2008年3月 - 2009年9月在加拿大阿爾伯塔大學試驗醫學和病理研究所 (University of Alberta) 做博士後。在留學期間曾訪問過U.S. National Cancer Institute at National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), University of North Carolina and Duke University.
科學基金和省部級科技項目總計5項。 並且在短期內迅速組建了自己的課題組,開展了新型砷代謝產物對細胞線粒體呼吸鏈膜蛋白複合體的影響等方面的研究。已在權威國際雜誌上發表SCI論文二十餘篇 (平均影響因子大於3.7)。近年來穩定在AS2O3的代謝及抗腫瘤等機理研究方面,已經基本形成了一套理論研究體系,新型AS2O3代謝產物對急性早幼粒細胞疾病的創新成果具有全新的套用前景。 1、代表性論文(5篇) (1). Bu, N., Wang, H., Hao, W., Liu, X., Xu, S., Wu, B., Anan, Y., Ogra, Y., Lou, Y., Naranmandura, H (那仁滿都拉)* (2011) Generation of Thioarsenicals is Dependent on the Enterohepatic Circulation in Rats. Metallomics. DOI:10.1039/C1MT00036E (2). Naranmandura, H (那仁滿都拉)*., Xu, S., Sawada, T., Hao, W., Liu, H., Bu, N., Ogra, Y., Lou, Y., Suzuki, N. (2011) Mitochondria are the Main Target Organelle for Trivalent Monomethylarsonous Acid (MMAIII)-Induced Cytotoxicity. Chem. Res. Toxicol. DOI: 10.1021/tx200156k (3). Naranmandura, H (那仁滿都拉)*., Bu, N., Suzuki, K. T., Lou Y, Ogra, Y. (2010) Distribution and speciation of arsenic after intravenous administration of monomethylmonothioarsinic acid in rats. Chemosphere. 81, 206-213. (4). Naranmandura, H (那仁滿都拉)*., Iwata, K., Suzuki, K. T., Ogra, Y. (2010) Distribution and metabolism of four different dimethylated arsenicals in hamsters. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 245, 67-75. (5). Naranmandura, H (那仁滿都拉)*., Ogra, Y., Iwata, K., Lee, J., Suzuki, K. T., Weinfeld, M., Le, X. C., (2009) Evidence for toxicity differences between inorganic arsenite and thioarsenicals in human bladder cancer cells. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 238, 133-140.
2007年獲Young Scientist Award (日本藥學&環境毒性學大會)。
2007獲國際會議Young Scientist Award (International Symposium on Metallomics)。