《道家思想在攝影中的運用》是2000年12月出版的圖書,由Tom Ang編寫。
- 中文名:道家思想在攝影中的運用
- 作者:Tom Ang
- 出版時間:2000年12月
- ISBN:9781840003451
- 裝幀:精裝
Tom Ang has worked as a technical editor, editor and picture editor on many magazines. His own photography both digital and orthodox - has been widely exhibited. He now contributes to, among others, magazines such as What Digital Camera and British Journal of Photography. Tom won the Thomas Cook Travel Book Award for his photography of the Marco Polo Expedition and he is a specialist on Central Asia, and is currently working on two photographic books on the region. He is the author of Picture Editing and Digital Photography and is Senior Lecturer in Photographic Practice at the University of Westminster, London.
Balance and Awareness
Welcome to the Way
Hybrid or inbred?
Exposing the vision
Tunnel of light
Netting the Light
A little goes the furthest
Choosing between formats
When more is ... more
A portal to imaging words
The practical choices
The digital opposition
Pathways of Sensitivity
Pure silver and pure numbers
Tonal variations
Black and white supreme
Duelling partners
Grain and gain
Palatable colours
Scanning: hybridizing the silver
Expose for the Heart
Ruler on the light
Exposing black and white
Exposing colour
Finding the Way
Creative intelligence
Modes of working
Uncertainty and Tao
Approaching the Way
Dance of light
Melody of the body
Seeing eye to eye
Working with hands
Calligraphy of the leaf
Water music
Patterns of chaos
Artefacts and fiction
Transcending space and time
Braving the elements