遼寧省模擬聯合國大會(Liaoning Model United Nations Conference,LNMUNC)由東北大學模擬聯合國協會主辦,始創於2013 年5 月,旨在探索東北地區乃至更廣大範圍模擬聯合國活動的發展與合作。經過數年的發展,遼寧省模擬聯合國大會(LNMUN)已發展成為遼寧地區規模領先、學術一流及代表參會體驗最優的模擬聯合國會議。每年春夏之際,來自遼寧及吉林、山東等周邊地區的數百名代表雲集東北大學,爭鋒相對,共促進步。
外文名:Liaoning Model United Nation Conference
簡介,創新進取,行遍全國,LNMUN 2013,概述,General Assembly First Committee,UN High Commissioner for Refugees,國際貨幣基金組織(IMF),LNMUN 2014,概述,Third Committee of the General Assembly,World Bank,United Nations Environment Programme,安全理事會,LNMUN 2015,引言,學術創新,COPUOS,GA-3rd,聯合國安全理事會,預防犯罪和刑事司法委員會(CCPCJ),危機委員會,LNMUN 2016,聯合國安全理事會(1998 年),世界貿易組織,聯合國大會第三委員會,World Tourism Organization,主新聞中心(Main Press Center),LNMUN2017,南極條約峰會,聯合國開發計畫署,世界衛生組織,GA2,UNHCR,MPC(主新聞中心),
遼寧省模擬聯合國大會(Liaoning Model United Nation Conference,簡稱 LNMUN、遼模), 是由東北大學模擬聯合國協會承辦,立足區域,面向世界的模擬聯合國活動,目前已成功舉辦四屆。無論從學術水平,參會人數,會議體驗還是參會規模來說,遼模均已成為東北地區首屈一指的模擬聯合國大會。為了進一步拓展大學生的國際視野,遼模致力於搭建立足於整個東北地區大學生交流學習和關注國際事件的平台。東北大學模擬聯合國協會LOGO
Committee: General Assembly First Committee (Disarmament and International Security)
Topic: Global Cooperation of Anti-Cyberterrorism
Committee:United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Topic: Assistance for protection and promotion on rights of refugees
General Assembly First Committee
Topic:Global Cooperation of Anti-Cyberterrorism
Introduction: The continuously developing technology of information has brought our human society although lots of benefits, also many problems. Cyberterrorism is the most important and urgent problems among these ones. Distinct from the allegedordinary terrorism, Cyberterrorism is more convertible, pervasive and low-cost, whichwould easily cause more hidden danger. Pitifully, there exists the lack of a worldwideclosely-tied anti-cyberterrorism system though various regional cooperativeorganizations have already established their own. Thus, this time, General Assembly First Committee (Disarmament and International Security) is going to discuss thepractical measures of defending the Cyberterrorism globally. In the conference,delegates need to enhance the information supervision capacity based on thealready-set system, while other nations need to further develop their informationtechnology and its defensive system. Conflicts couldn't be completely avoided, but fora better world those contradictions need to be deliberated and solved which require senthusiastic participation from every delegates.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Topic: Assistance for protection and promotion on rights of refugees
Introduction: A group of people are never getting a watchful eye on, but they aresurviving in the line between life and death. Hundreds of thousands of people to fleetheir homes by the war broke out; tens of thousands of people displaced by theearthquake. No food, no water, no residence, they wander in the poorest area in theworld. They live in the starvation; they live in the panic; they live in the hopeless.They need assistance for protection and promotion on rights. But all of the assistancemeasures haven’t been solved properly. The whole we want to do is drawing anassistance blue print for the refugees’ rights. UNHCR will boost rights of them, do allwe can do.
In this conference we will find a new way to solve the problems. We will adopt adifferent form of the conference, which is unique and you have never experienced itbefore. We are also substituting the Position Paper for another way in order to adaptthis topic. During the conference, you will be tested by the dais. You will be surprised.
Participate in our committee; you will have a lifelong memorable conference.
Committee:Third Committee of the General AssemblyTopic: Information Protection in the Era of Big Data
Committee:World Bank Topic: World Bank Loan Proposals
Committee:United Nations Environment ProgrammeTopic: Enhancing the Capability of Adapting to Global Climate Change
委員會:安全理事會 議題:中東北非局勢
Third Committee of the General Assembly
Topic: Information Protection in the Era of Big Data
With the rapid development of social network, quick online shopping, the perfection of personal information, and traffic condition under control have constructively progressed people’s living standards. Thanks to increasingly completed database, mankind has entered the era of big data. Education, transportation, medicine, finance, as well as national defense will be growing under the trend of the big data era, which is a double-edged sword due to the easy access to individual and commercial information, and if not used properly, challenges to people’s privacy, and even national security.
Delegates are encouraged to explore the way of taking the advantage of the usage of big data, while avoiding the risk brought by the abuse of it. Meanwhile, the focus of the argument will be international cooperation and competition of informational protection in the range of private information on Internet, business market capacity, and national security.
Settling the problem of information protection will help to establish a strategy of adequately making the technology of big data available to the world and to all. We need your effort to make the future world a better place.
World Bank
Topic: World Bank Loan Proposals
Over the past several decades, the world has made quite great progress in the development and human rights. However, today, more than 1 billion people worldwide are still destitute, in addition, inequality and social exclusion seem to be rising all over the world And many urgent and complex challenges must be overcome to maintain the recent momentum in the world development and human rights protecting.
This year, the committee will concentrate on World Bank Loan Proposals, without any doubt, which must be the most useful and direct weapon to confront with the challenges which World Bank meet. Furthermore, you, as a delegate, could not only put forward the loan proposal on the specific topic, which your representing countries are concerned about most, but, as an executive director of World Bank, raise the suggestions or even amendments on other proposals as well. The pre-Draft Resolution mode will be opened in this committee. Delegates shall look into the topic according to Background Guide, and enhance the communication with the other delegates with potential relationship of cooperation, then finally hand in the Draft Resolution before the conference instead of the Position Paper. The conference will focus on the introduction and debating of the Draft Resolution, and a Draft Country’s Program Document will be reached at the end of the conference.
We believe it must be the motivation for Model United Nations to investigate in diplomatic decision-making on the executive and professional level. So we will utilize the unique rules of procedures, adhere to the professional and rigorous academic standards and provide the individual guidance in order to bring our committee closer to the simulation in World Bank.
United Nations Environment Programme
Language: English
Topic: Enhancing the Capability of Adapting to Global Climate Change
The news of polar bears starving to death has led to a new-round concern for climate warming this summer. Global warming, accompanied and symbolized by melting snow and ice, raising sea levels and shrinking islands, will lead to the possibility of drowning and starving the polar animals, threatening farming lands, and finally, severely challenge human civilization. In the field of preserving the structure of food chain, restricting the emission of carbon dioxide, preventing droughts and crop failures, guaranteeing medical care against sickness arouse by climate change, further global cooperation and aids are fatal and inevitable. It is a trail for all nations to meet this challenge boldly, swiftly and together, in case of consigning the future generation to the irreversible catastrophe.
In the committee of UNEP this year, the mode of Draft Country’s Program Document will also be included. Delegates shall follow Rules of the Procedure during the conference, and finally reach a Draft Country’s Program Document (DCPD) focusing on the projects to be carried on reflecting the solution of the country represented to eliminate carbon emission instead of the Draft Resolution. Delegates in the same bloc will reach the agreement to carry out a DCPD. After that, free debate mode will be opened. The total time for this mode will be ten minutes, of which six minutes will be used for introducing the DCPD, while the rest four minutes for debating. The DCPD will be approved in turns.
The conference will be a precious opportunity for delegates to cultivate their capacity of budget making, communication, and debating in the form of DCPD, and it is guaranteed to be worthwhile for the delegates to experience.
The Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS)
Topic: The Peaceful and Fair Use of the Outer Space
Established in 1959, the Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS), is a subordinate committee of the United Nation General Assembly. It concerns about the technical problem about researching and exploring the outer space. Also, it promotes the cooperation and exchange of the technology between countries. Up to now, the COPUOS has raised 3 declarations and 5 International agreements.The COPUOS cooperated with other committees like FAO, UNESCO, and so forth to help the use of different areas. As a symbol of the advanced technology, the COPUOS will play an increasingly important role in the near future. However, with more artificial satellite been sent into space, the problems of space trash and competing for the better position in space has been serious problems in today’s world. To deal with these problems and develop harmonically, is the issue you are going to discuss in the meeting of the LNMUN2015.
United Nations General Assembly 3rd Committee (GA3)
Topic: The monitor and regulation of Private military companies
For years, the private military companies protect their customers, those VIPs, and profit a lot. However, sometimes they become unidentified as involved into some of the war issues. To definite those people and make their human rights clear is a serious issue, not only for the employees of the private military companies, but also for many of the national troops especially in the war. Protect their human rights when they’re legal, to regulate them when they are on a mission, and sanction them when they cross the line. You are on a duty to deal with it under the United Nations General Assembly 3rd Committee.
Topic: The promotion of shopping tourism in new era Working Language: English Form: Double delegation Shopping is everywhere. When you come to a new city or a new country, you always enjoy delicacies,live in hotel or local family and buy some souvenirs for your family and friends. There are a variety ofconsumptions during your trip and it actually plays such an important role that can make a profound effect on local economy. On the contrary, shopping is becoming an increasingly relevant component of tourism value chain and has converted into a determinant factors affecting destination choice nowadays. Shopping tourism represents a significant source of income for national economies both directly and through the many linkages to other sectors in the economy. Therefore, both countries and international organizations,such as the World Tourism Organization, pay high attention to the continued development of shopping tourism. With the existence of both conventional destinations like Europe and USA and the emerging markets of China and Brazil, what are the barriers for the continued development of shopping tourism in new era? How to deal with the problems and lead the tourism markets to a more prosperous place? Delegates, it’s up to you.
Topic: Innovative Financing for Development Working Language: English Form: Single delegation
Hunger and disease are the twin evils which hold backhuman and economic development, education andemployment. How to apply the sustainable financingmechanisms has become a problem on the way of fightinghunger and disease. As the celebrated Brazilian social activistBetinho said,“the hungry are in a hurry”. We have no occasionto await the return of economic growth before thinking abouthuman dignity, we have to find out a resolvement immediately.
We offer the basic information in the Background Guide,and we expect you to explore the subject comprehensively anddeeply, especially the content related to the country yourepresent.
Topic:the Protection of Children's Basic Human Rights in Conflict and Poverty Area Working Language: English Form: Single delegation
Children, as the vulnerable group of this society, should be protectedspecially and their basic human right should never be violated. However,in the conflict area and poverty area, children’s human right can hardlybe protected. They can even hardly survive in the poverty and conflictarea because their personal security is under great danger. Somechildren in conflict area not only become the victim of war, but also toolof the war. They were sent to the battlefield and become the sacrifice ofthe conflicts. In some area, the sexual violation to the children especiallyto the female children is quite serious. The protection of the basic humanrights in the conflict area is strongly urged by the international society.Also, education is another important topic which concerns deeply aboutchildren. The basic education can hardly realized in the conflict andpoverty area of the world. Education deeply concerns the future of acountry. The education right should be protected and maintained inorder to give these children a better future.
Facing such problems, refugee children problem is urged to besolved in order to provide a better environment for the future of ourworld. International cooperation should also be sought throughnegotiations based on the compromise and debate. All dais membersbelieve that under such challenge, our outstanding delegates could fightfor the better with their talents and full preparations. While heateddiscussions and deliberated resolutions presented in all of our view, youcouldn’t avoid following your heart ----- to rejoice in every second