





教授 (2014.9-至今)
博士生導師 (2013.7-至今)
經濟系主任 (2013.4-2014.12)
講師、副教授 (2006.7-2014.8)
中國收入分配研究院 工資與收入分配中心 主任 (2011年至今)
博士後 (2011.1- 2011.12 / 2013.6 - 2013.9)
訪問學者 (2010.1- 2010.12)
訪問學者 (2017.9- 2018.9)
OECD發展中心(巴黎)訪問學者 (2008.6 - 2008.7)


2001.09-2006.07 北京大學光華管理學院套用經濟系(碩博連讀)
1996.09-2000.07 中國農業大學資源與環境學院





“Education Expansion, Assortative Marriage, and Income Inequality in China,” China Economic Review, 2019, 55: 37-51. (with Haifeng Nie)
“Do Trade Unions Reduce Gender Earnings Differentials? Evidence from Employer-Employee Matched Data in China”, Pacific Economic Review. 2019. (with Jing Liu and Yuhao Ge)
“Education Development and Wage Inequality in Urban China,” Asian Economic Papers, 17(2), 2018. (with Shi Li and Shanshan Wu)
“The Medium-Run Effect of China's Higher Education Expansion on the Unemployment of College Graduates,” China Economic Review, 2018, 51: 181-193. (with Peng Yang and Zhilong Li)
“Does Migrating with Children Influence Migrants' Occupation Choice and Income?” Journal of Asia and Pacific Economy, 2017, 22(1): 156-172. (with Yinheng Wei).
“The Preference for Larger Cities in China: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants,” China Economic Review, 2017, 43(4):72-90. (with Junfu Zhang)
“Migrate for Education: an Unintended Effect of School District Combination,” China Economic Review, Sept. 2016, 40(9): 192–206. (with Jing Liu)
“Population Adjustments in Response to Local Demand Shifts in China,” Journal of Housing Economics, 2016, 33(9): 101–114 (with Dongdong Luo), also appears as IZA Discussion Paper No. 9063, May 2015.
“Regional Variation of the Minimum Wages in China,” IZA Journal of Labor and Development, 2016, 5:8, DOI: 10.1186/s40175-016-0054-x (with Jianwei Xu).
“Ownership Restructuring and Wage Inequality in Urban China,” International Labour Review, 155(1): 57-72, 2016 (with John Whalley).
“Migration, Self-selection, and Income Distributions: Evidence from Rural and UrbanChina,” The Economics of Transition, 22(3):539–576, July 2014.
“China's Higher Education Expansion and Unemployment of College Graduates,” China Economic Review, (with Shi Li and John Whalley), 30: 567–582, Sep. 2014.
“The Regional Distribution of the Skill Premia in Urban China and its implications for Growth and Inequality,” International Labour Review, (with John Whalley), 153(3): 395–420, 2014. (A previous version appears as an NBER Working Paper, No. 16575.)
“The Role of Life Insurance in an Emerging Economy: Human Capital Protection or Asset Allocation?” Journal of Banking & Finance, 50(1): 19-33, 2015. (with Xiaojun Shi and Hung-Jen Wang).
“Are Migrants Discriminated Against in Chinese Urban Labour Markets?” IZA Journal of Labor and Development, 2014, 3:17. (with Jason Gagnon and Theodora Xenogiani)
“Residual Wage Inequality in Urban China,1995-2007,” China Economic Review, 2012, 23(2): 205-222. (with Shi Li)
“Changes in Job Structure and Rising Wage Inequality in Urban China, 1995-2007,” Frontiers of Economics in China, 2012, 7(2): 305-337.
“Wage Determination and Returns to Education in Different Ownerships of China: Evidence from Quantile Regressions,” Frontiers of Economics in China, 2007, 2(1): 114-136.
《戶籍差異與大學生就業——基於高校畢業生就業調查的經驗研究》,《勞動經濟研究》,2016,4(2): 72-94。(與王玉潔、李澤冰、劉雅麗、崔小勇、蔣承合作)
《教育擴展、遷移與城鄉教育差距 ——以大學擴招為例》,《經濟學(季刊)》,2013年第13卷第1期第207-232頁。“浦山世界經濟學優秀論文獎”(2014)入圍論文。


“Human Capital and Urbanization in the People's Republic of China,” ADBI Working Papers 603, Asian Development Bank Institute, 2016
“Human Capital, Rural Industrialization and China's Labor Market in 1990s”, in Song Shunfeng and Chen Aiming (eds.), China's Rural Economy after WTO: Problems and Strategies, with Chen Yuyu, Ashgate Publishing House, UK,July, 2006.
“Human Capital and Wage Determination in Different Ownerships, 1989-97”, in Wan Guanghua (ed.), Understanding Inequality and Poverty in China: Methods and Applications, Palgrave Macmillan, Feb., 2008
《上市公司高管與普通員工的薪酬差距》 ,與牟昕盼合作,載李實、賴德勝、羅楚亮編《中國收入分配研究報告》,社會科學文獻出版社,2013.




“China's Key Labor Market Trends, Challenges and Policy Implications: Employment, Wage Structure, and Labor Productivity,”世界銀行諮詢項目,2016-2017,資助經費2萬美元。
“TA-8234 REG: Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2013-2014 - Economist (42369-014)”亞洲開發銀行,2015,13000美元
“Human Capital and Urbanization in China,”為Urbanization-Poverty-Inequality Triangle in Asia and the Pacific項目子課題,亞洲開發銀行,2014, 13000美元。
“Migration, Self-selection, and Income Distribution: Evidence from Rural and Urban China”, IDRC/CIGI Young China Scholars Poverty Research Network


北京師範大學 “京師英才”獎勵項目一等獎(2014)
北京師範大學 “京師英才”獎勵項目二等獎(2013)


