主要教授課程有《環境監測》、《Environmental Chemistry》
2.國家重點研發計畫專項“武漢城市圈大氣污染聯防控技術集成與套用示範”子課題三:武漢城市圈大氣複合污染成因與輸送規律,項目編號:2017YFC0212603, 2017.7-2020.12,協作單位負責人
4.盆地水文過程與濕地生態恢復學術創新基地開放課題:神農架大九湖持久性有機污染物歷史沉積特徵及環境變化回響(BHWER201503 (A)). 2016.10-2019.09,負責人;
5.岩溶生態系統與石漠化治理重點實驗室2019-2020年度開放課題基金:廣西桂林會仙濕地有機污染物對百年尺度環境變化的沉積記錄回響及其生態效應, 2019.01.01-2020.12.31,負責人;
6.湖北省環境保護廳環保科研項目:國家級重金屬重點防控區大冶市及周邊農用地土壤污染狀況及防治修復對策研究,課題編號:2018HB08, 2018.10-2019.10,負責人之一;
7.2017年礦區環境污染控制與修復湖北省重點實驗室開放基金“黃石市灰霾期大氣顆粒物中污染物組成、分布特性及源解析”(2017102), 負責人
8.2018 年學校區域引導專項:神農架地區環境變化對持久性有機污染物歸趨行為的影響 編號:CUGQYZX1720,負責人
9.國家自然科學基金-青年基金:“偏遠山區POPs大氣沉降通量及源解析-以神農架大九湖為例”,項目編號:41103065, 2012.1 -2014.12;負責人
11.國家自然科學基金面上項目,持續排放條件下有機氯農藥在土壤中的賦存形態和氯穩定同位素研究,項目編號:41073070,2011.01 -2013.12,參與
14.中國地質大學(武漢)實驗技術研究項目立項:“大氣被動採樣器的研製與最佳化”, 2013.5 -2015.5;負責人
15.廣西合山市煤礦區土壤有機污染物多環芳烴環境地球化學評價,編號:2013046191, 2013.6-2015.12;負責人
16.湖北省協調創新中心:“湖北大冶市礦山重金屬污染土壤的植物修復效果與機理探討”, 2013.11-2015.11;負責人
17.亞行貸款武漢城市環境改善(三期)項目——墨水湖綜合整治疏浚工程底質特徵分析, 2012.6-2013.12;負責人
19.博士後面上科學基金:“利用氯穩定同位素研究四川盆地西緣有機氯農藥遷移”,項目編號:20100471205, 2010.6-2011.7;負責人
1.Zhang Y, Zheng H, Zhang L, Zhang ZH, Xing XL*, Qi SH. Fine particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at an urban site of Wuhan, central China: Characteristics, potential sources and cancer risks apportionment. Environmental Pollution,2019, 246:319-327
2.Zheng H, Qu CK, Zhang JQ, Talpur SA, Ding Y, Xing XL*, Qi SH. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in agricultural soils from Ningde, China: levels, sources, and human health risk assessment. Environmental Geochemistry and Health,2019, 41(2):907-919.
3.Zheng H, Kong SF*, Xing XL*, Mao Y, Hu TP, Ding Y, et al. 2018. Monitoring of volatile organic compounds (vocs) from an oil and gas station in northwest china for 1 year. Atmos Chem Phys 18:4567-4595.
4.Zheng H, Xing XL*, Hu TP, Zhang Y, Zhang JQ, Zhu GH, et al. 2018. Biomass burning contributed most to the human cancer risk exposed to the soil-bound pahs from chengdu economic region, western china. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 159:63-70.
5.Hu TP, Zhang JQ, Xing XL, Zhan CL, Zhang L, Liu HX, et al. 2018. Seasonal variation and health risk assessment of atmospheric pm2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a classic agglomeration industrial city, central china. Air Quality Atmosphere and Health 11:683-694.
6.Hu TP, Zhang JQ, Ye C, Zhang L, Xing XL*, Zhang Y, et al. 2017. Status, source and health risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pahs) in soil from the water-level-fluctuation zone of the three gorges reservoir, china. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 172:20-28.
7.Zeng FM, Yang D, Xing XL, Qi SH. 2017. Evaluation of bayesian approaches to identify ddt source contributions to soils in southeast china. Chemosphere 176:32-38.
8.Xinli Xing, Yuan Zhang, Dan Yang et al. Spatio-temporal variations and influencing factors of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in atmospheric bulk deposition along a plain-mountain transect in western China. Atmospheric Environment, 139 (2016) 131-138.
9.Huang Huanfang, Xing Xinli*, Zhang Zezhou, et al. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in multimedia environment of Heshan coal district, Guangxi: distribution, source diagnosis and health risk assessment. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 2016,38(5): 1169-1181.
10.鄭煌, 邢新麗*, 顧延生,等.舟山青浜島不同環境介質中PAHs的分布特徵. 環境科學, 2016:513-519.
11.Qu C, Xing X*, Albanese S, Doherty A, et al. Spatial and seasonal variations of atmospheric organochlorine pesticides along the plain-mountain transect in central china: Regional source vs. Long-range transport and air–soil exchange. Atmospheric Environment, 2015,122:31-40.
12.Liu H, Qi S, Xing X*, et al. Currently used organochlorine pesticides in mianzhu—aba prefecture transect, eastern of the tibetan plateau, western china. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2015, 150:115-124.
13.Liu H, Hu Y, Qi S, Xing X*, et al. Organochlorine pesticide residues in surface water from Sichuan basin to aba prefecture profile, east of the Tibetan plateau. Frontiers of Earth Science , 2015, 9:248-258.
14.Qu CK, Qi SH, Yang D, Xing XL* e al. Risk assessment and influence factors of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in agricultural soils of the hill region: A case study from Ningde, southeast China. JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION, 2015, 149: 43-51.
15.張澤洲, 邢新麗*, 顧延生,等. 舟山青浜島水體及海產品中有機氯農藥的分布和富集特徵. 環境科學, 2015:266-273.
16.Hu, Ying, Yuan, Linxi, Qi, Shihua, Liu, Hongxia, Xing, Xinli*. Contamination of organochlorine pesticides in water and sediments from a waterbird-inhabited lake, East Central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2014, 21(15):9376-9384.
17.Hongxia Liu, Shihua Qi, Dan Yang, Ying Hu, Feng Li, Jia Liu, Xinli Xing*. Soil concentrations and soil-air exchange of organochlorine pesticides along the Aba profile, east of the Tibetan Plateau, western China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2013,7(4): 395–405.
18.瞿程凱, 邢新麗 *等. 土壤-水環境系統有機氯農藥垂直分布與遷移特徵. 環境科學與技術. 2013, 36 (11):44-48.
19.Xinli Xing, Shihua Qi, Chenxi Wu, et al. Spatial distribution and source diagnosis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from Chengdu Economic Region, Sichuan Province, western China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration ,2011, 110:146-154
20.Xing Xinli, Qi Shihua, Zhang Yuan, et al. Soil Organochlorine Pesticide (OCPs) in the East Slope of Tibetan Plateau. PEDOSPHERE, 2010, 20(5):607-615.
21.Xinli Xing, Shihua Qi, Joshua Owago Odhiambo, et al. Influence of Environmental Variables on Spatial Distribution of Organochlorine Pesticides in Sichuan, West China. Environmental Earth Sciences (Environmental Geology), 2009, 9(1): 215-222.
22.邢新麗, 祁士華, 張凱, 等. 地形和季節變化對有機氯農藥分布特徵的影響——以四川省成都經濟區為例.長江流域資源與環境, 2009, 18(10):985-991.
[1] 2008.10-2009.2
英國Lancaster大學 | 環境科學 訪問
[2] 中國地質大學(武漢) | 環境科學與工程 | 博士學位 | 研究生(博士)畢業
[1] 2015.3-2016.2
英國Lancaster大學 | LEC | 學術訪問
[2] 2009.7-至今
中國地質大學(武漢) | 環境學院 | 副教授
[1] 1.大氣-水-土/沉積物介質中有機物污染物的分析方法、空間分布及遷移轉化;2.大氣中污染物的遷移轉化與源解析;