



  • 中文名:遊戲舞蹈
  • 遊戲類型:舞蹈
遊戲的一個種類或舞蹈的一個功能.從有益於身心悅愉的角度說,遊戲和舞蹈都具有這種共同的特性.遊戲舞蹈便指的是具有這一基本功能的舞蹈.這種舞蹈以自娛為主要目的,因此,它在進行過程中不注重表現,而注重參與,不注重結果,而注重參與的過程.換句話來說,它是以舞蹈的形式達到遊戲的目的.例如兒童舞蹈中的《找朋友》便是屬於遊戲舞蹈的範疇.現代交際舞,除了社交的目的之外,也有遊戲的功能.民族民間舞在擺脫了它的宗教目的和實用的功利目的之後,變成純風俗性的民俗活動和娛樂活動時,往往也行使著遊戲的功能.舞蹈發生學上有關於舞蹈起源於遊戲之說,便基於舞蹈和遊戲之間的這種共性或近親關係. The game or dance a kind of a feature. Yuet Yu from the benefit of physical and mental point of view, games and dance all have such common features. The game is a dance, it refers to the basic functions of dance. This self-Dance the primary purpose of entertainment, so that it does not focus on performance in carrying out the process, while the emphasis on participation, not results-oriented, while the emphasis on participatory process. In other words, it is a form of dance to achieve the purpose of the game. such as children dance in the "FindFriends" is part of the game areas of dance. modern ballroom dancing, in addition to social purposes, there are also functions of the game. Folk Dance religion emerged from its utilitarian purpose and practical purposes, the customs to become a purely of folk activities and entertainment, they often have to exercise the functions of the game. dance school have taken place on the dance originated in the game says that he will be dancing and games based on the commonality between, or near relatives.


