- 中文名稱:避難所/Sanctuary
- 作者:GinnySue
- 類型:言情
- 連載平台:晉江文學網
避難所/Sanctuary 作者:Eustacia VyeA million shattered pieces/ Then let it be/ I'll tell you tales you won't believe/ I'll tell you anyway/ I'll be released. (BT - Lullaby for Gaia)類型:長篇完結分級:NC17年代:Future AU元素:焦慮,戲劇,smut警告:非自願性行為,性暴力章數:12字數:51706發表時間:2007年10月Story notes: I incorporate HBP, then take off running in a different direction. This story was completed two weeks prior to DH. Between my Real Life issues and my beta's, it's now about ready to be released upon the world. 【這篇文太dirty了,目測除了第一章,章章都會被鎖的節奏,喜歡可以去百度德金吧看,JJ我大概是無力了】