競爭性研究項目“Advanced FO membranes and membrane systems for wastewater treatment, water reuse and seawater desalination’’(2011.6−2016.6),參加


[1] Guanglei Qiu*, Rogelio Zuniga-Montanez, Yingyu Law, Sara Swa Thi, Thi Quynh Ngoc Nguyen, Kaliyamoorthy Eganathan, Xianghui Liu, Per H. Nielsen, Rohan B. H. Williams, Stefan Wuertz*. Polyphosphate-accumulating organisms in full-scale tropical wastewater treatment plants use diverse carbon sources. Water Research, 2018.
[2] Guanglei Qiu*, Sui Zhang, Divya S.S. Raghavan, Subhabrata Das, Yen Peng Ting*. The potential of hybrid forward osmosis membrane bioreactor (FOMBR) processes in achieving high throughput treatment of municipal wastewater with enhanced phosphorus recovery. Water Research. 2016, 105, 370−382.
[3] Guanglei Qiu*, Yi Ming Law, Das Subhabrata, Yen Peng Ting*. Direct and complete phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater using a hybrid microfiltration-forward osmosis membrane bioreactor process with seawater brine as draw solution. Environmental Science & Technology. 2015. 49, 6156−6163.
[4] Guanglei Qiu*, Sui Zhang, Divya Shankari Srinivasa Raghavan, Subhabrata Das, Yen Peng Ting*. Towards high through-put biological treatment of municipal wastewater and enhanced phosphorus recovery using a hybrid microfiltration-forward osmosis membrane bioreactor with hydraulic retention time in sub-hour level. Bioresource Technology. 2016, 219, 298–310
[5] Guanglei Qiu, Yen Peng Ting*. Direct phosphorus recovery from municipal wastewater via osmotic membrane bioreactor (OMBR) for wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2014, 170, 221-229.
[6] Guanglei Qiu, Yen-Peng Ting*. Short-term fouling propensity and flux behavior in an osmotic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Desalination, 2014, 332(1), 91–99.
[7]Guanglei Qiu, YenPeng Ting*. Osmotic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment and the effect of salt accumulation on system performance and microbial community dynamics. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 150, 287–297.
[8] Divya Shankari Srinivasa Raghavan, Guanglei Qiu*, Yen-Peng Ting*. Fate and removal of selected antibiotics in an osmotic membrane bioreactor.Chemical Engineering Journal. 2018, 334, 198–205.
[9]Guanglei Qiu, Yonghui Song*, Ping Zeng, Liang Duan, Shuhu Xiao, Characterization of bacterial communities in hybrid upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB)-membrane bioreactor (MBR) process for berberine antibiotic wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2013, 142, 52–62.
[10]Guanglei Qiu, Yonghui Song*, Ping Zeng, Liang Duan, Shuhu Xiao, Combination of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) and membrane bioreactor (MBR) for berberine reduction from wastewater and the effects of berberine on bacterial community dynamics.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2013, 246–247, 34– 43.
[11]Guanglei Qiu, Kawi Wirianto, Yuanlong Sun, Yen Peng Ting*. Effect of silver nanoparticles on system performance and microbial community dynamics in a sequencing batch reactor.Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016. 130, 137–142.




